属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 1853-1996
1 | 固化剂与这种单体混合将引起聚合反应。 | A hardening agent mixed with the monomer will induce polymerization | |
2 | 广告使人们购物。 | Advertisements induce people to buy | |
3 | 赫里这人缺乏骑士精神,他不肯轻易拿自己的生命去冒险。 | There was not a sufficiency of chivalry in Hurry to induce him to hazard the safety of his own person | |
4 | 教廷的队长曾白费力气地试图说服妻子留下不去。 | The papal captain have vainly endeavoured to induce his wife to remain behind him | |
5 | 禁止诱导呕吐。禁止给病人碳酸氢钠或催吐剂。 | Do not induce vomiting. Do not give patient any baking soda or emetics. | |
6 | 酒精可使人信口开河。 | Alcohol can induce a loosening of the tongue. | |
7 | 剧毒或者强腐蚀性物质的设施以及其他可能发生严重次生灾害的建设工程。 | hypertoxic or strong corrosive materials and other construction projects which may induce serious secondary disasters. | |
8 | 据说这能引起象的快感。同时视野象的年龄和性别紧诸如:"喂,我的儿子","喂,我的爸爸"或"喂,我的妈妈"之类的亲热称呼来加强效果。 | This if supposed to induce pleasurable sensations in the elephant, and its effects are reinforced by the use of endearing epithets, such as ’ho! my son’, or ’ho! my father’, or ’my mother’, according to the age and sex of the captive. | |
9 | 另一种相反的观点是1952年日内瓦世界版权公约的主导思想,该观点认为,法律只要能促使作者多创作并传播其作品便足够了。 | The opposing view lies behind the Universal Copyright Convention adopted in Geneva in 1952. Under this philosophy the law should give only as much protection as is necessary to induce authors to create and disseminate their works. | |
10 | 毛果芸香碱一种无色或黄色的有毒混合物C11H16N2O2,从毛果芸香叶中提取,用来引发流泪、促进唾液分泌并治疗青光眼 | A colorless or yellow poisonous compound,C11H16N2O2,obtained from the leaves of the jaborandi and used to induce sweating,promote salivation,and treat glaucoma. | |
11 | 没有了当诱饵引诱人民追随他们的错误领导的金钱,他们只得求助于讲道,含泪祈求人民重新给予他们信心。 | Stripped of the lure of profit by which they induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortation, pleading tearfully for restored confidence | |
12 | 某些形式的空气污染物成分通过这种机理也可能引起支气管痉挛。 | It is not unlikely that the components in certain forms of air pollution might also operate to induce bronchus spastic responses by this mechanism | |
13 | 脑缺血和外伤也会引起热休克基因--也叫压力基因--在脑中的表达。在局部脑缺血中,hsp70 m RNA在四小时内被注入,持续至少24小时。 | Cerebral ischemia and trauma also induce the expression of heat shock genes-so-called stress genes-in the brain. In focal cerebral ischemia, hsp70 mRNA is induced within 4 hours and persists for at least 24 hours. | |
14 | 拟精神幻觉的能引起幻觉、幻想或其它精神病症状的,用于药物 | Tending to induce hallucinations,delusions,or other symptoms of a psychosis.Used of a drug. | |
15 | 平面清理系统可用于膜组件的清理。 | Clean-in-place systems can be used to clean membrane modules, with the most rapid flow rate possible to induce turbulence at the membrane surface. | |
16 | 欺诈是对过去或存在的事实的一种虚假陈述,诱使他人作出行动。 | Fraud is a false representation of a past or existing fact, which is made to induce action on someone’s part. | |
17 | 前列腺素具有强烈的催产效果,用于引起妇女的流产和分娩。 | The potent oxytoic effect of prostaglandins has been used to induce abortion and labor in women | |
18 | 氢是无嗅无毒的,但通过把空气中氧的浓度稀释到维持生命所必须的水平以下,氢可以引起窒息。 | Hydrogen gas is odorless and nontoxic but may induce suffocation by diluting the concentration of oxygen in air below levels necessary to support life. | |
19 | 请问是什么引导他做出如此轻率鲁莽的行动 | Pray what could induce him to commit so rash an action | |
20 | 劝导某人做某事 | Induce sb. to do sth | |
21 | 劝诱入会劝诱某人加入自己的政党或拥护自己的主义 | To induce someone to join one’s own political party or to espouse one’s doctrine. | |
22 | 人们有时在云里播撒碘化银,以诱使降雨。 | Clouds are sometimes seeded with silver iodide to induce precipitation | |
23 | 如果我们想要在裁决上有更大的斟酌权,以确保在裁决事情时有更大的灵活性与应变能力,我相信,在加强公务员对他作为公众利益维护者和公众需求服务员的角色的认识上,还必须做得更多。 | If we are to envisage more discretion in decision making in order to induce greater flexibility and responsiveness in decision-making, I believe more needs to be done to strengthen the civil servants’ understanding of his role as protector of public interest and servant of public need. | |
24 | 杀手T细胞或毒害T细胞摧毁受感染的细胞和外来的细胞。助手T细胞把受抗体出现而遭到刺激并增殖的B细胞变为分泌抗体的细胞,也就是浆细胞。 | Killer or cytotoxic T cells destroy infected and foreign cells. Helper T cells induce B cells stimulated by the presence of antigen to proliferate into antibody-secreting cells, or plasma cells. | |
25 | 什么也不能引诱我做那种事。 | Nothing in the world would induce me to do that. | |
26 | 使产生极性;给予…极性 | To induce polarization in;impart polarity to. | |
27 | 使腹泻造成某个人下消化道的腹泻 | To induce evacuation of the bowels in an individual. | |
28 | 使用报告基因试验系统对CYPIA诱导的二维有机化合物存在的测量的标准指南 | Standard Guide for Measuring the Presence of Planar Organic compounds Which Induce CYP1A, Using Reporter Gene Test Systems | |
29 | 说什么我也不会去。 | Nothing will induce me to go. | |
30 | 他设法哄那个孩子自愿把东西借给他。 | He tried to induce the child to lend of his own free will |