属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-年轻与焦躁 The young and the res
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生育技术 英国通过三亲婴儿决议
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-安东尼.阿特金森 为了穷人,为了富人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-家中安息 家庭援助
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-癌症治疗 查理检查站
1 | 在任命职位方面,他有着不可救药的广泛的裙带关系,轻视才能,信赖一种神秘的称为"性格"的东西,在绅士的嘴里,意指他自己传统上所拥有的品质。 | He has an incurable and widespread nepotism in appointment, discounting ability and relying upon a mystic entity called ’character,’ which means, in a gentleman’s mouth, the qualities he traditionally possesses himself. | |
2 | 在任命职位方面,他有着不可救药的广泛的裙带关系,轻视才能,信赖一种神秘的称为"性格"的东西,在绅士的嘴里,意指他自己传统上所拥有的品质。 | He has an incurable and widespread nepotism in appointment, discounting ability and relying upon a mystic entity called ’character,’ which means, in a gentleman’s mouth, the qualities he traditionally possesses himself. | |
3 | 这只猫的病显然没法治好了,老夫妇只得请人把它杀掉。 | The cat was evidently incurable and the old couple had to get it put away | |
4 | 种族、性别歧视、贫富分化、警察暴力、枪支泛滥及司法不公等问题积重难返、臭名昭著。 | The United States is notorious with its recurrent and incurable racial and gender discrimination, the ever widening divide between the rich and the poor, police brutality, gun abuse and judicial injustice. | |
5 | ||1:费里斯先生坚持《莫名》并不是一部“魔幻现实主义”的作品,而是一部“现实魔幻小说”。||2:他能够通过创造一种难以治愈的疾病来思考它对于婚姻,事业或者主人公自尊心的影响——而不是通过某种司空见惯的疾病。||3:也正是这样,小说又加深了它带来的恐惧感,使读者对缇姆痛苦的原因困惑不解,到底是生理的还是心理的问题呢?||4:这两者之间能不能画出一条分界线?||5:在小说后三分之一的部分,缇姆放弃了一切去满足自己行走的需要。||6:他任由自己的双腿穿越整个国家,咆哮着,病情不断恶化,他过上了流浪者的生活,没有财产,没有携带任何附属装置(“拥有某物就是一直将他背在背上或者冒着永远失去它的危险”)。||7:但缇姆的困境始终可以被真实的感知,并且他需要人们的同情。他会怎么样?其他人呢? | ||1: Mr Ferris insists that “The Unnamed” is not a work of magical realism, but of “realist magic”. ||2: By inventing an incurable disease, he can meditate on its impact—on a marriage, on a career, on a character’s self-esteem—without dragging in the baggage of a familiar illness. ||3: This also amplifies the horror, leaving readers just as perplexed about what is afflicting Tim. Is this a physical or mental problem? ||4: Can a line be drawn between the two? ||5: In the last third of the book, Tim gives himself over to his need to walk. ||6: Raving and deteriorating, he lets his legs take him across the country, living a hobo’s life without possessions or attachments (“To own something was to keep it on his back or risk losing it forever”). ||7: Yet Tim’s dilemmas still feel real and his needs sympathetic. How does he go on? How does anyone? | |
6 | ||1:线粒体捐献虽然还饱受争议,但这仍旧不是HFEA所要面对的最后一件具有争论性的医学技术问题。||2:例如,现今的医学水平已能对胚胎基因进行排序,甚至剔除那些不可治愈的基因性疾病的基因。||3:虽然,目前人为地选择有益基因是违法的,但是随着人类对自身基因的不断研究和深入理解,患者或许会产生对撤销这一法律规定的诉求那。||4:时HFEA及其类似机构则应为这些医学技术及步骤进行深入的利弊评估,服务民众本就是政府机构的职责所在。 | ||1:Mitochondrial donation will not be the last piece of controversial medicine that the HFEA will need to wrestle with.||2:It is already possible, for example, to sequence the genes of embryos and discard those that carry incurable genetic diseases.||3:Choosing beneficial characteristics is, for now, illegal. But as the human genome becomes better understood, patients may agitate for exemptions.||4:The HFEA, or something like it, offers the best method for evaluating the benefits and risks of such procedures. Sometimes bureaucrats are just what you need. | |
7 | 2014年,安东尼先生被诊断为不治之症。 | In 2014 Sir Anthony had been diagnosed with incurable cancer. | |
