属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国和二战 特殊的关系
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-屋漏偏逢连天雨 英镑贬值又遇信誉评级下降
1 | (指人)无目的的,无精神的,不能胜任的,不果断的,迟钝的 | (of a person)lacking purpose or spirit;ineffectual,indecisive or dull | |
2 | 比赛结果不分胜负,因而还得再赛一次. | The result of the game was indecisive and another will have to be played. | |
3 | 非决定性的竞赛;非决定性的战役 | An indecisive contest;an indecisive battle. | |
4 | 高山岩层上不明确的边界 | Indecisive Boundaries running through mountainous terrain. | |
5 | 关于此事我们向他提出了许多问题,但他只给了我们一个无决定性的答案。 | We asked him a lot about this matter, but he only gave us an indecisive answer | |
6 | 慌乱,紧张;兴奋优柔寡断的焦虑状态 | A state of indecisive agitation. | |
7 | 决定性的战役 | the determinative battle.indecisive | |
8 | 模棱两可的答复(非决定性的胜利). | an indecisive answer (victory) | |
9 | 他们把他说成是个优柔寡断、消极又自私的人。 | They painted him as [to be] indecisive , negative and selfish. | |
10 | 他那油嘴滑舌和冷嘲热讽的机智掩盖着他的浅薄、轻率和优柔寡断。 | Beneath his glibness and mocking with he was shallow, flippant, and indecisive | |
11 | 他是一个缺乏个性、没有主见的儒弱者,而不是人群中的领导者(b詹姆斯J.科尔帕里克) | the impression that he is a colorless,indecisive wimp,and not a leader among men(bJames J.Kilpatrick) | |
12 | 他是一个缺乏个性、没有主见的儒弱者,而不是人群中的领导者(詹姆斯J.科尔帕里克) | the impression that he is a colorless,indecisive wimp,and not a leader among men(James J.Kilpatrick) | |
13 | 他优柔寡断,当不了好领导. | He’s too indecisive to make a good leader. | |
14 | 他自觉这种惺忪迷怠的心绪,完全像填词里所写幽闺伤春的情境。 | He felt this indecisive and confused state of mind was exactly like the mood evoked in the springtime poetry describing the longings of maidens secluded in their chambers | |
15 | 我认为我们对EC-121危机的处理是软弱的,举棋不定的,而且是涣散的。 | I judge our conduct in the EC-121 crisis as weak, indecisive , and disorganized | |
16 | 优柔寡断的人. | a man with an indecisive manner | |
17 | 犹豫不决的缺乏决断力的;优柔寡断的 | Lacking in resolution;indecisive . | |
18 | 这个优柔寡断的人经常有幻想的危险闪现在眼前。 | The indecisive man always sees a lion in the way. | |
19 | 这两种意见界线分明。 | There are no indecisive boundaries between the two opinions. | |
20 | ||1:本书写道:后来成为战时指挥官的马歇尔一直拒绝向四面楚歌的英国提供帮助,这种情况一直持续到1941年年末。||2:尽管马歇尔基本上从来没有公开反对向英国提供援助,但是当来自美国的援助一点点流向英国时,他对之进行了阻止;马歇尔还暗中反对政府的政策。||3:几名美国高级军官“实际上是亲德的”。||4:在本书中,罗斯福优柔寡断至极、埋头研究民意调查、“等着被推入战争”—罗斯福就是这么告诉他的财政部长的。||5:珍珠港袭击发生后,在美的英国军官用香槟酒庆祝,甚至在那以后,罗斯福总统仍然犹豫不决,认为“向日本开战”和“在第二战线与德国开战”这两种民意“一直存在区别”。||6:最后,希特勒率先向美国开战,从而为罗斯福做了决定。 | ||1: George Marshall, who would later become a great war commander, is shown resisting help for embattled Britain until late in 1941. ||2: Marshall never quite rebelled openly, but he shielded aides as they leaked and schemed against government policy. ||3: Several senior officers were“essentially pro-German”. ||4: For his part Roosevelt is shown as perilously indecisive , poring over opinion polls and “waiting to be pushed into war”, as he told his treasury secretary. ||5: Even after the attack on Pearl Harbour, which was greeted with champagne by British officials in America, the president hesitated, detecting a “lingering distinction” in public opinion between war with Japan and a second front with Germany. ||6: In the end, Hitler made the decision for him by declaring war on America. | |
21 | ||1:这些天,外汇和政府债券市场进行了一场胶着的竞争,但双方都并未成为投资者看好的投资对象,这算的是一个好消息。||2:但悬而未决的意大利大选却再度唤起投资者对欧元区经济稳定的担忧。但这样的状况对国债而言,还是相对安全的,这样的结论在2011年和2012年都得到了印证。||3:日本和美国都可能会进一步放宽他们的货币政策,并以此来作为对货币进行施压的一种方法。||4:由此可见,英国并不是被麻烦缠身的唯一一个,他并不孤单。 | ||1:The good news is that the foreign exchange and government bond markets are an ugly contest these days, in which few options look attractive.||2:The indecisive Italian election result reawakened investor fears about the stability of the euro zone, and may make gilts appear relatively safe, as was the case in 2011 and 2012.||3:Both Japan and America could loosen their monetary policy further, an approach that may put pressure on their currencies.||4:Britain is not the only country with problems. | |
22 | AB型的人犹豫不决、爱挑剔,他们比较苛求、没耐性,他们没办法坚持到底。 | Type AB people are indecisive and picky. They tend to be demanding and impatient, and they have trouble seeing things through. | |
23 | Cera是优柔寡断的一代人的超级英雄,而这种偏差如果以讽刺来处理会更好。 | Cera is a superhero for an indecisive generation, which might work if the disjunction were played for satire. | |
24 | 奥巴马对墨西哥湾漏油事件的处理态度过于软弱,缺乏决断力。 | Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill has been weak-kneed and indecisive . | |
25 | 把这称之为优柔寡断,但你同时也跌入了一个大的心理陷阱。 | Call it indecisive but you’re also falling into one big mental trap. | |
26 | 北京的独裁者们由于其混乱而优柔寡断的民主而轻视印度。 | Autocrats in Beijing are contemptuous of India for its messy, indecisive democracy. | |
27 | 比尔优柔寡断优柔寡断,当不好领导。优柔寡断? | Bill is too indecisive to make a good leader. | |
28 | 除此以外,对于那些犹豫不决的人,Games.com的《每日游戏》会每隔24小时更新,每次都会有一款让你心甘情愿浪费人生的游戏上榜。 | Plus, for the indecisive , Games. com’s Game of the Day presents a different time waster every 24 hours. | |
29 | 当故事在报纸、电视和网络上爆发时,丰田的老板们除了看起来左右为难,同时也走下了神坛。 | As well as seeming indecisive , Toyota’s bosses went to ground as the story erupted in newspapers, on television and online. | |
30 | 对于他的敌人,他是优柔寡断、性情暴躁和难以相处。 | To his enemies: indecisive , irascible, lacking the human touch. |