1 | ( 二)对离船、离航空器又无有效的黄热病预防接种证书的员工、旅客,实施本细则第八十五条规定的卫生处理; | (2)crew members and passengers leaving the vessel or the aircraft without a valid certificate of inoculation against yellow fever are required to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Article 85 of these Implementation Rules; | |
2 | ( 二)其他预防接种的有效期,按照有关规定执行。 | (2)As for other kinds of inoculation , their term of validity shall be stated in related regulations. | |
3 | ( 五)对入境、出境人员进行预防接种、健康检查、医疗服务、国际旅行健康咨询和卫生宣传; | (5)offer services in preventive inoculation , physical check-up, medical treatment, consultancy on hygiene and health for international travellers; | |
4 | ( 一)黄热病疫苗自接种后第 10 日起, 10 年内有效。如果前次接种不满 10 年又经复种,自受种的七日起, 10 年内有效; | (1)For yellow fever vaccine, it is valid for10 years from the day of inoculation . If the second inoculation follows the previous one is less than 10 years, it is valid for 10 years from the day of reinoculation. | |
5 | PGPB对红树植物木榄幼苗的接种效应 | Effects of Inoculation with Plant Growth-promoting Bacteria on Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Seedlings | |
6 | 稗草病原菌防御性接种防治稻瘟病研究初报 | Preliminary Studies on Rice Blast Control by Defence-Inoculation with Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa spp.)Pathogenic Fungi | |
7 | 保护,预防就象通过注射预防针一样受到保护;保护 | To safeguard as if by inoculation ;protect. | |
8 | 不同pH值下接种根瘤菌对紫花苜蓿产量和品质的影响(简报) | Effects on Yield and Quality of Medicago sativa by Rhizobium Inoculation under Different pH Value Conditions | |
9 | 不同计免管理模式对预防接种安全注射的影响 | Effect of Different EPI Pattern on Safe Injection of Preventive Inoculation | |
10 | 不同施铜水平下接种AM真菌对海州香薷根际pH的影响 | Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Inoculation on Rhizosphere pH of Elsholtzia splendens under Different Cu Levels | |
11 | 丛枝菌根菌接种对香水百合鳞茎生长与磷含量之影响 | Inoculation Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Growth and Phosphorus Contents of Oriental Lily Bulb | |
12 | 丛枝菌根真菌对西红柿苗期生长及矿质营养吸收的作用 | Effects of Different AMF Strains Inoculation on Tomato Growth and Nutrient Absorption during Seedling Stage | |
13 | 丛枝内生菌根菌与溶磷细菌接种对亚洲型百合球茎增大之影响 | Inoculation Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria on the Growth of Asian Hybrid Lily | |
14 | 第八十五条 来自黄热病疫区的人员,在入境时,必须向卫生检疫机关出示有效的黄热病预防接种证书。 | Article 85 People coming from a yellow fever prevalent area are required to present valid certificate of inoculation against yellow fever to the health and quarantine organ upon entry. | |
15 | 第六十六条 国务院卫生行政部门认为必要时,可以要求来自国外或者国外某些地区的人员负在入境时,向卫生检疫机关出示有效的某种预防接种证书或者健康证明。 | Article 66 When necessary, the health administrative department under the State Council shall order the health and quarantine organs to check the valid certificate of certain preventive inoculation or health certificate of the persons upon their arrival at the entry port from abroad or from certain regions. | |
16 | 第六十七条 预防接种的有效期如下: | Article 67 Term of validity of preventive inoculation are as follows: | |
17 | 第三十四条 卫生部门应当对儿童实行预防接种证制度,积极防治儿童常见病、多发病,加强对传染防治工作的监督管理和对托儿所、幼儿园卫生保健的业务指导。 | Article 34 Departments of public health shall, in relation to children, establish a preventive inoculation certificate system, make efforts to prevent common and frequently-occurring diseases among children, strengthen supervision and control over the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and give more effective professional guidance to sanitation and health-care work in nurseries and kindergartens. | |
18 | 第一百条 受入境、出境检疫的人员,必须根据检疫医师的要求,如实填报健康申明卡,出示某种有效的传染病预防接种证书、健康证明或者其他有关证件。 | Article 100 The people subject to entry or exit quarantine inspection are required to fill out health card as required by the quarantine physician, to present a valid certificate of inoculation against epidemic diseases, bill of health or other related certificate. | |
19 | 对列车、车辆彻底杀灭成蚊及其虫卵、幼虫;对无有效黄热病预防接种证书的员工、旅客,应当实施本细则第八十五条规定的卫生处理。 | adult mosquitoes, their eggs and larvae on board must be annihilated; the crew members and passengers without valid certificate of inoculation against yellow fever are required to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Article 85 of these Implementation Rules. | |
20 | 对无有效的黄热病预防接种证书的人员,卫生检疫机关可以从该人员离开感染环境的时候算起,实施 6 日的留验,或者实施预防接种并留验到黄热病预防接种证书生效时为止。 | For those without valid certificate of inoculation , the health and quarantine organ may exercise check-up detention for a period of 6 days counting from the day they left the contaminated place or they may have on-site inoculation against yellow fever and stay until the certificate comes into effect. | |
21 | 镉污染环境中丛枝菌根真菌对紫羊茅生长及镉积累的影响 | Effect of Glomus intraradices Inoculation on the Growth of Red Fescue and Its Cadmium Accumulation under Cadmium Contamination | |
22 | 给孩子种白喉疫苗了吗 | Have the baby had a diphtheria inoculation ? | |
23 | 旱作水稻与花生混作体系中接种根瘤菌对植株生长的促进作用 | The Promotion of Plant Growth by Rhizobium Inoculation in Mixed Cropping of Rice and Peanut Cultivated on Upland Condition | |
24 | 黄原胶发酵的最佳温度为28~30℃,接种量为10%,蔗糖作为碳源优于葡萄糖。当搅拌速度500rpm,空气通入量为0.5vvm,产胶阶段的pH值7.0。 | The optimal fermentation conditions are: temperature 28~30℃,the inoculation quantity of Xanthomonas Campestris 10%,sucrose concentration 5g\L,agitation rate 500rpm,air input rate 0.5vvm,and pH nearby 7.0. | |
25 | 活动性微生物计数-通过对营养琼脂培养基培养的计群法 | enumeration of viable microorganisms-colony count by inoculation in or on a nutrient agar culture medium | |
26 | 接种AM真菌对龙眼实生苗营养生长与矿质营养的影响 | Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Inoculation on the Vegetative Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Longan Seedlings | |
27 | 接种方式对纤维素刚果红培养基筛选菌株的影响 | Effect of Inoculation Methods on the Screening Strains with Cellulose Congo-red Medium | |
28 | 接种根瘤菌和遮光对大豆固氮和光合作用的影响 | Effects of Rhizobial Inoculation and Shading on Nitrogen Fixation and Photosynthesis of Soybean | |
29 | 接种后,将该汁浆在200C(2~280C(2之间发酵3~5天。 | After inoculation the juice is fermented for 3 to 5 days at temperatures varying between 200C and 280C. | |
30 | 接种枯萎病菌香蕉苗病症及其组织病理特征 | The Symptom Observation and Tissue Pathogenic Characteristics of Banana Seedlings after Inoculation with Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense |