属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-城市规划 铁路大设想
1 | 这三个会搅在一处,光景有什么正经要事罢?-- | They struck him as an incongruous trio. "Up to no good, I’ll bet," he thought | |
2 | 这是部本来很容易让人伤感的专题片,但片中出现在战争与死亡的故事和图像旁边的美丽的埃米看上去确实有点不协调。 | It could have been mawkish, and pretty Amy does look incongruous in the TV film next to the stories and pictures of war and death | |
3 | ||1:那么科迪克在家都喜欢玩什么游戏呢?||2:他说,这些天他只钟情偶合和孩子们晚上一盘“吉他英雄”。||3:他还说,要是像以前一样玩很多的游戏,他怕到时公司的产品都趋近于他的喜好了。||4:他坚持认为,改进游戏的这种决定最好还是留给公司的产品经理,因为他们是综合固定群体的反馈意见来决定的。||5:某些反馈意见应该忽略这一窍门也是众所周知的。||6:他说:“那是一个微妙的平衡。”||7:当科迪克骄傲的展示他公司的滑板控制器的时候,他显得格外的不协调,他把控制器放在地上,一边笑着一边前后摇晃。||8:他比任何人都清楚,要在他的游戏里面取得成功,平衡至关重要。 | ||1: So what games does Mr Kotick like to play at home? ||2: These days, he admits, he only indulges in the odd bout of “Guitar Hero” with his children. ||3: When he used to play more games, he says, he would find himself trying to tweak his firm’s products to accord more closely to his own tastes. ||4: Such decisions are best left to product managers, he insists, who combine their own judgment with feedback from focus groups. ||5: The trick is knowing which bits of feedback to ignore. ||6: “That’s the delicate balance,” he says. ||7: Mr Kotick looks rather incongruous as he proudly shows off his firm’s new skateboard controller, putting it down on the floor and grinning as he wobbles to and fro. ||8: As he knows better than anyone, success in video-gaming is all about balance. | |
4 | ||1:随着操伦敦口音的居民搬到郊区以及周边通勤城镇,MLE正在取代当地的传统语言。这让一些人感到担忧。||2:曾任教师的卡洛琳葛依德现在是一名政客律师演讲指导教练,她表示她看到很多毕业生害怕在工作面试中不能被理解。||3:对一个在巴黎工作的剑桥毕业生来说,这是真的。||4:他的MLE口音跟他磕磕绊绊的法语一样。||5:他说,我知道这不对,但是很难改,你懂吗? | ||1: Helped along by the exodus of old-fashioned Cockney speakers to London’s suburbs and commuter towns, MLE is replacing London’s traditional vernacular. That worries some. ||2: Caroline Goyder, a former teacher who now coaches politicians and lawyers in the art of public speaking, says she sees increasing numbers of school leavers who fear they are incomprehensible in job interviews. ||3: For one young Cambridge graduate working in Paris, that rings true. ||4: His MLE accent is proving as much of a problem as his imperfect French. ||5: “I know it’s incongruous ”, he says, “but it’s hard to lose, y’get me?” | |
5 | ||1:有一些则只需要扩建:自2005年起,搭乘火车旅行的人次上升了35%。||2:但是新街火车站的设计表明,改良的初衷不仅仅是为了实现提供“更舒适的旅行”这一基本目的。||3:这种独特亮眼的建筑出现在迪拜很合适,但是在灰蒙蒙的西米德兰兹郡,就有那么点不合时宜了。||4:城市规划者、独立设计小组主席Bernard Zissman解释说想建一些地标性的建筑物,就像纽约的中央车站一样。 | ||1:Some simply need to be expanded: the number of train journeys has risen by 35% since 2005.||2:But the design of New Street suggests aspirations well beyond more easeful travel.||3:The building would not look out of place in Dubai and is striking, if slightly incongruous , in the grey West Midlands.||4:City planners wanted something monumental, like Grand Central station in New York, says Sir Bernard Zissman, chairman of the independent design panel. | |
