属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 5726-2-1992
1 | Windows安装服务未能启动。请与技术支持人员联系。 | The Windows Installer service failed to start. Contact your support personnel. | |
2 | Windows安装服务无法安装升级修补程序,因为被升级的程序可能会丢失或是升级修补程序可能更新此程序的一个不同版本。请确认要被升级的程序在您的计算机上且您的升级修补程序是正确的。 | The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch. | |
3 | Windows安装服务无法安装这个安装程序包。您必须安装含有Windows安装服务新版本的Windows Service Park。 | This installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service. | |
4 | Windows安装服务无法处理这个修补程序包。您必须安装含有Windows安装服务新版本的Windows Service Pack。 | This patch package cannot be processed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service. | |
5 | 安装后,安装商应该对每台完整的干井潜水泵系统进行现场测试。泵制造商代表应该出席现场测试。 | after installation, a Field Test shall be performed by the installer on each completed Dry-Pit Submersible Pump System. The pump manufacturer’s authorized representative shall be present for the Field Test. | |
6 | 灵活更新失败JAR归档缺少安装程序文件XX。 | SmartUpdate failed JAR archive is missing an installer file XX. | |
7 | 灵活更新失败JAR归档中没有安装程序文件信息。 | SmartUpdate failed JAR archive has no installer file information. | |
8 | 启动Windows安装服务用户接口时有错误。请与技术支持人员联系。 | There was an error starting the Windows Installer service user interface. Contact your support personnel. | |
9 | 使用创建原始工作组信息文件的方法创建一个新的副本:重新启动 Microsoft Access 以使 Windows 安装程序重新创建一默认的工作组信息文件。 | Create a new copy by using the method that was used to create the original file: re-start Microsoft Access so that installer will re-create a default workgroup information file. | |
10 | 微生物安全柜.用户、销售商和安装者互通情况及安装的推荐方法 | Microbiological safety cabinets-Recommendations for information to be exchanged between purchaser, vendor and installer and recommendations for installation | |
11 | 未能打开这个安装程序包。请验证程序包是否存在,是否可以访问;或者与应用程序供应商联系,验证这是否是有效的Windows安装服务程序包。 | This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. | |
12 | 未能打开这个安装程序包。请与应用程序供应商联系,验证这是否是有效的Windows安装服务程序包。 | This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. | |
13 | 无法打开修补程序包。请验证修补程序包是否存在,是否可以访问;或者与应用程序供应商联系,验证这是否是Windows安装服务的修补程序包。 | This patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package. | |
14 | 无法打开修补程序包。请与应用程序供应商联系,验证这是否是Windows安装服务的修补程序包。 | This patch package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package. | |
15 | 无法访问Windows安装服务。发生这种情况的可能是您在安全模式下运行Windows,或是没有正确安装Windows安装,。请与技术支持人员联系以获得帮助。 | The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance. | |
16 | 无效的命令行参数。有关详细的命令行帮助,请查阅Windows安装服务的SDK。 | Invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help. | |
17 | 在Macintosh(USB)上安装。1)运行安装程序,然后重新启动计算机。2)运行Apple Desktop Printer(苹果桌面打印机)实用程序。 | Installing on Macintosh (USB). 1)Run the installer , then restart. 2)Run the Apple Desktop Printer utility.. | |
18 | 正在安装离线复制 | installer Installer installing offline replication | |
19 | 重新启动 Microsoft Access,Microsoft Windows 安装程序会重新创建一默认的工作组信息文件。 | Re-start Microsoft Access and Microsoft Windows installer will re-create a default workgroup information file. | |
20 | “安装程序检测”旨在扫描EXE文件的名称和资源,以确定某应用程序是否为安装程序。 | Installer Detection is designed to scan the name and the resources of the EXE to determine whether an application is an installer. | |
21 | 《复仇格斗兔》是款跨平台游戏,有一个简单的Linux安装包。 | Lugaru is a cross-platform game, with a simple Linux installer . | |
22 | Commit方法存储正确卸载所需的信息,并调用集合中每个安装程序的Commit方法。 | The Commit method stores information needed to do a correct uninstallation, and calls the Commit method of each installer in the collection. | |
23 | Installer类(也称为“安装组件”)是安装期间作为自定义操作调用的.NETFramework类。 | Installer classes, also known as installation components, are. NET Framework classes invoked as custom actions during installation. | |
24 | Installer类包含自己的状态管理方法,从而可以在出错时回滚安装。 | The Installer class contains its own state management methods, allowing it to roll back an installation when an error occurs. | |
25 | Installer死而重生为Cydia,在2009年3月,其从一个应用程序库演变为应用程序商店。 | Installer died and became reborn as Cydia, which evolved from an app library into a store in March 2009. | |
26 | Install方法调用每个安装程序的Install方法,这些安装程序包含在此实例的Installers属性中。 | The Install method calls the Install method of each installer contained in the Installers property of this instance. | |
27 | MicrosoftWindowsInstaller技术创建的安装程序可为您提供对安装过程的完全控制。 | Microsoft Windows Installer technology creates installers that give you complete control over the installation process. | |
28 | Mozilla为N810上基于Linux的操作系统Maemo提供了简单的一键安装包。 | Mozilla provides a simple one-click installer for Maemo, the Linux-based operating system that runs on the device. | |
29 | UAC包含的第一种应用程序兼容性技术名为“安装程序检测”。 | The first application compatibility technology that is part of UAC is called Installer Detection. | |
30 | Ubuntu光盘的安装程序进行了一些小却非常有用的改进。 | There have been a few small but extremely useful changes to the installer on the Ubuntu CD. |