属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-男性魅力 腹肌绝对是极好的!
1 | 这铰链松了。 | The hinge is insecure . | |
2 | 这是一个没有加密、没有提供安全性保护的不安全文档。 | This is an insecure document that is not encrypted and offers no security protection. | |
3 | 这种情形持续几周仍没有好转。凯特显得焦虑、不安。我不明白,为什么每到就寝时间她就格外不安? | The weeks passed,and the bedtime wasn’t any better. Kate seemed so restless, so insecure .Why?I wondered.Why this time of day more than the other hours? | |
4 | 这种相关是不密切的,而且用来预测是靠不住的。 | The correlation is loose and the use for prediction insecure | |
5 | 只要交战一方控制着大陆,另一方霸占着海洋,双方就都会感到坐立不安。 | As long as the one combatant was supreme on land and the other at sea, each felt threatened and insecure | |
6 | 至于大厦的基础似乎也有些不牢靠。 | As for the foundations, there seemed to be something insecure about them too | |
7 | 最初,这让苏姗觉得安心,马克保护失明妻子的愿望也得到了满足,因为苏姗连做最小的事都还没有信心。 | At first, this comforted Susan and fulfilled Mark’s need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task. | |
8 | 最贫困和最缺乏食品的人们的有效市场(包括物质基础设施和市场机构)的缺乏,导致了食品生产者和非食品生产者的饥饿状态,阻碍没有土地的人得到就业机会。 | Lack of functioning markets – both physical infrastructure and market institutions-for the poorest and most food-insecure leads to hunger among food producers and non-food producers and hinders employment opportunities for the landless. | |
9 | ||1:野心勃勃,尖刻,并直接达到粗鲁的程度。海尔曼是个贪吃的女人,据1941年杂志纽约形象描述,她粗鲁的可以“用牙齿扯下瓶塞”。||2:她知道自己不是一个美人(她的第一任男友说她长得像是“捕鲸船的船头”),但是她性感十足,专门勾引别人的老公。||3:孤独,还有对性感的不安全感,使得她在艳遇和与男人的友谊中寻求肯定。 | ||1:Ambitious, acerbic and direct to the point of rudeness, Hellman was a woman of voracious appetites, the kind of “tough broad” who “can take the tops off bottles with her teeth”, according to a 1941 New Yorker profile.||2:She knew she wasn’t a beauty (her first boyfriend said she looked like “a prow head on a whaling ship”), but she bristled with a sexual charisma designed to distract husbands from their wives.||3:Lonely and insecure about her desirability, she found affirmation in affairs and friendships with men. | |
10 | ||1:这出古怪的戏剧,莫明其妙却引人入胜。||2:这不仅归功于品特的剧本,也要归功于舞台上演员出色的演绎。||3:西维尔在舞台上不停哚脚,喋喋不休,正是那个气势逼人却又有轻微不安全感的丈夫。不过对迪利这个角色而言,他实在太英俊了些,脸庞也太轮廓分明了些。||4:威廉姆斯塑造的极富生气的安娜也很成功。||5:然而斯考特.托马斯的表演夺人心魄。||6:她阴影深重的灰眼睛里光芒闪烁,旋即陷入沉思;所有的戏剧性都汇聚到她高耸的颧骨上。||7:无论是安娜或是凯特一角,都被她诠释得天衣无缝。无论是洗澡后拨弄脚趾,或懒洋洋地把脚搭在床上;这些微小的动作在她做来却让人目不转睛,心驰神往。||8:她的沉默远非虚无,却是风情万种,神秘莫测。 | ||1: This is a strange play, puzzling and haunting. ||2: It works as well as it does thanks not only to Pinter’s text, but also to superb interpretation on stage. ||3: Mr Sewell stomps and sputters as the charismatic and slightly insecure Deeley, though he might be a touch too handsome—his face too chiselled—for the role. ||4: Ms Williams makes for a nervously effervescent Anna. ||5: But it is Ms Scott Thomas who steals the show. ||6: Her enormous hooded grey eyes shine and then brood; the drama ricochets off her impressive cheekbones. ||7: In either role, she is compelling enough to command even the small gestures, such as when she picks at her toes after a bath, or languorously drapes a foot over a bed. ||8: Her silence, far from empty, is seductive and mysterious. | |
11 | ||1:这一段在剧中,是由斯大林所写,他召见布尔加科夫密见。||2:现实中布尔加科夫的确写过一部关于斯大林青年时期经历的剧本,但从未被搬上舞台。斯大林和他通过电话并表示过赞赏,但并没有他们会面的记录。||3: Simon Russell Beale(如图)扮演了一个冷酷却又惹人发笑的斯大林,用西方粗喉音代替了他原来的乔治亚时期的口音。他世故圆滑,富于魅力,控制欲强,具有威慑力同时又反复无常。 ||4:在剧中,当斯大林敲定剧本台词时,布尔加科夫在妥协和良知之间摇摆挣扎,但不得不完成这一合作的剧本,内容涉及炼钢厂目标,谷物分配,甚至死刑名额。 | ||1: That, in the event, is written by Stalin, who summons Bulgakov to secret meetings. ||2: The actual Bulgakov did write a never-performed play about Stalin’s youth; Stalin telephoned and took an interest in him, though there is no record that they met. ||3: Simon Russell Beale (pictured above) is a chillingly hilarious Stalin; substituting a West Country burr for the original Georgian accent, he is cunning and charming, manipulative, menacing and intellectually insecure . ||4: While Stalin hammers out the script, Bulgakov, struggling with his compromises and conscience, is obliged do his collaborator’s paperwork, which slides from steel-factory targets, to grain allocations, to death quotas. | |
12 | 但即使研究人员已经知道了密码不安全,要确切地给出个不安全系数却是很困难的。 | But although researchers know that passwords are insecure , working out just how insecure has been difficult. | |
13 | 结果让那些对自己阴茎没自信的男性感到庆幸:尽管女性的确会认为阴茎更大更有吸引力,但这并不是最重要的因素。 | Happily for the insecure , although the women did indeed find a larger penis alluring, it was not the most important factor. | |
14 | “一些国家感到不安全是基于数个世纪以来的理由,”一位北约内部人士说。 | "Some countries feel insecure for reasons going back centuries, " says a NATO insider. | |
15 | 安全依附型的婴儿也比那些非安全型的在日后更可能拥有更为稳固的婚姻。 | Securely attached babies were also more likely to have had more stable relationships than their insecure peers. | |
16 | 被负面情绪和某种脆弱感包围的人,生活中都充满了恐慌和不安全感。 | The fearful and insecure person is the one who hides behind negative emotions and is enveloped within a particular weakness in their life. | |
17 | 被三倍于他年龄的脾气暴躁的将军们包围着,一个不安全的年轻领导人可能采取急躁的措施来捍卫他自己。 | Surrounded by crusty generals three times his age, an insecure young leader might just resort to hot-headed measures to assert himself. | |
18 | 表现的贫苦,黏人和不牢靠 | Being Needy, Clingy, And Insecure | |
19 | 别把这些都当成是你自己的事情:即使你是那个拿着高薪,深感不安,并且一次又一次地触及他们失望底线的家伙。 | Don’t take it personally: Even well-paid top dogs feel insecure at work now and again and take their frustrations out on their underlings. | |
20 | 不过问题是,对于缺少安全感、有社交焦虑的人来说就变成“排斥预言”了。 | The problem is that for insecure or socially nervous individuals it becomes the rejection prophecy. | |
21 | 不可靠的不肯定的;怀疑的: | insecure adj. not sure or certain; doubtful: | |
22 | 不要不安全行为,或者像你想获得批准。 | Don’t act insecure , or like you’re trying to gain approval. | |
23 | 不要将其用作一种不安全的访问授权形式。 | It should not be used as an insecure form of access authorization. | |
24 | 除了健康,当体形不好时,大多数人会觉得没有吸引力,觉得不安和缺乏自信。 | Apart from the healthy benefits, a lot of people feel unattractive, insecure and less confident when they are out of shape. | |
25 | 处女座男人的冷漠本性让双鱼座女人感觉到不安全。 | The cold and detached nature of theVirgo can make his Pisces woman feel insecure . | |
26 | 当你的感受是i卑微、不安全、被忽视、没有受到奖励,那么,注意一下那些让你采取寻求注意力行为的情绪触发事件。 | If you feel undermined, insecure , ignored or unrewarded then be aware of your particular emotional triggers to attention-seeking behaviour. | |
27 | 当新技术、创新、想法加大了人们背叛的范围,生活变得极不安全。 | Life becomes dangerously insecure when new technologies, innovations, and ideas increase the scope of defection. | |
28 | 对,我对我的腹部没自信。 | Yup, I am insecure about my gut. | |
29 | 对测圆盘转动惯量实验进行改进,避免了耗材、不安全、仪器易损坏等问题; | The improved instrument of rotational inertia of disk avoids such problems as the cost-expensive, insecure and easy damageable. | |
30 | 对我们来说拥有不安全的边界是不可接受的。 | It’s unacceptable to us to have insecure borders. |