属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-奥斯本将军 财政大臣诡计连连
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国政府 简单政治糟糕政策
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-企业文化 老板与员工的意见分歧
1 | 一个冷漠的对手;对无情毁灭的预感参见 | an inexorable opponent;a feeling of inexorable doom.See Synonyms at inflexible | |
2 | 硬而直的棒. | an inflexible rod | |
3 | 硬性的规定. | an inflexible rule | |
4 | 在这件事上他是很固执的. | He is inflexible in this matter. | |
5 | 在这一点上他的态度是一点不动摇的。 | On this point he was inflexible | |
6 | 站在一旁,他们脸上那种严肃刚毅的神情,比清教徒们还有过之而无不及。 | Stood apart, with countenances of inflexible gravity, beyond what even the Puritan aspect could attain. | |
7 | 这个人好刻板。 | This man is very inflexible . | |
8 | 这种新塑料没有一点儿弹性。 | The new plastic is completely inflexible . | |
9 | 至少,维尔福将来一定不会再动摇了。 | All I ask is, that Villefort will be firm and inflexible for the future in his political principles | |
10 | 宗教认为法令是成文的、不能宽容的和永不作恶的 | In religion the law is written, and inflexible , never to do evil | |
11 | ||1:不过这没什么关系。||2:经济复苏了,他的政治对手又没有预料到这一点,使得这个计划变得神圣不可动摇。||3:这也是奥斯本所倚重的标志性政治资本,即便他承认经济还有还多缺点。||4:他的工党对手,影子财政大臣艾德.鲍斯在整个演讲期间都心有不甘的喃喃自语,看上去已经被淘汰了。||5:托尼.布莱尔执政时期很多批评奥斯本的人也是这样。||6:至于那个显然烫手山芋似的任务,即申明经济虽然好转但依然无力分派福利,现在也把握十足。||7:奥斯本现在得意万分。 | ||1:No matter.||2:The recovery, and his political rivals’ failure to predict it, has enshrined the plan as sacred and inflexible .||3:This is a mark of the political capital Mr Osborne is now drawing on, even as he admitted the economy’s many remaining weaknesses.||4:His Labour Party rival, the shadow chancellor Ed Balls, who chuntered grudgingly throughout the budget speech, appears to have been outdone.||5:So have Mr Osborne’s many erstwhile Tory critics.||6:The apparently daunting task of arguing that the economy is stronger yet still too weak for giveaways turned out to be a cinch.||7:The chancellor was triumphant. | |
12 | ||1:从能源方面看,德国正努力从核能和化石能源转向太阳能、风能和生物能。||2:但是这条路走得并不顺利。||3:电力价格持续增长,德国的公司也正日渐落后于国外的竞争对手 ,并且碳的排放量只增不减。||4:对可再生能源的定期大量补贴需要深化改革,这在今年将花费240亿。||5:相反地 ,内阁正谋划另一项迷你改革,以消费者和企业都不会关注的方式来调整系统。 | ||1:In energy, Germany is trying to switch from nuclear and fossil-fuel sources to sun, wind and biomass.||2:But it is not going well.||3:Electricity prices are going up; German companies are losing ground to foreign rivals; and carbon emissions are rising, not falling.||4:Deep reform is needed to the huge and inflexible subsidies for renewables, which will cost 24 billion this year.||5:Instead, the cabinet is making another Ref?rmchen, tweaking the system in ways that consumers and firms will not notice. | |
13 | 如今,沃尔玛已经认识到其以规则为基础的公司文化过于死板,无法应对全球化和科技变革所带来的挑战。 | Now the firm has decided that its rules-based culture is too inflexible to cope with the challenges of globalisation and technological change, | |
14 | “但他们极其不灵活,难以置信,”她说。 | "But they were incredibly inflexible , " she said. | |
15 | “我们想让员工把机器人看成是他们自身个体的延伸,而非冷冰冰的机器,”公司技术总监埃里克•涅韦斯(ErikNieves)表示。 | "We wanted people to see the robot as an extension of themselves, not as an [inflexible ] machine, " says Erik Nieves, technology director. | |
16 | “迂腐和僵化”,这是一个外国的大投资者对日本市场监管的评价。 | "Pedantic and inflexible " is how a large foreign investor describes it. | |
17 | 《冷山》中执著的艾达 | Inflexible Ada in Cold Mountain | |
18 | 奥巴马政府建设性地将G20峰会设定为一个重要节点,让中国改变其有欠灵活的汇率实践。 | The administration constructively set the G20 meeting as an important juncture for China to change its inflexible currency practices. | |
19 | 标签实际上非常不灵活。 | Tag in HTML is actually pretty inflexible . | |
20 | 不过,过于刻板的习惯不利于孩子个人气质、个人兴趣和个人特性的形成。 | Yet a routine that’s too inflexible doesn’t make room for kids’ individual temperaments, preferences, and quirks. | |
21 | 传统的Java属性的问题在于配置不灵活,需要花费很多的维护成本。 | The problem with the traditional use of Java properties is that you have an inflexible configuration that will cost you more in maintenance. | |
22 | 从他的发言“每有一个神秘的答案”,我们可以很容易形成的印象是一个人以极大的智慧和灵活的意愿。 | From his speaking "Every mystery has an answer" , we can readily shape the impression of a man with great intelligence and inflexible will. | |
23 | 但其中的巨大差别在于,电视是经过编排的,而且无法自主选择。 | But there is a big difference. Television was programmed and inflexible . | |
24 | 但是硅基光电探测器有一些缺陷:它不能折叠,也不便宜。 | Silicon photodetectors suffer, though, from a handicap: they are inflexible . Nor are they particularly cheap. | |
25 | 但是一般的压电材料都非常硬,而且不易弯曲,通常还有毒性。 | But they’re ordinarily made of hard, inflexible materials, which are also usually toxic. | |
26 | 当然,没有规则的德国葡萄酒是不可想象的,但在我看来,这些规则实在是太僵化了。 | German wine without rules is of course unthinkable but these seem awfully inflexible to me. | |
27 | 对该次会议公开的描述给读者一种片面的印象,即朝鲜是死板顽固的。 | The public description of the meeting leaves the reader with a one-dimensional impression of the North Koreans as inflexible . | |
28 | 二十世纪八十年代,增长放缓,不灵活的体制无法再与之适应。 | Growth slowed from the 1980s, and the system was too inflexible to adjust. | |
29 | 非弹性限制优先于所有任务相关性生效,并将任务限制在您选择的日期。 | Inflexible constraints override any task dependencies and restrict a task to a date you choose. | |
30 | 过多的凯恩斯主义者,诸如保罗·克鲁格曼,视这为一种的不变的工资收入和价格之间的问题。 | Too many old-time Keynesians, like Paul Krugman, view this as a problem of inflexible wages and prices. |