属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-如何切断一国互联网?
1 | “但是,”她突然大声说道,“砒霜是不能消除,或灭迹的呀,不管用什么方法吸收它,只要到了足以致死的份量,动物的身体里总是还能找到它的。” | "But," she exclaimed, suddenly, "arsenic is indelible, indestructible ; in whatsoever way it is absorbed, it will be found again in the body of the victim from the moment when it has been taken in sufficient quantity to cause death." | |
2 | 大卫?李嘉图把土地描述为“土壤固有的不可毁灭的力量”。 | David Ricardo described land as the "original and indestructible power of the soil." | |
3 | 但她一进门,我们就感到有一种说不清道不明、充满活力和刚强的气氛,尽管她的步子慢悠、声调甜柔。 | But you felt at the moment she entered, that something vital and strong and somehow indestructible had come in with her, although she moved slowly, and her voice was sweet and soft | |
4 | 皇帝更换的速度之快有时令人费解,但是帝国以及帝国成为谁的上具的神圣计划是不可毁灭的。 | Emperors came and went--sometimes with bewildering rapidity--but the Empire, and the divine plan whose instrument it was, were indestructible | |
5 | 坚固的家具;不可动摇的信念 | indestructible furniture;indestructible faith. | |
6 | 她那永不消逝的春意秋波,使她看上去不是僵硬的,也不是干巴巴的,反倒显得质朴而纯净。 | Her look of indestructible youthfulness made her seem neither hard nor dull, but only primitive and pure | |
7 | 科学家们深信一切物质是不灭的。 | Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible . | |
8 | 老天在上,我对自己这种僵成了石头、想打都打不烂的诚实从来没有一丝一毫的怀疑,直到今天--今天,第一次真正的大诱惑一来,我就--爱德华,我相信全镇子的诚实都变味了,就像我一样 | God knows I never had shade nor shadow of a doubt of my petrified and indestructible honesty until now--and now, under the very first big and real temptation, I--Edward, it is my belief that this town’s honesty is as rotten as mine is | |
9 | 密宗佛教金刚乘仪式中的青铜器 | Bronze Objects Associated with Worship of the Indestructible Path of the Adamantine or Diamond Vehicle of Vajrayana (Esoteric)Buddhism | |
10 | 蔑克里斯这种不可毁灭的内在的厚颜无耻,便是使男子们憎恶他的原因。只要他一出现,不管他装得多么斯文得体,上流人便要引以为耻了。 | That indestructible , inward effrontery in the meagre fellow was what made men so down on Michaelis. His very presence was an affront to a man of society, cloak it as he might in an assumed good manner. | |
11 | 你不知道我是打不败的?我们都订婚了。我怎么能死?哦,我受伤了,丢了身份证。说来话长,我以后再告诉你, | didn’t you know I was indestructible ? How could I die when we’re engaged? Did you think I’d break our engagement? Oh, you don’t know me, young woman. Oh, I was wounded, and somehow lost my identification; it’s a long story I’ll tell you someday. | |
12 | 热质曾被认为是使热量产生、贮存和传输的一种假想的不可破坏的、不可创造的、有高度弹性的、自斥的且到处都有的流体 | A hypothetically indestructible ,uncreatable,highly elastic,self-repellent,all-pervading fluid formerly thought responsible for the production,possession,and transfer of heat. | |
13 | 它反映了一种想法即物质是不可消灭的。 | It expresses the notion that matter is indestructible | |
14 | 它们亘古不变,不可摧毁,所以是永存不朽的。 | They are imperishable and indestructible and thus eternal | |
15 | 我们的友谊牢不可破. | Our friendship is indestructible . | |
16 | 我们指出,它类似于日本的武打片《乱》和《影武者》(由黑泽明导演),这部杰作表达了中国文化中一些不可磨灭的元素,特别是书法和武功。 | This masterpiece, similar to the Japanese martial arts films Ran and Kagemusha (directed by Akira Kurosawa), points to the indestructible elements of culture, especially calligraphy and the martial arts. | |
17 | 我确信灵魂是不能毁灭的,它的活动将无休止地永远继续下去。--歌德 | I am full convinced that the soul is indestructible , and than tits activity will continue through eternity.--Wolfgang Von Goethe | |
18 | 我身体很壮,得一次流感不致于躺下. | I’m pretty indestructible ;it takes more than a bout of flu to lay me low. | |
19 | 幼儿用的家具须不易损坏. | Furniture for young children needs to be indestructible . | |
20 | 原子古代唯物论中假定的不可分的、不可破坏的物质单位 | The irreducible,indestructible material unit postulated by ancient atomism. | |
21 | 原子论古哲学家德谟克利特、伊比鸠鲁、卢梭等所持的唯物主义理论,认为简单微小的、不可分割、不可消灭的微粒是整个宇宙的基本组成部分 | The ancient theory of Democritus,Epicurus,and Lucretius,according to which simple,minute,indivisible,and indestructible particles are the basic components of the entire universe. | |
22 | 这本书是销毁不了的。 | The book is indestructible | |
23 | 这充分说明,中国人独立自主的民族精神具有坚不可摧的力量。 | This fully testifies to the indestructible strength of this independent national spirit of the Chinese people | |
24 | ||1:经过靠近合恩角的德雷克海峡时,那把“坚不可摧”的钢舵折断了,尽管克雷默是一个足够优秀的机械师,可以再装配一个。||2:他们曾不止一次地在岩石嶙峋、没有灯光的海岸上遭遇不幸。||3:经过塔斯马尼亚时,天气非常恶劣,肩膀脱臼的他不得不拉下湿帆。||4:厨房里的火几乎把船和他正在烤的面包烧成灰烬。||5:挫折不断,但这是意料之中的事。 | ||1:Going through Drake Passage near the Horn broke the “indestructible ” steel tiller, though he was a good enough mechanic to rig up another.||2:More than once they nearly came to grief on rocky, unlit coasts.||3:Passing Tasmania, in the worst weather of the trip, he had to haul down wet sails with a dislocated shoulder.||4:A galley fire almost incinerated the boat, as well as the loaf he was baking.||5:Frustrations, but par for the course. | |
25 | 克雷格·拉博维茨(Craig Labovitz)是美国密西根州一家名为Arbor Networks的网络安全公司的首席科学家。拉博维茨先生称,互联网并没有人们想象的那么坚不可摧,互联网存在着一些可以限制计算机通讯的节点。 | Craig Labovitz is chief scientist at Arbor Networks, an Internet security company in the American state of Michigan. Mr. Labovitz says the Internet is not as indestructible as people might think. He says there are points where the flow of computer traffic can be restricted. | |
26 | 大卫·李嘉图把土地描述为“土壤固有的不可毁灭的力量”。 | David Ricardo described land as the "original and indestructible power of the soil. " | |
27 | 但仍然留有疑问。看上去坚不可摧的巨轮怎么就完全的消失了呢? | But lingering questions about what might have sunk the seemingly indestructible ship never completely disappeared. | |
28 | 尽管出生顺序影响的理论似乎是很坚固,但它并非无懈可击。 | The birth-order effect, for all its seeming robustness, is not indestructible . | |
29 | 生活是自我更新的、永恒的、不可毁灭的,是所有人类的真实存在。 | Life is self-renewing, eternal, and indestructible , and is the reality of all humans. | |
30 | 我们想让学生们知道地球不是坚不可摧的。 | We want to teach kids that the world is not indestructible . |