1 | 副本/子项安装未能读取system32目录中的文件schema.ini的SCHEMA段中的objectVersion属性。 | The replica/child install failed to read the objectVersion attribute in the SCHEMA section of the file schema.ini in the system32 directory. | |
2 | 副本/子项安装未能获取源DC上的架构容器的objectVersion属性。架构容器上的属性不存在,或者提供的凭证没有读取属性的权限。 | The replica/child install failed to get the objectVersion attribute on the schema container on the source DC. Either the attribute is missing on the schema container or the credentials supplied do not have permission to read it. | |
3 | 该公司将负责新厨房的设计、设备供应及安装。 | The company will design, supply and install your new kitchen. | |
4 | 钢瓶返还给供应商时,正确关闭钢瓶阀门,替换并固定阀门排气口密封,正确安装钢瓶帽。 | When returning cylinders to the supplier, properly close the cylinder valve, replace and secure any valve outlet seals, and properly install the cylinder cap. | |
5 | 管道工由于对冲水阀知之甚少而不敢安装冲水阀,建筑师也由于同样的原因不敢采用冲水阀,而房屋业主也不想自己作为别人的试验品,出租人不想采用未经证实的产品。 | Plumbers were afraid to install Flushometers because they knew nothing about them. architects would not specify them for the same reason. Owners did not want to be the guinea pigs. Lenders were leery of unproven products. | |
6 | 管状蝶阀:采用铸铁管接头直接与管道连接。管状阀门安装最容易。 | Grooved butterfly valves direct connect to pipe using iron pipe size couplings. Grooved valves are easiest to install . | |
7 | 激光打印机和其它接口设备连接局域网络供大家使用。同轴电缆与光纤缆线是局域网络常用的通讯线路,提供快速的数据传输,安装容易。 | Laser printers and other peripheral equipment can be connected to a LAN for common use. Coaxial and fibre-optic cables are popular communication lines for LANs because they provide fast data transmission and are easy to install . | |
8 | 几年前国会通过政策法,设了一个协调员,目的是促进谈判,我知道这个谈判是很敏感的,有多大可能性? | Years ago, the Congress passed the Law on Policies and decided to install a coordinator with the view to promote negotiations which I understand is a sensitive question. Is the negotiation possible? | |
9 | 记下到此目录的路径,因为它会被用来安装其它机器,这些机器可能使用网络安装选项。 | Record the path to this directory as it will be used to install the other machine using the network install option. | |
10 | 济南与青岛的建筑商,大多认为我公司产品易于安装,且外观颇具吸引力。 | Building constructors in Ji Nan and Qingdao have found our product easy to install and very attractive in appearance. | |
11 | 简单的安装要求,对网络安装及调试无需特殊工具 | Simple installation requiring no special tools to install or tune the network | |
12 | 将竖立的塑料灯塔有八米高。 | The plastic lighthouse to be install be eight metre high. | |
13 | 将探测器安装在符合表2-1所列要求的场所 | Install the detector in an area that meets the requirements listed in Table2-1. | |
14 | 开发者们可以把OLE控制安装到调色板上或从包括在Delphi2。0中的OLE控制中选择。 | Developer can install ole control onto the palette or choose from among the ole control include in delphi2.0. | |
15 | 可以在aNSI125或150磅级之间的任何法兰上安装。可以使用铸铁、青铜、塑料或钢法兰。不需要法兰垫圈。 | Install this valve between any aNSI Class 125 or 150 flange. Cast iron, bronze, plastic or steel flanges may be used. No flange gaskets are required. | |
16 | 灵活更新功能部件使您可以更容易安装新的插入部件。 | The SmartUpdate feature makes it easy to install new plug-ins. | |
17 | 卖方或其指定的服务供应商应在买方指定的中华人民共和国境内设施上安装××系统。安装费应加在卖方发票上,由买方支付。 | Seller or its designated service provider shall install the ×× System at buyer’s designated facility in the People’s Republic of China. Installation charges are specified in Annex C. | |
18 | 卖方或其指定的服务供应商应在买方指定的中华人民共和国境内设施上安装系统。 | Seller or its designated service provider shall install the System at buyer’s designated facility in the People’s Republic of China. | |
19 | 每个组件在装配前都要经过检验。 | We check each component before we install it. | |
20 | 每一部分在安装前,我们都做过检查。 | We check each component before we install it. | |
21 | 某些设备需要高温热水(例如洗碗机和自动洗衣机)。为了防止可能发生的烫伤事故,请在热水管道系统上安装一个防烫伤调节阀门。 | Certain appliances require high temperature hot water (such as dishwashers and automatic clothes washers). In order to prevent potential scald injury, install an anti-scald tempering valve in the water system. | |
22 | 您的磁盘空间已快用完。此次安装可能没有成功完成。 | You are running low on disk space. This install may not complete successfully. | |
23 | 您确实想要安装此安全性模块吗? | Are you sure you want to install this security module? | |
24 | 您想要把XX安装在何处? | Where would you like to install XX? | |
25 | 平板式(对夹式):固定在两个管道法兰之间。安装容易,但是不能作为隔断阀使用。 | Wafer-style held in place between two pipe flanges. Easy to install but cannot be used as isolation valve. | |
26 | 请根据制造商的操作说明以及有管辖权部门的规定放置和安装热水器。 | Furnish and install , where indicated, in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and in compliance with all rules and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. | |
27 | 然后返回并选择在每台机器上安装附加的服务器 | Then go back and choose to install additional server on each of the machine | |
28 | 如果你安装了室外天线,你的电视接受效果会好点。 | If you install an outside antenna, you will have better reception | |
29 | 如果你希望节省空间,不必在任何POP机上安装MAN或者INFO。 | You do not have to install man or info on any of the pop machine if you wish to save space. | |
30 | 如果希望在添加字体时给出提示,在“工具”菜单上,单击“Internet选项”,单击“高级”选项卡,然后选中“启用即需即装”复选框。 | To be prompted when fonts need to be added, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options, click the Advanced tab, and then select the Enable Install On Demand check box. |