属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最低工资标准 多少才合理
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本消费税 税收稳定经济
1 | 增量预算法:一般只需对上期预算水平的增加部分(或减少部分)加以说明的预算过程。 | Incremental budgeting: A budget process in which justification is generally required only for increments (or decrements)to previous budgeting levels. | |
2 | 这是最初增量的最初比。 | This is the prime ratio of the nascent increments | |
3 | 只要适当换档,即可不断地加速奔驰。即使在弯道或不平坦的路面上,亦可轻松地控制车辆。 | Perfectly spaced gear increments allow the vehicle to go from strength to strength on the open road, and they give you complete control when negotiating twisting roads or uneven, loose surfaces. | |
4 | ||1:另一种方法是更循序渐进的增税。||2:耶鲁大学的经济学家Koichi Hamada参与设计了安倍经济计划。他表示增税可以在未来的五年增加1%。||3:安倍先生的团队会研究这一策略。||4:野村证券的Naka Matsuzawa认为,如果增税,债券市场可能会保持冷静。 | ||1:An alternative could be to lift the tax more gradually.||2:Koichi Hamada, an economist at Yale University who helped to design Abenomics, has said that the levy could be raised in increments of 1% over five years.||3:Mr Abe’s panel will study this option, among others.||4:As long as the tax is raised significantly in some way, says Naka Matsuzawa at Nomura Securities, the bond market would probably stay calm. | |
5 | 而美国联邦最低工资标准是由领导层设定的,而且每次调整增幅较大,也没什么规律可言, | In America, the federal floor is set by politicians and adjusted irregularly in huge increments . | |
6 | 而剩下的13项就算有所提高也是微乎其微。 | The remaining 13 have seen only small increments . | |
7 | 耶鲁大学经济学家,同时也是安倍经济学的设计者之一滨田弘一表示可以在未来五年内,消费税率提高1%。 | Koichi Hamada, an economist at Yale University who helped to design Abenomics, has said that the levy could be raised in increments of 1% over five years. | |
8 | Metronome的方法用于将执行GC循环的时间划分为一系列的增量,称作量子。 | Metronome’s approach is to divide the time that consumes GC cycles into a series of increments called quanta. | |
9 | PerformStep方法按照Step属性中指定的数量增加进度栏的值。 | The PerformStep method increments the value of the progress bar by the amount specified by the Step property. | |
10 | 按给定的元素数递增反向迭代器。 | Increments the reverse iterator by the given number of elements. | |
11 | 按住Shift键和Ctrl键的同时按向下箭头键或向右箭头键,以较大增量调整控件大小。 | Press the DOWN or RIGHT arrow keys while holding down the SHIFT and CTRL keys to resize the control in large increments . | |
12 | 标记插入文件后,探查器会自动递增标记标识符。 | The profiler automatically increments the mark identifier after the mark is inserted into the file. | |
13 | 标头信息并不需要整MB的空间,但Windows是以MB为增量确定页面文件大小的。 | The header information does not require a full megabyte of space, but Windows sizes your paging file in increments of megabytes. | |
14 | 不必一次完成,有氧运动的时间甚至可以每次10分钟进行累加。 | That doesn’t have to be all at one time, though. Aerobic exercise can even be done in 10-minute increments . | |
15 | 不积硅步无以至千里,无论你的终极目标有多么的远大,如果你愿意从小处做起循序渐进,你就更有可能达到目标。 | No matter how ambitious your ultimate goal is, you’re more likely to attain it if you’re willing to start small and get there in increments . | |
16 | 长任务难以入手,把它们按时间分割,这样你会觉得小任务很快就要做完了。 | Break tasks in to hour increments . Long tasks are hard to get into; feels like it all needs to get done. | |
17 | 除了某人请求新的序列号之外,CE服务器还在每次更新持久化对象之后都将USN增加1。 | The CE server increments the USN whenever the persisted object is updated, not just when someone has requested a new sequence number. | |
18 | 递增模具缓冲区项,固定到最大值。 | Increments the stencil buffer entry, clamping to the maximum value. | |
19 | 分阶段构建项目,以增量的形式进行发布。 | Build your project in phases, and release in increments . | |
20 | 该运算符使用右侧表达式的值递增运算符左侧变量的值。 | Which increments the value of the variable on the left side of the operator by the value of the expression on the right. | |
21 | 个人对于OpenUP项目的贡献被组织在微增量之中,如图1所示。 | Personal effort on an OpenUP project is organized in micro-increments , as shown in Figure 1. | |
22 | 个人对于OpenUP项目的贡献被组织在微增量中。 | Personal contribution on an OpenUP project is organized in micro-increments . | |
23 | 根据新规定草案,收购人将可以在购入超过5%的股份后发出部分收购要约。 | Under the draft measures, the acquirer is permitted to make a partial tender offer in increments of 5 per cent of the shares. | |
24 | 跟踪条按指定的增量移动并且可以水平或垂直排列。 | The track bar moves in increments that you specify and can be aligned horizontally or vertically. | |
25 | 更新过程可以使用一个脚本自动进行,这个脚本负责递增序列号,并调用 | The update process can be automated in a script that increments the sequence number and calls | |
26 | 构建:对有用的增量进行开发、论证和评估 | Construction: development, demonstration, and assessment of useful increments | |
27 | 构建复杂场景时,应逐步开发并随时检查。 | When building a complex scenario, develop it in increments , checking it as you go. | |
28 | 过去的几十年里,丰田通过它闻名于世的“持续改进”方式,以累积极小的提升幅度逐步树立起自己的声誉,占有属于自己的市场份额。 | Over decades, Toyota built its reputation and market share in tiny increments through its renowned "continuous improvement" method. | |
29 | 后续渐进式要求可能会添加对购买的商品进行礼品包装或请求由不同供应商提供的目录的选项。 | Later increments might add the option of gift wrapping the purchase or of requesting catalogs that are provided by different vendors. | |
30 | 获取或设置一个值,该值指示对于添加到该表中的新行,列是否将列的值自动递增。 | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column automatically increments the value of the column for new rows added to the table. |