属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国政治 新选项党的崛起
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国啤酒 纯正实惠中些许沉闷
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理学 时间不等于金钱
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-替代医疗 往好处想
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-模仿 春天第一只雀鹰
1 | π°介子的反粒子同π°本身是无法区分的。 | The antiparticle of the D?is indistinguishable from the D? | |
2 | 比德尔:美国出版商,1860年出版第一本廉价小说,并导致此后一系列近3000本畅销书的出版。这类书以故弄玄虚的情节、令人难以置信的对话、大量的暴力和悬疑而广受欢迎。 | Beadle:american publisher who in 1860 published the first dime novel, initiating a popular series of almost 3,000 books with virtually indistinguishable plots, implausible dialogue, and lashings of violence and suspense. | |
3 | 彼此不能辨别. | be indistinguishable from each other | |
4 | 当把人体静脉、动脉组成的心血管系统与从空中看到的河流体系放在相同的尺寸下,二者是那么相像,简直无法区别,这使研讨会参加者极为惊愕。 | Our participants were amazed that, when shown on the same scale, the human cardiovascular system of veins and arteries and an aerial view of a river system were so much alike as to be indistinguishable | |
5 | 蛾翅膀上的斑纹使得它与背景无法分辨 | A moth with markings that make it indistinguishable from its background. | |
6 | 惯性力与引力是不可区分的。 | Inertial forces and gravitational forces are indistinguishable | |
7 | 迷彩服将织物或衣物染成有绿色、棕色、褐色和黑色的斑纹,从而使穿戴者不易被从周围环境中区分开来 | Fabric or a garment dyed in splotches of green,brown,tan,and black so as to make the wearer indistinguishable from the surrounding environment. | |
8 | 那颗星是肉眼所不能辨别的。 | The star is indistinguishable to the naked eye. | |
9 | 那声音虽因穿过教堂的重重墙壁而显得低沉,但海丝特·白兰听得十分专注,产生了息息相通的共鸣,那布道对她有着一种与其难以分辨的词句全然无关的完整的含义。 | Muffled as the sound was by its passage through the church walls, Hester Prynne listened with such intentness, and sympathised so intimately, that the sermon had throughout a meaning for her, entirely apart from its indistinguishable words. | |
10 | 难以分辨的双胞胎;蛾翅膀上的斑纹使得它与背景无法分辨 | indistinguishable twins;a moth with markings that make it indistinguishable from its background. | |
11 | 你们的这样许多言论行动,既然和敌人汉奸的所有这些言论行动一模一样,毫无二致,毫无区别,怎么能够不使人们疑心你们和敌人汉奸互相勾结,或订立了某种默契呢? | As you and the enemy and the traitors are exactly alike, identical and indistinguishable in so many words and deeds, how can people avoid suspecting that you are working hand in glove with them or have come to some secret understanding with them? | |
12 | 坡和艾德加坡,一如声和回声,实际上亦此亦彼。 | poe and Edgarpo, word and echo, are in truth indistinguishable | |
13 | 三姐妹令人难以辨别. | All three sisters are indistinguishable . | |
14 | 他对人的攻击已降到几乎无异于个人中伤。 | His attacks descended to a level almost indistinguishable from personal character assassination | |
15 | 物理学中用来说明引力和惯性力具有同等性质而且常常无法区分的一个原理。爱因斯坦较强烈的看法认为引力和加速度是不可分的。 | Fundamental principle of physics that in its weak form states that gravitational (see gravitation)and inertial (see inertia)masses are the same. Albert Einstein’s stronger version states that gravitation and acceleration are indistinguishable . | |
16 | 眼前浮现的三个笑容,一时融化在爱的调和里看不分明了。 | In my mind’s eye, the three smiling faces now merged into a harmonious whole of love and became indistinguishable | |
17 | 一种为人耳不易察觉的声音 | A sound that was indistinguishable to the human ear. | |
18 | 应用这些信息,我们有朝一日可能创造出人工智能,它们的思维和经验意识方式与人脑没有什么区别。 | With that information we might someday be able to create artificial intelligences that think and experience consciousness in ways that are indistinguishable from a human brain. | |
