属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由兑换 无中生钱
1 | 我将死了又死,以明白生是无穷无尽的。 | I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible . | |
2 | 我们坚定地相信人民群众的创造力是无穷无尽的。 | We believe firmly in the inexhaustible creative power of the masses. | |
3 | 我们无法估量的知识资源是不断发展永不枯竭的。 | Our imponderable resources in knowledge are constantly growing and are inexhaustible | |
4 | 我之不朽不是因为在动物中唯独地永远能发言,而是因为他有灵魂、有同情心、有牺牲和忍耐精神。美国作家福克纳 | He is immortal 6, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible 7voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.--William Faulkner, American writer | |
5 | 幸亏她有无穷无尽的耐心和铁一般的意志,她才得到了浓缩度较大的镭。 | Thanks to her inexhaustible patience and iron will, she had obtained stronger concentrations of the radium | |
6 | 研究者们已经知道如何从流产胚胎中克隆人类组织,把它保存在实验室里,为病人建立一个用之不竭的组织移植宝库。 | Researchers know how to grow human tissue cloned from aborted foetuses, keeping it alive in laboratories as a potentially inexhaustible source of replacement tissue to graft onto sick people. | |
7 | 一切为了群众,一切相信群众,一切依靠群众,我们党就能获得取之不尽的力量源泉。 | So long as we serve the interests of the masses and have faith in and rely on them in everything we do, our Party will obtain an inexhaustible source of strength . | |
8 | 因为即使最后一次钟声已经消失,消失在再也没有潮水冲刷、映在落日的余晖里,海上最后一块无用的礁石之旁时,还会有一个声音,那就是人类微弱的、不断的说话声,这样说也很容易。 | that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking | |
9 | 用不尽的;无穷的 | Impossible to exhaust;inexhaustible . | |
10 | 用之不竭的煤炭供应 | An inexhaustible supply of coal. | |
11 | 约翰?弥尔顿为他开辟了全新的天地,给他提供了无数绝妙的办法,他有希望永远不觉得单调乏味了。 | John Milton threw open whole new vistas filled with charming, inexhaustible possibilities that promised to ward off monotony forever | |
12 | 在这种紧急情况下,海丝特显示了她那可贵的温厚秉性:那是人类温情的可靠源泉,对任何真正的需要都有求必应,哪怕需要再大,也绝不会枯竭。 | In such emergencies, Hester’s nature showed itself warm and rich; a well-spring of human tenderness, unfailing to every real demand, and inexhaustible by the largest. | |
13 | 在这种制度的基础上,我国人民能够发挥其无穷无尽的力量。 | Under this system, the people of our country are able to tap their inexhaustible strength | |
14 | 住在河边的人有取用不尽之水。 | The people living beside the river have an inexhaustible supply of water. | |
15 | ||1:虽然现在艾德马看起来越来越不可信,他的好运渐渐走到尽头。||2:他忠实的妻子Viktoria Runningwolf,以及艾德马为她在北卡州法伊特维尔建造的“终极宠物圣地”都曾被他抛弃。||3:他的过去,包括上世纪80和90年代他曾36次被拘(尽管没有判罪),也已大白于天下。||4:他因在北卡州冒充警察依然在通缉之中。虽然宣称他身上流淌着“超级血液”,他还是感染上了艾滋病。||5:他在伏特加和可卡因作用下结束生命,他的自我信仰也许减少了一点,但自我幻觉依然坚强如往。 | ||1:By this time, though, Mr Idema was beginning to look less plausible, his luck less inexhaustible .||2:His loyal wife, Viktoria Runningwolf, had been abandoned, along with the Ultimate Pet Resort that he had helped her set up in Fayetteville, North Carolina.||3:And his past, including 36 arrests (though no convictions) in the 1980s and 1990s, had come to light.||4:He was still wanted in North Carolina for impersonating a policeman and, despite claims to “superblood”, he was to contract AIDS.||5:His life ended in a haze of vodka and cocaine, the self-belief perhaps slightly dented, the self-delusion as strong as ever. | |
16 | ||1:在结构层面,相似之处也很明显。||2:用一套有限的音符或文字,以及一套有限的规则,就可以创造出无穷无尽的新旋律或句子。||3:这种“离散无穷大”常被认为是人类语言的标志。||4:相比之下,动物之间的交流只能传达有限的想法(比如食物来源的位置,或者捕食者的存在)。 | ||1:At a structural level the parallels are striking, too.||2:With a finite set of notes or words, and a finite set of rules, an inexhaustible variety of novel melodies or sentences can be created.||3:This "discrete infinity" is often said to be the hallmark of human language.||4:Animal communication, by contrast, is only able to convey a limited number of thoughts (the location of a source of food, for example, or the presence of a predator). | |
17 | 与此相反,央行的印钞机可是取之不尽、用之不竭,没有这般束手束脚。 | By contrast, central banks with the inexhaustible resources of the printing press face no such inconvenient constraints. | |
18 | 安德森先生预计,从马来西亚,印尼,泰国,印度,中国,越南和澳大利亚的赌博者将“源源不断”。 | Mr. Adelson predicts "an almost inexhaustible supply" of gamblers from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, China, Vietnam and Australia. | |
19 | 部分由于古板的计划生育政策,中国看似不竭的廉价劳动力资源也将于2014年到达峰顶。 | The country’s seemingly inexhaustible pool of cheap labor is expected to peak in 2014, in part due to its rigid one-child policy. | |
20 | 创新:国家兴旺发达的不竭动力 | Innovation: Inexhaustible Impetus for National Prosperity and Flourishing | |
21 | 创新不仅是催生知识的不竭动力,而且是决定国家命运的重要力量。 | Not only is innovation an inexhaustible power to expedite knowledge but also it is an important force to decide nation’s destiny. | |
22 | 创新是档案事业发展的不竭动力 | Innovation Is an Inexhaustible Power for the Development of the Archives Cause | |
23 | 创新是高校学报持续发展的不竭之源 | Creation: An Inexhaustible Source for the Sustainable Development of University Journals | |
24 | 创新是各项事业发展的不竭动力 | Innovation is the Inexhaustible Driving Force of Various Undertakings’Development | |
25 | 创新是一个民族的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。—江泽民 | Innovation is the soul of a nation and inexhaustible source of a country ’s prosperity. --- Jiang Zemin | |
26 | 从世界范围来看,创新是一个民族的灵魂,也是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。 | All over the world, innovation is the soul of a nation and the inexhaustible driving force of national prosperity. | |
27 | 大自然以其无穷无尽的生命充满了一切空间。 | Nature fills all the spaces with its inexhaustible vitality. | |
28 | 但是,这种资源并不是取之不尽的。 | But the supply is not inexhaustible . | |
29 | 地球上的水并不是很多。塔并不是用之不竭的。它很宝贵。我们必须节约用水。 | There isn’t much water on the earth. It is not inexhaustible . It is very valuable . We must to save it. | |
30 | 而如若冷聚变得以奏效,就可以提供源源不断的清洁能源。 | If cold fusion worked, it could provide an inexhaustible supply of clean energy. |