属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-昆虫学 有失蜂度
1 | 无脊椎动物先天免疫模式识别受体研究进展 | Progress in Pattern Recognition Receptors of Innate Immunity in Invertebrates | |
2 | 先前受到特定病原体感染或接种疫苗时,会产生这类的免疫。天生免疫的机制包括物理障碍(如皮肤)和化学障碍(例如唾液中出现的杀菌)。 | Previous infection with a particular pathogen, as well as vaccines, produce this type of immunity. The mechanisms of innate immunity include physical barriers (including the skin)and chemical barriers (such as bactericidal enzymes present in saliva). | |
3 | 新的天然免疫保护分子-PLUNC家族蛋白 | PLUNC Family: Novel Class of Innate Immune Protective Molecules in Upper Airway | |
4 | 严复国民素质教育思想研究-以批判和改造国民“劣根性”为例 | The Study of Yan Fu Education Thought on the Performance of the Citizen-Taking Animadverting and Transforming the Citizen Innate Padness for Example | |
5 | 一种内在的对正确和错误的判断 | an innate knowledge of right and wrong. | |
6 | 以身体的免疫系统的正常运作为基础,在自然免疫或天生免疫中,出生时就有的免疫机制对众多不同的微生物发生作用,不管先前是否遭遇过。 | Immunity is based on the proper functioning of the body’s immune system. In natural or innate immunity, immune mechanisms present at birth work against a wide variety of microbes whether or not they have been encountered before. | |
7 | 因此,他相信生物有一种内在的倾向,使它朝着进步和更完善的方向发展。 | He consequently believes in an innate tendency towards progressive and more perfect development | |
8 | 与大劣按蚊先天免疫相关丝氨酸蛋白酶的克隆及分析 | Molecular Cloning and Analysis of the Association between Innate Immunity-Associated Genes and Serine Protease in Anopheles dirus | |
9 | 原发性肝癌患者红细胞免疫分子CR1活性和循环免疫复合物的变化 | Changes of Erythrocyte Innate Immune Molecule CR1 and Circulant Immune Complexes in Patients with Primary Hepatocarcinoma | |
10 | 在…身上或性格中 | In the possession or innate character of. | |
11 | 这段话可以被解释为对人类固有的道德意识的认识。 | This passage may be interpreted as a recognition of an innate moral sense in man | |
12 | 这是我们固有的一种怪癖,喜欢修饰,究竟如何,我就不知道了。 | This was an innate eccentricity and love of embroidery, I do not know why | |
13 | 这一民族斗争只能靠着普通人民的固有的英勇精神支撑下去。 | The national struggle could only be sustained by the innate valour of the common people | |
14 | 这种辩护根植于经济学专业固有的保守主义。 | Such a defence is rooted in the innate conservatism of the economic profession | |
15 | 这种能力一部分来自个人夭赋,当然也有不少人通过接受高等教育提高自己的学习能力和各种知识的融会贯通能力。 | Some of this skill is innate , but many people enhance their ability to learn--and to relate different aspects of learning--through college and university courses | |
16 | 正确的思想不是头脑中固有的,而是来源于社会实践。 | Correct ideas are not innate in the mind, but come from social practice. | |
17 | 知识是后天获得的,不是先天就有的。 | Knowledge is acquired, not innate | |
18 | 珠儿一味纠缠着要弄清红字之谜,看来是她的一种内在的天性。 | Pearl’s inevitable tendency to hover about the enigma of the scarlet letter seemed an innate quality of her being. | |
19 | ||1:半个世纪以来一个由乔姆斯基领导的西方语言学家的群体已经证实,语言是一种先天的能力,是大脑中“语言器官”的产物。||2:另一个杰出的“先天派”包括进化心理学家、《语言本能》的作者——史蒂夫皮克和夏威夷大学的语言学家、“生物计划”语言理论的创始人——德里克贝克顿。||3:“先天派”认为所有的语言都有共同的基本特点,并且语言天赋论是关于到底有多少人类本性被用于智力运作的宽泛讨论的一部分。 | ||1:For half a century an influential group of Western linguists, led by Noam Chomsky, have argued that language is an innate human faculty, the product of a “language organ” in the mind.||2:Other prominent “innatists” include Steven Pinker, an evolutionary psychologist and author of “The Language Instinct”, and Derek Bickerton, a linguist at the University of Hawaii and developer of a “bioprogramme” theory of language.||3:Innatists believe that all languages share fundamental features.And linguistic innatism is part of a wider debate about just how much of human nature is wired into the brain. | |
20 | ||1:除了糟糕的头发,还有什么理由不喜欢他呢?唉,他不太懂得如何与女人相处。||2:他追求过几个,也订了婚,但一到神坛上她们就都退缩了,因为无法忍受他强烈的操守观。||3:就像他最喜欢的哲学家让·雅克·卢梭一样,戴怨社会侵蚀了人善良的天性。||4:戴需要的是一个未定型的年轻女性—他这位“皮革马利翁”的“伽拉特亚”。||5:在比克内尔的帮助下,他想出了一个解决自己问题的方案。||6:他们去了一家孤儿院,假装是要收留一个女孩儿当学徒。两人选了最漂亮的一个,带着她跑了。||7:然后他们在另一家孤儿院又故伎重演。 | ||1:Apart from the bad hair, what’s not to like? Alas, Day had a problem with women.||2:He courted them, got engaged, but they all balked at the altar, unable to stomach his fierce virtue.||3:Like his favourite philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, he blamed society for corrupting man’s innate goodness.||4:What Day needed was someone young and unformed, a Galatea to his Pygmalion.||5:With Bicknell he hatched a scheme to solve his problems.||6:They went to an orphanage, pretended to need a girl apprentice, picked out the prettiest and made off with her.||7:Then they did it again at another orphanage. | |
