1 | “我情愿饿死,”爱德蒙回答,“也不愿动一下,就疼得难以忍受。 | "I would rather do so," was Edmond reply, "than suffer the inexpressible agonies which the slightest movement causes me." | |
2 | 但是在她传播的这种宁静中,却掺杂着一种无法表达的忧郁。 | But in the tranquility she imparted there was an alloy of inexpressible sadness | |
3 | 当我讲到有关钻石的事,我觉得有点后怕,但使我万分惊奇的是,他竟加以证实了,认为一点不假,而使我同样惊奇的是,他对于我所讲的一切似乎全都相信。 | I felt some degree of nervousness as I entered upon the history of the diamond, but, to my inexpressible astonishment, he confirmed it in every particular, and to my equal surprise, he seemed to place entire belief in all I said | |
4 | 她渴望自己快快的一死完事。 | To death she looked with inexpressible longing | |
5 | 她身上有着一种难以名状的气质, 使人对她不敢过分随便。 | There is something inexpressible in her which would check familiarity. | |
6 | 可是,我真爱北平。这个爱几乎是要说而说不出的。我爱我的母亲。怎样爱?我说不出。 | I do cherish, however, a genuine love for Peiping a love that is almost as inexpressible as my love for mother | |
7 | 可言说的和不可言说的 | the expressible and the inexpressible ; the articulable and the inarticulable | |
8 | 难以描绘的美景. | a scene of inexpressible beauty | |
9 | 然后用大量的时间慢慢劈削,把树干两边一点点地削平。削到后来,木头就轻了,这样就可以搬动了。 | With inexpressible hacking and hewing I reduc’d both the sides of it into chips, till it begun to be light enough to move | |
10 | 谁都相信,我竟然能绝处逢生,其喜悦之情,实在难于言表。 | It was an inexpressible joy to me, that any one will believe, that was thus deliver’d, as I esteem’d it, from such a miserable and almost hopeless condition as I was in | |
11 | 他只能在这两种人中选择一种,同时他觉得自己有一种不可解的刚毅、规矩、严谨的本质,面对他自身所属的游民阶层,却杂有一种说不出的仇恨。 | he had no choice except between these two classes,at the same time, he was conscious of an indescribable foundation of rigidity, regularity, and probity, complicated with an inexpressible hatred for the race of bohemians whence he was sprung | |
12 | 无法形容的痛苦参见 | inexpressible grief.See Synonyms at unspeakable | |
13 | 无法以言语表达的忧伤(痛苦). | inexpressible sorrow (anguish) | |
14 | 无数难言的挫折交织在一起,使他怒不可遏,令人畏惧。 | Numberless and inexpressible frustrations combined to make his rage elemental and awe-inspiring. | |
15 | 又花了十四天时间使用大斧小斧砍掉树枝和向四周张开的巨大的树顶 | I was fourteen more getting the branches and limbs, and the vast’ spreading head of it cut off, which I hack’d and hew’d through with axe and hatchet, and inexpressible labour. | |
16 | 在她传播的这种宁静中,掺杂着一种无法表达的忧郁。 | In the tranquility she imparted there was an alloy of inexpressible sadness | |
17 | ||1:在斯蒂芬·克劳伯里的领导下,颂歌变得更加普世和开放。||2:颂歌中有了更多的拉丁语,就像每周的礼拜一样,现在以拉丁语弥撒和圣歌为特色。||3:他在很小的时候就通过在威尔第的"赞美颂"中演唱一段特别美妙的旋律,以及后来的他认为无法表达的格里高利圣咏的美打消了英国国教会对罗马教会的怀疑。 | ||1:Under him the carol service became more ecumenical and open.||2:It had more Latin, like the weekly services, which now featured Latin masses and canticles.||3:His Anglican suspicion of the Roman church had been soothed, when he was really quite young, by singing an especially wonderful melody in Verdi’s "Te Deum", and later by the beauty, which he thought inexpressible , of Gregorian chant. | |
18 | 暴风雨过后,太阳出来了。这种感觉难以形容。世界再次闪耀着它最初的优雅。 | After the storm here comes sunshine. The feelings are inexpressible ! The world once more is glistened with primeval elegance. | |
19 | 俄罗斯北部地区有着无法言传的自然美景和迷人的历史遗迹。 | The North part of Russia possesses an inexpressible beauty of nature and fascinating historical monuments. | |
20 | 她几乎认为他找不到她了,突然她听到他叫她的名字。她顿时看到了希望。 | She had quite given him up for lost, and herself too, when with inexpressible relief she heard him call to her. | |
21 | 瓦格纳,站在贝多芬巨人肩上,找到了一种手段表达那几乎难以表达的感情。 | Wagner, standing on Beethoven’s mighty shoulders, found a way to express the almost inexpressible . | |
22 | 这样死去是种无法形容的恐怖! | Inexpressible is the horror of dying thus! |