属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-恐龙吃什么 腹中发现
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-腹中发现 恐龙吃什么
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-2015年诺贝尔经济学奖得主研究人们如何消费
1 | 受理上诉的法院经过查阅案卷之后,发现足够的证据,从这些证据中,陪审团推论出,个别被告人确实知道处置废物是不当的。 | The appellate court, after examining the record, found sufficient evidence from which the jury could infer that the individual defendant knew that the disposition of the waste was improper | |
2 | 速率统量计是从连续不断的流注中推出指示数据。 | Rate meters infer a readout from a continuous stream | |
3 | 他常常从一个已知的事实推断出未知的事实。 | He can often infer an unknown fact from a known fact | |
4 | 它们歪曲市场份额,目的是从中推测出完美的公司预期收入。 | They distort the measurement of their market shares in order to infer ideal prospects for business revenues. | |
5 | 通过推理或推导得出;推导 | To arrive at by reasoning; deduce or infer | |
6 | 推测犯罪动机 | Infer a criminal motive | |
7 | 推断通过对已知信息的伸展和扩充进行推断或估计 | To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information. | |
8 | 我从来信推知你不愿见我们. | I infer from your letter that you do not wish to see us. | |
9 | 我从你的声明中推定你不打算同意。 | I infer from your statement that you are not willing to agree | |
10 | 我从你信中推想,你还没有下决心。 | I infer from your letter that you have not made up your mind yet. | |
11 | 我们从他的信中可以看出他不高兴。 | We infer from his letter that he is unhappy. | |
12 | 我们看到烟,从而推断有火。 | We see smoke and infer fire. | |
13 | 我们可以猜想得到他出版那日记的动机并不高尚 | We can infer that his motive in publishing the diary was less than honorable. | |
14 | 我们可以设想这作用之所以能引起变异,一部分是由于这一系统对于条件的任何变化具有特殊敏感。 | We may infer that variability is thus induced, partly from the fact of this system being extremely sensitive to change conditions | |
15 | 我是否可从你的话中推断出你认为我说谎呢? | Am I to infer from your remarks that you think I am a liar? | |
16 | 我是否可由你的话推断你认为我说谎呢? | Am I to infer from your remarks that you think I am a liar? | |
17 | 我推测我的建议已被接受。 | I infer that my proposal has been accepted. | |
18 | 现有足够的资料表明,膜起着协调作用。 | Enough information is available to infer that membranes serve in coordination | |
19 | 演绎推理从一般的原则推断出;演绎推理 | To infer from a general principle;reason deductively. | |
20 | 用现今小震推断洪洞、临汾两次历史大震的震源断层 | Application of Present Small Earthquakes to Infer the Focal Faults of Two Large Historical Earthquakes in Hongtong and Linfen, Shanxi Province | |
21 | 由此可以推论,如能去除一切起阻碍作用的引力和阻力,就没有理由认为,球一旦处于运动中还会再停下来。 | And we are led to infer that, if all the impeding forces of gravitation and resistance could be removed, there is no reason why the ball, once in motion, should ever stop. | |
22 | 由于她了解一系列不为他人所知的隐情,她立即推断出,在丁梅斯代尔先生自己良知的正常活动之外,他的宁静已经受到一部可怕的机器的干扰 | With her knowledge of a train of circumstances hidden from all others, she could readily infer that, besides the legitimate action of his own conscience, a terrible machinery had been brought to bear, | |
23 | 猿人化石遗迹有助于我们推断他们是如何生活的。 | The fossil remains of ape-man can help us infer how they lived. | |
24 | 这种不愿意使用先占权的做法是有意义的,因为机构能随时采用明确的先占权法令。 | This reluctance to infer preemption makes sense, because the agency can readily adopt an express preemption regulation | |
25 | 比起根据其牙齿形状等细节来推测出结果, | rather than having to infer it from details such as the shape of its teeth, is always valuable. | |
26 | 比起根据其牙齿形状等细节来推测出结果,找出古生物吃什么的直接证据是有价值的。 | That is interesting. Discovering direct evidence of what a fossil animal ate, rather than having to infer it from details such as the shape of its teeth, is always valuable. | |
27 | 他说,“你知道,它是独特的,到头来它涉及的是人类。如果你不明白,你必须明白人们如何抉择,你得明白什么对他们有利。对我来说,我一直在试图理解行为,试图从这种行为推论人们如何作为。” | "Well, you know, it’s individually... it’s about people in the end, and if you don’t understand... you have to understand what makes people tick, and you have to understand, you know, what’s good for them.|| And for me it’s always been about trying to understand behavior and to try to infer from that behavior, you know, how people are doing."|| | |
28 | 在同性恋是一种犯罪的国家中,能从脸部断定性取向的软件是一种令人担忧的前景。 | In countries where homosexuality is a crime, software which promises to infer sexuality from a face is an alarming prospect. | |
29 | “我们无法从基因数据中推测出他们的地理起源”,他说道。 | "We can’t infer geographic origins from genetic data, " he says. | |
30 | InferGenericTypeArguments重构会自动地为原始形式的那些类推测恰当的泛型类型(generictype)。 | The Infer Generic Type Arguments refactoring automatically tries to guess the appropriate generic types for classes used in their raw form. |