1 | 你们不敢批驳我们的八条,不敢坚持你们的五条。 | You don’t dare to rebut our eight terms or insist upon your five | |
2 | 你们注意看一些香港的议论,一些外国资产阶级学者的议论,大都是要求我们搞自由化,包括说我们没有人权。 | If you have read some of the comments that have been made by people in Hong Kong and by bourgeois scholars in foreign countries, you will see that most of them insist that we should liberalize, or say that there are no human rights in China. | |
3 | 你一定要看医生。 | I insist that you (should)see the doctor. | |
4 | 女性们如今坚决主张要拥有(独自挺立的)栎树的一切特权,同时又要有攀附于其上的葡萄藤的一切额外所得。 | Women now insist on have all the prerogative of the oak and all the perquisite of the cling vine. | |
5 | 女性们如今坚决主张要拥有(独自挺立的)栎树的一切特权,同时又要有攀附于上的葡萄藤的一切额外所得。 | Women now insist on having all the prerogatives of the oak and all the perquisites of the clinging vine. | |
6 | 噢,好啦,你一定要这样就听你的吧. | Oh,very well,if you insist . | |
7 | 偶尔也有个把聪明、倔强的姑娘坚决要求履行合同上的规定。 | Occasionally a girl of intelligence and spirit would insist on the fulfillment of the terms of her indentures | |
8 | 强调遵守时间的重要 | To insist on the importance of being punctual | |
9 | 请您务必到场。 | I insist that you (should)be present. | |
10 | 请要求厂家和经销商检验所更换的配件是否符合要求。 | Consult the plumber or electric service company in your area for all service, replacement parts or any questions you might have regarding this heater. Insist on factory inspected and approved replacement parts. | |
11 | 然而,我们越使工资、工时和价格标准化,越要为人人谋求社会保险,越要处处强制实行二加二等于四,那么人们就越发沉迷于跑狗场和足球场的赌博。 | But the more we standardize wages, hours and prices, the more we insist upon social security for everybody, the more we compel two and two to make four everywhere, the more people will take to the greyhound tracks and the football pools | |
12 | 如果不尽快铲除仇恨,它就会生根发芽,使那些执意仇恨无法释怀的人致残甚至死亡。 | Unless it’s swiftly rooted out, it takes hold and grows, crippling and eventually even killing those who insist on clinging determinedly to it | |
13 | 如果你方坚持自己的价格,不作让步,我们没有必要再谈下去了。 | If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion. | |
14 | 如果你坚持付帐我不反对 | I won’t kick if you insist on paying the Bill. | |
15 | 如果你一定要我喝,我就再喝一杯。 | I will have another glass if you insist . | |
16 | 如果您坚持,我就不动头顶的头发。 | I won’t touch the top if you insist . | |
17 | 如果真如最死忠的猫王迷所言,他仍然在世,他对一些歌迷的作为可能也会觉得难以想像,例如有批跳伞好手装扮成他的模样跳伞,号称"飞行猫王"。 | If, as some obsessed fans insist , Elvis is still with us, one can only imagine what he thinks of followers like the "Flying Elvis", a team of skydiving Presley impersonators | |
18 | 若你方坚持原有报价,我们就难以达成协议 | If you insist on your original offer, we can hardly reach an agreement | |
19 | 他打定主意坚决不让她陪伴自己。 | He had decided to insist that she not accompany him. | |
20 | 他们坚持要用图片来报导这些事件。 | They have insist on a full pictorial coverage of the event. | |
21 | 他们坚决主张同工同酬。 | They insist upon equal pay for equal work | |
22 | 他们坚信,我们能够摆脱基因的控制,紧紧抓住神秘的自由之花。 | We can rise above our genetic determinism, they insist , and grasp that mystic flower, freedom | |
23 | 他们一贯坚持高标准。 | They always insist on a high standard. | |
24 | 他努力坚持作品的清楚明晰(赖恩内尔·特里林) | He was at pains to insist on the perspicuity of what he wrote(Lionel Trilling) | |
25 | 他说他不愿意合作,是吗?好,我们非办办这件事不可!(我一定得让他合作.) | He says he won’t co-operate,does he? Well,we’ll soon see about that! ie I will insist that he does co-operate. | |
26 | 他知道只有长年饱经风霜,她才学会了稍稍争一下自己的权利。 | He knew that only years of battling had taught her to insist even so little on her rights | |
27 | 太多落后国家理直气壮地坚认接受美援是天赐权利,而非美国乐善好施的表现。他们向美国施压最爱用的方法是威胁要向苏联靠拢。 | Too many underdeveloped nations self-righteously insist that receiving American aid is their God-given right rather than a manifestation of American generosity.Their favorite instrument in pressuring Washington has been to raise the specter of moving closer to the Soviet Union. | |
28 | 外商投资管理部门及公检法机关,坚持依法行政,依法办案,有效地维护了各方的权益。 | The foreign investment management departments and justice organizations insist on administrating according to law and handling cases according to law, so that they have effectively protected rights and interests of each party | |
29 | 为了改变这种状况,为了克服某种讨厌的家长作风,为了强调个人的独立性,许多妇女出去吃饭时都坚持自己付钱。 | As a way of stopping this, as a way of combatting a certain paternalism found to be offensive and as a way of asserting their individuality, many women insist on paying for themselves when going out to dinner | |
30 | 为什么一谈市场就说是资本主义,只有计划才是社会主义呢 | Why do some people always insist that the market is capitalist and only planning is socialist? |