属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-处于改革浪潮中的庞大机构 政府官员的经验之谈
1 | “我想它们大概是靠舔石头过日子吧。”弗兰兹怀疑地笑了笑说。 | "Who live upon the stones, I suppose," said Franz with an incredulous smile | |
2 | “这就是红衣主教斯帕达的声明,也就是人们找了那么久的遗嘱吗?”唐太斯问道,他心里依旧是半信半疑的。 | "It is the declaration of Cardinal Spada, and the will so long sought for," replied Edmond, still incredulous | |
3 | 爱尔尔似乎不信,但也没开口反驳。 | Emil looked incredulous , but he did not dispute the point | |
4 | 不轻信怀疑的状态或性质;不信任 | The state or quality of being incredulous ; disbelief. | |
5 | 不相信道听途说. | be incredulous of hearsay | |
6 | 不消说,脸上的表情不妥当,这本身就活该挨收拾;比方说,人家明明在宣布胜利的喜讯,怎么能显得满肚子怀疑? | In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example)was itself a punishable offence | |
7 | 对有关飞碟的故事表示怀疑 | Incredulous of stories about flying saucers. | |
8 | 怀疑的表情. | incredulous looks | |
9 | 怀疑的微笑[眼神] | An incredulous smile [look] | |
10 | 即使在他最红最爱欢迎的时候,人们也不会相信他能徒手毙狼,何况现在群情激愤,更没人相信他了。 | Even at the time of his greatest popularity people would have refused to believe him capable of it(killing a wolf)and in their present angry mood they would be more incredulous than ever | |
11 | 她显出怀疑的样子。 | She looked incredulous . | |
12 | 卡斯特纳不相信并且企图赶走高斯。 | Kastner was incredulous and sought to dismiss gauss | |
13 | 可是固执的斯图阿特仍旧不服输。一局牌打完,他又扯起来了:“弱夫先生,您应该承认,地球缩小了,这是一种开玩笑的说法! | But the incredulous Stuart was not convinced, and when the hand was finished, Said eagerly: `You have a strange way, Ralph, of proving that the world has grown smaller | |
14 | 马丁露出惊疑的神情。 | Martin looked incredulous | |
15 | 如果我不是习惯了听到这种回答,我都可能不相信,因为很久以来我已确信这个情况:能看得见的人却看不到什么。 | I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such reposes, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little | |
16 | 若不是我听惯了这样的回答,我可能不会相信,我早就确信,有目者熟视无睹。 | I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses, for long age I became convinced that the seeing see little. | |
17 | 若不是我早就听惯了这种回答,早就确信:明眼人熟视无睹,我定会大吃一惊的。 | I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little | |
18 | 若非我已经习惯了这样的回答,我可能不敢轻易相信。 | I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses. | |
19 | 四双惊讶的眼睛看着我打开了冰箱。现在我们有一个文化上的问题。我看见了一个漂亮的可口的红苹果。“好,这是普通的食物。” | The English-speaking young man translated. Four pairs of incredulous eyes looked at me as I proceeded to open the refrigerator. Now we had a cultural problem. I saw a nice red Delicious apple. "Okay, that’s normal food. | |
20 | 他变了脸色,带着半信半疑的讨厌的神气望着她。 | His face darkened, and he looked at her in incredulous horror | |
21 | 他们不轻信道听途说。 | They are incredulous of hearsay. | |
22 | 他用怀疑的神情问我。 | He asked me with an incredulous look. | |
23 | 我告诉他们,一开始他们都不相信,可后来都高兴得一蹦三尺高。 | I had told them who were at first utterly incredulous and then over the moon. | |
24 | 我们不轻易相信有鬼。 | We are incredulous about ghosts. | |
25 | 我虽然不是腾格拉尔先生那样的银行家,但我的多疑心倒也不逊于他。” | I am not a banker, like M. Danglars, but I am quite as incredulous as he is." | |
26 | 我心急火燎地给饭店打电话,旅馆职员有点不相信,漫不经心。他笑了起来,说还没有人捡到。 | Frantically, phoned the hotel. The clerk was incredulous and a bit aloof. He laughed, saying it hadn’t been reported. | |
27 | 现在的人不信鬼和神. | People nowadays are incredulous about gods and ghosts. | |
28 | ||1:长期以来,大项目出差错时纳税人会因而感到十分愤怒。||2:柏林新机场建设已有三年逾期,并且预计耗资60亿欧元(81亿人民币),三倍于原来的预算。||3:但在现今,选民和政客尤其无法忍受公务员服务效率低下。其中一个提示便是紧缩政策。||4:另一个则是技术,这不仅正在改变公共服务的提供方式—思考“大规模开放式在线课程”的教育—但同时也是在思考他们可以被评估的方式。||5:社交网络让用户有机会抱怨医院候诊室漫长的等待时间和自己的数学成绩。||6:或许最大的压力是时间的流逝:私营部门的工作人员对于为何公务员要逃避已经改变了全球政府各部的创造性破坏表示质疑。 | ||1:There has long been taxpayer fury when big projects go awry.||2:Berlin’s new airport is three years overdue and predicted to cost 6 billion (8.1 billion), three times the original estimate.||3:But voters, and thus politicians, are especially intolerant of civil-service inefficiency nowadays.||4:One prompt is austerity. Another is technology, which is changing not only how public services are delivered—think of “massively open online courses” in education—but also the way they can be measured.||5:Social networks enable users to grumble about hospital waiting-times and mathematics results.||6:Perhaps the biggest pressure is the passing of time: private-sector workers are incredulous as to why civil servants should escape the creative destruction that has changed other offices around the world. | |
29 | ||1:研究政治的人第一次真正注意茶党运动还数两年前。当时茶党在犹他的门徒拒绝提名江湖地位崇高的鲍勃-本内特竞选连任,直接宣告了他的政治生涯的终结。||2:满脑袋疑问的国会议员们肯定想问,如果本内特还不够保守,到底地球上还有没有人称得上保守了?||3:有一个人在这个问题上费的脑筋比其他人都多,花的时间比其他人都长。这个人就是犹他另一位江湖地位更高的共和党参议员奥林-哈奇。他从1977年就任职至今。 | ||1: THE political class first sat up and paid real attention to the “tea-party” movement two years ago, when its acolytes in Utah ended the career of Bob Bennett, a venerable Republican senator, by denying him the party’s nomination for his re-election bid. ||2: If Bob Bennett is not conservative enough, incredulous congressmen asked, who on earth is? ||3: One person assumed to have dwelt long and hard on that question is the other, even more venerable Republican senator from Utah, Orrin Hatch, who has been in office since 1977. | |
30 | “那时我23岁,刚刚搬进我的第一套公寓。”Graham说着,带着笑容和一丝不可置信的表情。 | "I was 23, and just moved into my first apartment, " Graham says, laughing and incredulous . |