属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-削减预算 十便士的规划(1)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-打扫房间与脱欧 伦敦欧元清算(1)
1 | 而我们应该说,那红字深深烙进海丝特的胸膛,因此在那个传说中包含着比我们如今将信将疑的更多的真理。 | And we must needs say, it seared Hester’s bosom so deeply, that perhaps there was more truth in the rumour than our modern incredulity may be inclined to admit. | |
2 | 话是在尾梢处转了调子,显着不能轻信的意味。姨太太的脸色可就变了,突然抽回了那摆在冯云卿胸口的一 | As he said the last few words, a note of incredulity crept into his voice, which his concubine was not slow to notice. A flush of anger sprang to her cheeks as she snatched her hand from his chest and spat in his face | |
3 | 她可以感到,屋里所有的人难以置信地望着她。 | She was conscious of everyone in the room regarding her with incredulity | |
4 | 她已看出了人们不再信任她。 | She read their incredulity in their averted looks | |
5 | 开始时他没有感觉,只觉得全然没法子相信。 | At the beginning he had no feeling except sheer incredulity | |
6 | 没有什么值得怀疑的地方。 | Nothing about them causes incredulity | |
7 | 声音中流露出一丝迟疑。 | There was a hint of incredulity in her voice." | |
8 | 什么!用于表示惊讶,不相信或其它强烈且突然的缴动情绪 | Used to express surprise,incredulity ,or other strong and sudden excitement. | |
9 | 虽然,她的气质起了变化,但她还是坚决采取不相信的态度。 | Though her complexion varied, she stood firm in incredulity | |
10 | 他单单感到种骄傲,感到种难以置信。 | All he felt was incredulity and pride | |
11 | 要不是那天你表示怀疑的话,我决不会打断你的思路的。 | I should not have intruded it upon your attention had you not shown some incredulity the other day | |
12 | 由于这一类桃色事件在意大利并不希奇,所以伯爵夫人没表示出丝毫的怀疑,只是恭喜阿尔贝成功。 | As similar intrigues are not uncommon in Italy, if we may credit travellers, the countess did not manifest the least incredulity , but congratulated Albert on his success | |
13 | 于是莫雷尔以鄙夷不屑的怀疑摇摇头。 | And Morrel dropped his head with disdainful incredulity | |
14 | 令人难以接受的是,川普削减的开支部分涵盖教育,住房,国家公园,这几部分的预算自2010年起,下调幅度已经超过了10%。 | Cue incredulity . The part of the budget Mr Trump would cut, which funds things like education, housing and national parks, has already fallen by over 10% in real terms since 2010. | |
15 | 他的怀疑是可以理解的。 | His incredulity was understandable. | |
16 | 一种选择是从伦敦搬迁,这个想法以夹杂着怀疑,不屑和恐惧的态度受到该市的欢迎。 | One option is relocation from London, an idea greeted in the City with a mixture of incredulity , disdain and fear. | |
17 | 奥斯本流着泪,喘着气,看见有人出其不意地替他打抱不平,诧异得不敢相信,只抬头望着他。 | Osborn, gasping and in tears, looked up with wonder and incredulity at seeing this amazing champion put up suddenly to defend him. | |
18 | 本周,整个计划被媒体公诸于众,越南人对此嗤之以鼻。 | As news of the plan hit the media this week, Vietnamese expressed incredulity . | |
19 | 俄罗斯最初对该提议的反应抱怀疑态度。 | Russia’s initial response seems to have been incredulity . | |
20 | 她从来没考虑过在纽约之外的什么地方生活,就像她一点儿也不怀疑别的地方的人从来没有考虑过会在纽约生活一样。 | She rarely considered a life elsewhere; the way, she supposed, with faint incredulity , most people never considered a life in New York. | |
21 | 她的声音里透出一种怀疑。“要我回来接你吗?”我对她喊到.她点了点头。 | There was a hint of incredulity in her voice. " Want me to come back and get you? " I called to her. She nodded. But | |
22 | 内贾德的演讲和回答也赢得一些听众的掌声。不过他的大多数话都遭到怀疑。 | Mr Ahmadinejad’s remarks and answers drew applause in parts, but much of what he said was met with incredulity . | |
23 | 他的结论受到了《纽约时报》专栏作家托马斯·弗里德曼的怀疑。 | His claim was met with incredulity by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. | |
24 | 他说学生们读到他的书的第一反应就是难以置信他们所生活的世界上发生着大屠杀。 | He says that one of the first reactions of students reading the first book is incredulity that the killing happened in their lifetime. | |
25 | 他又显出很惊讶的样子,他带着痛苦和诧异的神气望着她。 | Again his astonishment was obvious; and he looked at her with an expression of mingled incredulity and mortification. She went on. | |
26 | 我还记得大家当时爆发出了不可置信的哄堂大笑:共产党太有凝聚力了; | I still recall the guffaws of incredulity : the Communist party was too cohesive; | |
27 | 我立刻想到我理解了我个人怀疑的预感了。 | For an instant, I thought that I understood my own feelings of incredulity . | |
28 | 这个月初,让六年制的学生们难以置信的是,这个秋季他们得到的政府补助金将会比去年少。 | Earlier this month sixth forms learned, to their incredulity , that they would be receiving less government money this autumn than last. | |
29 | 中国媒体对于朝鲜建设一座先进的铀浓缩厂的新闻持怀疑态度。 | The news that North Korea had built a sophisticated uranium enrichment plant was received with incredulity by Chinese media outlets. |