19 | 宇宙本质来自宇宙的本质是永恒的、不变的、难以理解的本质 | The essence that is eternal,unchanging,and indistinguishable from the essence of the universe. | |
20 | 这蛾子停在树枝上,其颜色和树枝几不可辨. | Its colour makes the moth indistinguishable from the branch it rests on. | |
21 | 这衣料与真丝难以区别,但便宜得多。 | The material is indistinguishable from real silk,but much cheaper. | |
22 | 这种合成衣料与真丝难以区别,但便宜得多。 | The synthetic material is indistinguishable from real silk,but much cheaper. | |
23 | ||1:基民党至今拒绝考虑与新选项党联盟。||2:在德国总理默克尔领导下的基民党是亲欧盟亲欧元的,如此温和的作风让人们越来越难以区分基民党与社民党,同时基民党还在西德联邦议会中掌管着大联盟。||3:9月1日,默克尔、提里希和基民党其他领导人在图林根州与勃兰登堡市再一次表示,与新选项党讨论是被禁止的。||4:提里希将会尝试与社民党或绿党建立联盟。 | ||1:The CDU so far refuses to contemplate a coalition with the Alternative.||2:Led nationally by the chancellor, Angela Merkel, the CDU is pro-European and pro-euro, and so moderate as to be increasingly indistinguishable to many voters from the SPD, with which it governs in a “grand coalition” in the Bundestag.||3:On September 1st Mrs Merkel, Mr Tillich and the CDU leaders in Thuringia and Brandenburg said again that discussions with the Alternative are taboo.||4:Mr Tillich will try to form a coalition with the SPD or the Greens. | |
24 | ||1:然而,事实上却是德国人正逐渐抛弃自己国产的啤酒。||2:在1990年两德统一之时,德国人均年啤酒消费量为148升;而去年该指标仅为107升。||3:相应地,他们正把目光投向葡萄酒,而后者的地位要比前者高得多。||4:酿酒业的行家们认为令销量下降的原因还有一个:大部分德国啤酒的口味都很平淡,让人无法区分开来。||5:德国国内有许多微型啤酒厂商,产品仅在本地供应。||6:一些像是弗朗克尼亚产区的班贝克烟熏啤酒,则是口味独特的代表。||7:但大部分小型酿造商都只能胜任地生产大家所熟悉了解的,变化不多的口味。 | ||1:But the truth is that Germans are going off their ale.||2:At unification in 1990, annual consumption averaged 148 litres per head; last year it was just 107 litres.||3:Instead, they are turning to wine, which has a higher status.||4:Connoisseurs think there is another reason for falling sales: that so many German beers are bland and indistinguishable .||5:The country has many tiny breweries whose ales can only be had locally.||6:Some, like the smoked beers of Bamberg in Franconia, are distinctive.||7:But many of the small fry competently but predictably turn out a narrow range of flavours. | |
25 | 被灌输金钱思想的一组,当现场设有镜子时,参与者在39%的测试过程中出现作弊行为,而没有镜子时,则为67%。相同条件下,被灌输时间观念的一组,分别为32%和36%,该组前后结果基本没什么变化。 | Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39% of the time when a mirror was present but 67% when it was not. Those primed to think about time cheated 32% of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36% in its absence—results that are statistically indistinguishable . | |
26 | 根据其《补充替代医学指南》,在他及其同事所验证的治疗方法中从针灸到草药,从顺势疗法到反射疗法,约有95%在数据统计上等同于安慰疗法。 | His findings are stark. According to his Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, around 95% of the treatments he and his colleagues examined—in fields as diverse as acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy and reflexology—are statistically indistinguishable from placebo treatments. | |
27 | 回到10000年前,杜鹃和雀鹰或许就难以分辨了。 | Come back in 10,000 years and cuckoos and sparrowhawks may be indistinguishable . | |
28 | “任何足够先进的技术,”他声称,“与魔术是很难区分的。” | "Any sufficiently advanced technology" , he declared, "is indistinguishable from magic. " | |
29 | CIDT和肉体上的酷刑对心理的重创几乎相同。 | The psychological impact of CIDT and physical torture was almost indistinguishable . | |
30 | 爱因斯坦声称,那时我们所称的重力与飞船加速所引起的引力是不可能相区分的。 | Einstein claimed that the force we call gravity is indistinguishable from being in an accelerating ship. |