8 | ||每个人都会死,但是有些人却更加清楚自己何时会死,且可以提前做好计划。32岁的凯特·格兰格是一位医生,却身患无法治愈的恶性肿瘤,她对自己剩下的时间有巨大的野心。||她不打算死在医院的急诊室,而是她父母的房子—音乐为歌,烛光为舞,亲人相伴。 | ||DEATH comes to all, but some are more sure of its timing, and can make plans. Kate Granger, a 32-year-old doctor suffering from an incurable form of sarcoma, has “very strong ambitions” for her last hours.|| She plans to avoid hospital emergency departments and die at her parents’ house—music playing, candles glowing, family by her side. | |
9 | 他和同事们在一轮实验中测试MPDL3280A,并且面向所有患有任何转移性或者不可治愈肿瘤的人,换句话说,这些病人的肿瘤是目前成熟的治疗手段所不能治疗的。 | He and his colleagues are testing MPDL3280A in a trial open to people who have any type of metastatic or otherwise incurable tumour—those, in other words, for whom established treatments offer no hope. | |
10 | “迈克尔的病没有办法救了。他撑不了多久了。” | "Michael’s incurable . He’s dying. " | |
11 | 阿尔茨海默病是不可治愈的,并且在老年人中发病非常普遍。 | Alzheimer’s disease is incurable and is the most common form of dementia among older people. | |
12 | 癌症肿瘤绝症不治之症 | terminal illness incurable illness cancer tumor | |
13 | 对于身患绝症的前列腺癌病人而言,注射这种疫苗,平均每年需要支付9万3千美元,以多延长4个月的生命。 | It costs $93, 000 a year and adds four months’ survival, on average, for men with incurable prostate tumors. | |
14 | 而稍微了解尿毒症这个病的朋友都知道,这其实是一个绝症.不仅如此,它还需要相当大的一笔钱来治疗。 | If you know something about uremia, you will know that it is indeed an incurable disease that needs a huge amount of money to cure. | |
15 | 附加,他的毒无药可医,省直千代都没有办法解毒。 | Additionally, his poisons are practically incurable , even by Chiyo, who is herself a master of poisons. | |
16 | 该病会导致不断进行但无法治愈的肺损伤。 | The result is progressive and incurable lung damage. | |
17 | 给我一个不走上这条道路的理由,或者因为这无可救药的过错判我有罪。 | Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way, or judge me to be guilty of so many incurable sins. | |
18 | 更重要的是,它否定了艾滋病无法被治愈的神话。 | More than anything, it defies the idea that HIV is incurable . | |
19 | 亨廷顿氏舞蹈症是不治之症,而且基本上无法治疗。 | Huntington’s disease is incurable and essentially untreatable. | |
20 | 洪秀全久病不医的精神分析 | Psychological Analysis on Hong Xiuquan’s Incurable Diseases | |
21 | 患有不治之症的病人经常会寻求不同的疗法,诸如顺势疗法。 | Patients with incurable illness often seek alternative treatments such as homeopathy. | |
22 | 即使在当下无法治愈,科恩警告说:“不要相信这是不治之症”。 | Even though there is currently no cure, cautioned Cohen, "do not believe this is an incurable infection. " | |
23 | 健脾活血方治疗难治性慢性型血小板减少性紫癜的临床观察 | Clinical Observation of Invigorating the Spleen Organ and Promoting the Blood Circulation Recipe on Incurable Chronic Purpura Thrombopenic | |
24 | 她对他这么痴情,害得她掉进了这样悲惨的境地,真是万分心痛。 | The dark state to which her incurable passion for him had brought her now pained her terribly. | |
25 | 就这种疾病而言,同样也包括乳腺癌,早期的诊断可以防止严重的不可治愈的情况出现。 | In the case of this disease, and also breast cancer, such early diagnosis prevents a serious and incurable condition. | |
26 | 老年痴呆症,一种不能彻底治疗、渐进的大脑疾病,是发疯病的最常见的一个原因。 | Alzheimer’s, an incurable , progressive brain disease, is the most common cause of dementia. | |
27 | 慢性前列腺炎难治原因初步分析 | Preliminary Study of Incurable Causes of Chronic Prostatitis | |
28 | 难治性癫痫的外科治疗及术前评估 | Surgical Treatment and Preoperative Evaluation of Incurable Epilepsy | |
29 | 你的痛苦无法医治。我因你的罪孽甚大,罪恶众多,曾将这些加在你身上。 | thy sorrow is incurable for the multitude of thine iniquity: because thy sins were increased, I have done these things unto thee. | |
30 | 佩塔杀掉的绝大多数动物都远非濒临死亡或患有不治之症。 | The vast majority of the animals Peta kills are far from terminal or suffering from incurable conditions. |