属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO/TR 6065-1991
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 7661-1993
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-充气式宇宙飞船 在轨道上运行时充气膨胀
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-充气式宇宙飞船 在轨道上运行时充气膨胀
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-减肥商品 点肥成金不现实
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-充气式宇宙飞船 在轨道上运行时充气膨胀
1 | 由于钓线缠绕在鲸鱼的头部,拯救人员将乘坐充气艇靠近鲸鱼的头部。而鲸鱼的头部通常是最危险的部位,因为这里经常是鲸尾袭击的对象。 | Since the line is around the head, rescuers would approach the whale in a small inflatable boat at its most perilous spot, easy targets for the tail. | |
2 | 在包裹的剩余空白空间中填充现场发泡、聚乙烯棱角或边沿衬垫材料、充气式包装、疏松填充颗粒或其它适用的衬垫材料。 | Fill the remaining empty space in the package with foam-in-place, polyethylene corner or edge pads, inflatable packaging,?loosefill peanuts or other suitable dunnage material. | |
3 | 在包裹的剩余空隙中填充现场发泡、泡沫棱角或边缘衬垫材料、充气式包装、疏松填充颗粒或其它适用的衬垫材料。 | Fill the remaining empty space in the package with foam-in-place, foam corner or edge pads,?inflatable packaging, loosefill peanuts or other suitable dunnage materials. | |
4 | 在新运输包装箱中填充至少三英寸(7.62 厘米)厚的现场发泡、泡沫棱角或边缘衬垫材料、充气式包装、疏松填充颗粒或其它适用的衬垫材料。 | Fill the new shipping container with at least three-inches (7.62 cm)?of foam-in-place, foam corner or edge pads,?inflatable packaging, loosefill peanuts or other suitable dunnage materials. | |
5 | 在新运输容器的底部填充至少三英寸(7.62 厘米)厚的现场发泡、聚乙烯棱角或边沿衬垫材料、充气式包装、疏松填充颗粒或其它适用的衬垫材料。 | Fill the bottom of the new shipping container with at least three-inches (7.62 cm)?of foam-in-place, polyethylene corner or edge pads, inflatable packaging,?loosefill peanuts or other suitable dunnage material. | |
6 | 造船和海上建筑物.充气式救生艇.材料 | Shipbuilding and marine structures; inflatable liferafts; materials | |
7 | 造船及海上结构物 充气式救生筏 材料 | Shipbuilding and marine structures; inflatable liferafts; materials | |
8 | 这种充气救生艇会自动展开. | The inflatable dinghy deploy automatically. | |
9 | 作为漂浮手段佩带的臂章规范 | Specification for inflatable armbands worn as flotation aids | |
10 | 20世纪80年代,劳伦斯利物莫国家实验室提出了一个空间探索的详细方案,由于以充气式宇宙飞船为载体,因而很快获得了非凡的安全套的昵称。 | In the 1980s the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory came up with a detailed space-exploration plan which relied on inflatable craft, thus quickly attracting the nickname brilliant condoms. | |
11 | 20世纪90年代,美国航空航天局提议用充气式宇宙飞船TransHab把航天员送上火星。 | And in the 1990s NASA proposed sending astronauts to Mars in an inflatable craft called TransHab. | |
12 | Lap-Band是一圈松紧带,外科医生可以用它绕住患者胃的上部,这样患者会提前有腹饱感。 | It is an inflatable loop which the surgeon fits near the top of the stomach, which helps the patient feel sated earlier. | |
13 | 充气式宇宙飞船 | Inflatable spacecraft | |
14 | 可充气的空间站听起来可能像大家所熟悉的巧克力茶壶。 | An inflatable space station may sound like the proverbial chocolate teapot, | |
15 | Nappak充气床在不用的时候可以折叠成一小束。 | Nappak inflatable bed folds into a small tube when not in use. | |
16 | NASA后来又委托了固特异公司建造了一艘可充气空间站的雏形,它看起来就像是一块巨大的橡皮内胎。 | NASA commissioned Goodyear to build prototypes of an inflatable space station, which looked like a big rubber inner tube. | |
17 | SUPERNOVA是一款充气式灯具,只产生柔和的热度。 | SUPERNOVA is an inflatable light that produces soft ambient glow. | |
18 | TPU胶布及其在充气囊体材料中的应用 | TPU Coated Fabric and Its Application in Inflatable Materials | |
19 | 本发明涉及了一种可折叠充气桌,其包括可折叠刚性桌面、充气柱、拉绳。 | The invention relates to a foldable and inflatable table, comprising a foldable and rigid tabletop, inflatable columns, and a pull rope; | |
20 | 本飞机还备有充气滑梯,用它们可以组成救生筏。不过那也是摆设。 | This aircraft is equipped with inflatable slides that detach to form life rafts, not that it makes any difference. | |
21 | 充气垫还可膨胀变大,提供舒适便捷的休息条件。 | The inflatable bag can expand to become bigger and to provide a comfortable and convenient relax condition. | |
22 | 充气房子是孩子们最喜欢的玩具,然而家里1800美元的抵押贷款就要到期了。 | The inflatable bounce house is the children’s favorite toy, but the family’s $1, 800 mortgage payment is coming. | |
23 | 充气气囊减速方案的气动设计研究 | Aerodynamic Design for an Inflatable Reentry and Descent Decelerator | |
24 | 充气式防热罩再入轨道设计 | Re-entry Trajectory Design of Inflatable Thermal Shield | |
25 | 充气娃娃爆炸了(但是我跟大家说它是因为高兴过度)。 | The inflatable doll exploded (but I told everyone it was from happiness). | |
26 | 吹气环下表面设有环状出气缝隙。 | An annular vent slot is arranged on the lower surface of the inflatable ring. | |
27 | 大号满分充气爱心($13.99)是有点傻傻的,可也敌不过你气息中那甜美愉悦的魅力啊。 | The Giant Inflatable Heart ($13. 99) is rather silly, and yet delightfully charming in the same breath, so to speak. | |
28 | 当我还只有八岁时,我曾经想要做一个发明家。我想创造像充气式帐篷或多传感器燃料压力计之类的不计其数的发明。 | When I was eight I wanted to be an inventor, and diagrammed countless inventions such as inflatable tents & multi-sensor fuel gauges. | |
29 | 地震几小时后,一名东京女孩头戴阻燃防护帽放学回家。 | In the hours after the quake struck, a Tokyo girl walks home from school wearing a protective inflatable disaster hood. | |
30 | 第二天,警察在急流东侧发现他们仍未漏气的皮划艇。 | Police recovered their inflatable boat east of the rapids the next day. |