21 | ||1:两位女性让人最印象深刻的相似性在于她们看似天性使然的坚定自我和无所畏惧。||2:在Thompson1920年27岁生日的那一天,这位美国年轻女子仅持一文件夹,心携能够取得自由时事记者的工作资格并穿越欧洲去见证俄国沙皇革命余波的目标,孤身一人远赴没有亲朋所在的英国。||3:到1927年,她已定居柏林,成为首位欧洲新闻署的女性负责人。||4: West的父亲----爱尔兰记者,抛弃妻子之时,她才8岁。幸而至19岁时已经是一位评论家和散文家,并“弃名声于不顾”地以初生牛犊之势发表了前辈级作家Arnold Bennett和George Bernard Shaw删减过的批判性评论。 ||5: West女士直到1983年90岁与世长辞之前从未间断过写作,并曾得到让人梦寐以求的《纽约客》编辑Harold Ross的暗藏丰盛赞誉的来信:“请以我们写个故事吧,真实的虚构的都可以!” ||6:1941年,West出版了举世闻名的书:《黑色的小羊羔和灰色的猎鹰》---叙述了巴尔干半岛的历史以及对纳粹主义兴起的沉思。 | ||1: The most striking similarity between Thompson and West is their seemingly innate self-belief and fearlessness. ||2: On her 27th birthday in 1920 the American-born Thompson sailed for England. With no contacts but with portfolio in hand, her goal was to gain credentials as a freelance reporter and make her way across Europe to witness the aftermath of the revolution in Russia. ||3: By 1927 she was living in Berlin as the first female head of a news bureau in Europe. ||4: West, the daughter of an Anglo-Irish journalist who abandoned the family when she was eight, was a reviewer and essayist by the time she was 19, when “regardless of reputation” she published cutting critiques of established writers such as Arnold Bennett and George Bernard Shaw. ||5: West wrote consistently until her death at 90 in 1983, and was in the enviable position of having Harold Ross, the editor of the New Yorker, write to her, pleading: “Please write any story you want for us, fact or fiction.” ||6: In 1941 West published her best-known book, “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon”, a history of the Balkans and a meditation on the rise of Nazism. | |
22 | ||1:你认为布莱特是个英雄还是恶棍完全取决于你自己的好恶。||2:他好斗的个性有多令人欣赏,同时就有多令人讨厌。||3:他早期的轶事中就有一则关于一次他和一个圣公会的副主教暴吵了一架,两个人都在一个地区教堂的墓地里大喊大叫的故事。||4: 卡什先生说,布莱特是一个天生流着保守主义血液的自有原则的激进派;他始终都在自由党中, 但并不总是属于自由党, 甚至不见得总是支持自由党。 ||5:布莱特和格莱斯顿以及迪斯累利的关系都很复杂。||6: 他还极端厌恶前首相帕梅尔斯通(Palmerston), 而帕梅尔斯通对布莱特也没什么好感。 | ||1: Whether you rated him a hero or a villain depended on your point of view. ||2: His pugnacity fascinated and repelled people in equal measure. ||3: Early tales include a furious quarrel with a local Anglican vicar, both of them hollering from tombstones in the parish churchyard. ||4: He was, says Mr Cash, “an independent Radical by principle, with a persistent strain of innate conservatism. He was in the Liberal Party as it evolved but not always of, or evenwith, the Liberal Party”. ||5: His relationships with Gladstone and Disraeli were complex. ||6: He loathed Lord Palmerston, a former prime minister, and the feeling was mutual. | |
23 | 熊蜂抢劫花蜜的行为到底是先天性还是后天性,自达尔文起,生物学家们一直对此感到困惑。 | The question about nectar robbery that has intrigued biologists from Darwin onwards is whether the behaviour is innate or learnt. | |
24 | “加拿大人对于‘帅哥’似乎存在固有的不信任感。” | "Canadians have an innate distrust of attractive people. " | |
25 | “文学性”作为文学史认知模式深层结构中的固有因素,还表现在文学史叙事的情节安排中。 | As an innate factor in the cognitive model of literature history, literariness also shows arrangement of plots. | |
26 | Baron-Cohen博士认为先天的偏好也能够持续到成年。 | Dr Baron-Cohen suggests that innate preferences can be carried into adulthood, too. | |
27 | Kraepelin拒绝接受将精神疾病的原因归结为先天性欲或早年性经验的心理分析理论。 | Kraepelin rejected the psychoanalytical theories that placed innate sexuality or early sexual experiences at the root of mental illness. | |
28 | VannessaLoBue和JudyDeLoache说她们的发现打击了颜色偏好有先天性别差异这个观点。 | Vannessa LoBue and Judy DeLoache say their finding undermines the notion of innate sex differences in colour preference. | |
29 | X对待批评都是一笑而过的,他有那种天生的自信,有能力说“别管他们,我们很好”这种话,而且他说这话是当真的。 | X laughs off criticism: he has that innate confidence, the ability to say "screw them, we’re fine" and mean it. | |
30 | 百胜的企业文化基于这样一个事实:每个人天生都希望得到认同。 | A. Our culture is based on the fact that people have an innate need forwell-deserved recognition. |