1 | 任何一种不受(操作)系统控制而独立运行的程序。通常它自行装入,或由其它独立程序装入。 | Any program that operates independently of system control; generally, it is either self-loading or loaded by another stand-alone program | |
2 | 三、民法通则还规定:企业之间或者企业、事业之间联营,组成新的经济实体,独立承担民事责任,具备法人条件的,经主管机关核准登记.取得法人资格。 | 3. General Principles of the Civil Law also stipulates that if a new economic entity is formed by enterprises or an enterprise and an institution that engage in economic association and it independently bears civil liability and has the qualifications of a legal person, the new entity shall be qualified as a legal person after being approved and registered by the competent authority. | |
3 | 设计费单独列出。 | The engineering cost is listed independently . | |
4 | 十八周岁以上的公民是成年人,具有完全民事行为能力,可以独立进行民事活动,是完全民事行为能力人。 | A citizen aged 18 or over shall be an adult. He shall have full capacity for civil conduct, may independently engage in civil activities and shall be called a person with full capacity for civil conduct. | |
5 | 使企业自主经营、自负盈亏,实现国有资产保值增值。 | Enterprises can operate independently , assume sole responsibility for their profits or losses and preserve and increase the value of state property. | |
6 | 首先,我必须套上妨碍主要关节运动的限制性绷带,随后,一种特殊装置又放到踝关节部位和脚上,使我的脚不能随便动,必须和腿一起活动。 | First, I had to put on restrictive bindings to impede the movements of my main joints.Then a contraption was placed over my ankle and foot, seriously hampering my ability to move my foot independently of the rest of my leg | |
7 | 斯旺和爱迪生两人分别在19世纪70年代末独立制成第一个白炽灯。 | The first practical electric incandescent lamps were independently produced in the late 1870s by Joseph Swan and Thomas Alva Edison. | |
8 | 所有连接到高压源的低压设备都要彻底断开或者,如果不这样的话,一旦操作结束或关闭了较长时间,就单独排入大气。. | All low-pressure equipment connected to sources of high pressure should be disconnected entirely or, if not, independently vented to the atmosphere as soon as the operation is either over or shut down for an extended period of time | |
9 | 他的意见没有任何证据作基础。 | His opinion is formed independently of any proof. | |
10 | 它仅仅意味这个想法必须由竞争者自己独立得到。 | It only means that the competitor must arrive at the idea independently . | |
11 | 天线阵由二十七个拋物面天线组成,每个直径25公尺。每个天线被安装在运输车上,车可沿铁轨移动,铁轨呈巨大的Y字形(每条Y字臂长约21公里)。 | Radio telescope system is consisted of 27 parabolic dishes, each dish is 82 ft (25 m)in diameter and can be moved independently by transporter along rails laid out in an enormous Y pattern whose arms are about 13 mi (21 km)long. | |
12 | 完全正确。但它们也可以独立适用,此外,如果外国人犯罪,可以对他独立适用或附加适用驱逐出境。 | Exactly. But they may also be imposed independently . Besides, if a foreigner commit a crime, deportation may be imposed on him independently or supplementarily. | |
13 | 唯实论与唯名论相对的一种哲学信条,认为宇宙是以其被认为的看法而独立地存在的 | The scholastic doctrine,opposed to nominalism,that universals exist independently of their being thought. | |
14 | 我们必须训练他们独立思考。 | We must train them to think independently . | |
15 | 我们党的十一届三中全会的基本精神是解放思想,独立思考,从自己的实际出发来制定政策。 | The basic principle set forth at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of our Party was that we must emancipate our minds and think independently , formulating policies in light of our own realities. | |
16 | 我们应培养自学能力。 | We should foster our abilities to study independently . | |
17 | 学生应该自己会发这些音。 | The student should be able to enounce these sounds independently . | |
18 | 要维护我们独立自主、不信邪、不怕鬼的形象。 | We should safeguard our reputation for acting independently , for keeping the initiative in our own hands and for refusing to be taken in by fallacies or to tremble in the face of danger. | |
19 | 一、企业法人。它分为两种情况。1、全民所有制企业、集体所有制企业有符合国家规定的资金数额,有组织章程,组织机构和场所,能够独立承担民事责任,经主管机关核准登记,取得法人资格。 | 1. Enterprise as Legal Person. It fails into two categories. (1)An enterprise owned by the whole people or under collective ownership shall be qualified as a legal person when it has sufficient funds as stipulated by the state; has articles of association, an organization and premises; has the ability to independently bear civil liability; and has been approved and registered by the competent authority. | |
20 | 一个或多个独立的旋转滑轮可以用来获得机械利益,在举起重物时更为有益。 | One or more independently rotating pulleys can be used to gain mechanical advantage, especially for lifting weights. | |
21 | 一种图形符号的形式,用以传送独立于语言的信息。 | A form of graphical symbol used to convey information independently of language. | |
22 | 意志缺失,丧志症做出决断或独自行动的能力遭到损害或丧失 | Loss or impairment of the ability to make decisions or act independently . | |
23 | 用人单位根据本单位的生产经营特点和经济效益,依法自主确定本单位的工资分配方式和工资水平。 | An employer shall determine independently its own distribution of wages and wage scale according to the characteristics of production or operation and its economic results. | |
24 | 由于不可能独立地改变喷射密度,要确定地指出喷射密度对燃烧稳定性的影响是很困难的。 | Since injection density cannot be varied independently , it is difficult to show conclusively its effect on combustion stability | |
25 | 由这些元件组合所构成的系统能与电力系统同时并互不相干地列相交换有功与无功功率。 | The combination of these elements forms a system able to interchange active and reactive power simultaneously and independently with the power system. | |
26 | 有的发现可能是人们在不同的时间和地点独立地做出的。 | It is possible that discoveries were made independently in different places at different times. | |
27 | 在过去的10年里。中国的涉外仲裁机构,以事实为依据,以法律为准绳,参照国际惯例,独立、公正地解决了许多中外当事人之间的经济、贸易和海事争议。并由此赢得了声誉,成为了国际上著名的仲裁机构。 | Over the past decade, the China’ s arbitral organs handling cases involving foreign element, basing themselves on facts, taking .laws as criterion and referring to international practices, have settled many economic, trade and maritime disputes between Chinese and foreign parties independently and impartially. Thus they have earned a good reputation and have become world famous arbitral organs. | |
28 | 在太阳镜上装个摄像机,再与计算机相连,就可以使62岁的盲人杰里学会很好地识别物体,并且独自在纽约巾地铁各线行走。 | With a camera fitted into a pair of sunglasses connected to a computer, a 62-year-old blind man, identified only as Jerry, has learned to recognize objects well enough to navigate the New York City subway system independently | |
29 | 在信仰上,中国天主教与世界各地的天主教是一致的;在教会管理上,一切内部事务均由中国天主教教会自主决定。 | In religious belief Chinese catholicism is the same as catholicism anywhere else in the world, while in church administration all the internal affairs are handled according to decisions made by the Chinese Catholic church independently | |
30 | 这两项标准相互补充但也可以单独使用 | These two standards have been designed to complement each other, but can also be used independently . |