6 | ||1:在中国的课堂上,学生们很少质疑教师,这是中国社会尊重权利更广泛的体现。||2:因此,学校和大学里西式辩论的增多,有时会反对共产党出台的政策,显得很不协调。||3:但是对于此种辩论的兴趣越来越高。 | ||1:Sep 14th 2013 | SHANGHAI |From the print editionIN CHINESE classrooms, students rarely question teachers—part of a broader deference to authority in Chinese society.||2:So the growth of Western-style debating in schools and universities, in which participants sometimes argue against prevailing Communist Party policies, can seem incongruous .||3:But interest in such debates is growing. | |
7 | “那时我才11岁,”他用沙哑的声音、带着一种不协调的布鲁克林腔调(高斯林是加拿大人)回答。 | "I was 11 years old, " he says, in his gravelly voice that carries an incongruous hint of Brooklyn (Gosling is Canadian). | |
8 | 但是除了这些,这是一个挺有意思的故事——在欧洲至关重要的历史时期,描写了一位知名作家不为人知的阴暗面。 | But that apart, it is an enjoyable yarn about a famous author’s incongruous role in a murky, vitally important period of European history. | |
9 | 荒诞的,荒唐的= | absurd-- Ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable | |
10 | 矛盾修饰法,一种把互相矛盾或不调和的词合在一起的修辞手法,如震耳欲聋的沉默和悲伤的乐观。 | Oxymoron: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist. | |
11 | 那里的太太们身穿晚礼服,嘴里哼唧着英语跟人交谈,引来此起彼伏的笑声,看上去多么不相宜啊! | How incongruous seemed the mem-sahibs there, in their evening-dresses, the hum of English conversation, and the ripples of laughter! | |
12 | 你这不合时宜的老妇人! | You incongruous Old Woman of Smyrna! | |
13 | 其结果就像初雪上溅满了内脏一样生动而不协调。 | The result has been as vivid and incongruous as spilt guts on virgin snow. | |
14 | 然而,比亚迪H股1570亿港元(合200亿美元)的市值看起来越来越不靠谱——市账率仅略低于10倍。 | Yet a HK$157bn ($20bn) market capitalisation, just shy of 10 times book value, looks increasingly incongruous . | |
15 | 如此长且缓慢的进度好像和技术变革的步伐不太协调。 | Such a long, slow process seems incongruous given the pace of technological change. | |
16 | 如果非言语语言暗示跟言语语言有不相符的地方,那么交流就会受阻。 | If the nonverbal cues and the spoken message are incongruous , the flow of communication is hindered. | |
17 | 他的身材比我想象中要高,黑色西服里面穿着白衬衣,浓浓的白发与他那张天使般的脸显得不太相称。 | He is taller than I had supposed. Wearing a black suit with a white shirt, his shock of white hair is incongruous against a cherubic face. | |
18 | 他们对虐待的上限进行了既不协调的设置。 | They set out in incongruous detail the limits of abuse. | |
19 | 维基解密招募了媒体造谣的设计者与媒体造谣作斗争:一个不适当的和自我毁灭的程序。 | Wikileaks has enlisted the architects of media disinformation to fight media disinformation: An incongruous and self-defeating procedure. | |
20 | 一座建筑物不相称的比例 | the incongruous proportions of a building | |
21 | 有一个问题显得特别不协调,引起了她的注意。 | There was one question that especially struck her, it seemed so incongruous . | |
22 | 在结构性的涨价面前,这两项看上去都不协调。 | In the face of structurally higher prices, both look incongruous . | |
23 | 这就好像一个人虽然拥有一部移动电话,但却不得不排着几个小时的队等水喝,这种情况看上去是不协调的。 | It seems incongruous that somebody can own a mobile phone, yet has to waste hours queuing for drinking water. | |
24 | 这种行为对于用户的视力和触觉来说都是无法感知到的,但对于HDAPS来说显然并非如此。 | This behavior is incongruous with the user perception both in sight and touch. A knock is a knock to us, but apparently not to the HDAPS. | |
25 | 这座现代建筑与那个古老的村庄显得不和谐。 | The modern building looks incongruous in that quaint old village. |