属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-清洁能源 让阳光普照大地
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-华盛顿低收入家庭免费安装太阳能电池板
1 | 安装和删除向导、生成器及加载项。 | Installs and uninstalls wizards, builders, and add-ins. | |
2 | 第三十七条 违反本法规定,安装不符合使用要求的雷电灾害防护装置的,由有关气象主管机构责令改正,给予警告。 | Article 37 Any unit or individual that, in violation of the provisions of this Law, installs lightning protection devices which do not meet the operational specifications shall be ordered by the relevant competent meteorological department to make rectification and be given a disciplinary warning. | |
3 | 该向导可帮助您完成服务器安装。它将询问某些基本信息(如: 公司名称、地址和电话号码),然后在服务器上安装电子邮件、传真、Internet、通讯和数据库服务 | This Wizard helps complete the installation of your server. It asks you for some basic information (such as your company name, address, and phone number)and then installs electronic mail, fax, Internet, communications, and database services on your server. | |
4 | 路由器因此更新高速缓存,把新的MAC地址装进包的报头并发送该包。 | The router updates its cache, installs the new MAC address into the packet header and launches the packet | |
5 | 如果目的地的MAC地址出现了,该路由器就把这个MAC地址装进包的报头中(取掉自己的MAC地址,因为不再需要它了),把该包送到目的端站。 | If the destination\’s MAC address appears, the router installs that MAC address in the packet header (removing its own MAC address because that\’s no longer needed)and sends the packet to the destination end station | |
6 | 推荐。安装 Small Business Server 的所有组件。 | Recommended. Installs all the features of Small Business Server. | |
7 | 推荐。安装所有需要的组件以便使用 Small Business Server 的所有功能。 | Recommended. Installs everything you need to use all the features of Small Business Server. | |
8 | 违反本办法第七条的规定, 未持有《许可证》而擅自设置卫星地面接收设施或者接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的单位, | If, in violation of the provision in Article 7 of these Measures, any unit without holding a permit installs ground satellite receiving facilities or receives television programs transmitted via foreign satellites without authorization, | |
9 | 违反国家规定,擅自设置、使用无线电台(站),或者擅自占用频率 | Whoever violates state regulations and installs or uses radio stations (transmitters), occupies frequencies without authorization, and refuses to stop using them after being ordered to do so | |
10 | ||1:立法正在适应这一转向:除了7个州以外其他各州都颁布了电价扣减政策,允许安装了太阳能的家庭和企业在太阳能自足之后将多余的电并入电网。||2:至少22个州允许消费者购买第三方安装在他们屋顶的太阳能电池板产生的电。||3:这使得人们不用支付高额的前期安装费用就能享受到太阳能带来的实惠。||4:2013年,第三方太阳能系统覆盖了加州、亚利桑那州、科罗拉多州及马萨诸塞州太阳能安装业务的几乎全部的份额。 | ||1:Regulations are adapting to this shift: all but seven states have adopted net-metering policies, which credit solar-enabled homes and businesses for the excess energy they feed back into the grid.||2:At least 22 states allow consumers to buy the electricity produced by solar panels that a third party installs on their homes.||3:This lets people take advantage of solar’s savings without having to pay the hefty up-front installation costs.||4:In 2013, third-party-owned systems accounted for most solar installations in California, Arizona, Colorado and Massachusetts. | |
11 | 阿塔·基阿拉什(Atta Kiarash)负责安装太阳能设备。他说,今年他将会安装多达1200套太阳能电池板。这个数字和加利福尼亚等州比起来不算高。但是基阿拉什先生和华盛顿有关官员认为,到2016年太阳能电池板的安装量将会翻倍。 | Atta Kiarash installs solar-equipment. He says he will set up as many as 1,200 solar panels this year. That is not a high number compared to states like California. But Mr. Kiarash and other Washington officials believe the number of installed panels could double by 2016. | |
12 | “朝鲜语语言包”将为操作系统安装朝鲜语支持文件。 | The Korean Language Pack installs Korean language support files for the operating system. | |
13 | “繁体中文语言包”将为操作系统安装繁体中文语言支持文件。 | The Traditional Chinese Language Pack installs Traditional Chinese language support files for the operating system. | |
14 | “简体中文语言包”将为操作系统安装简体中文语言支持文件。 | The Simplified Chinese Language Pack installs Simplified Chinese language support files for the operating system. | |
15 | “日语语言包”将为操作系统安装日语支持文件。 | The Japanese Language Pack installs Japanese language support files for the operating system. | |
16 | CD的服务器安装现已经瘦身成通过单CD安装的可引导娱乐系统了。 | The four-CD server installs slim down to single-CD-install bootable entertainment systems. | |
17 | PackageKit寻找合适的编码器和译码器,如果你同意,就会自动被安装。 | PackageKit then looks for the appropriate codec and, if you approve, installs it. | |
18 | pkg_add应用程序接受包的名称作为输入,自动地确定依赖关系,并安装所需的全部包。 | The pkg_add application takes a package name as input, automatically determines dependencies, and installs all necessary packages. | |
19 | SIPModelingToolkit安装了可以应用于任意现有的UML模型的新的参考模型和概要文件。 | The SIP Modeling Toolkit installs a new reference model and profile that can be applied to any existing UML model. | |
20 | SQLServer2005为全文引擎提供了并行安装方式。 | SQL Server 2005 provides side-by-side installs of the full-text engine. | |
21 | SQLServer安装程序安装该产品所需的以下软件组件 | SQL Server Setup installs the following software components required by the product | |
22 | SQLServer配置管理器同SQLServer和客户端工具一起安装。 | SQL Server Configuration Manager installs with both SQL Server and the client tools. | |
23 | SQL编写器服务可安装在任何操作系统上,但只有服务器系统才需要安装。 | The SQL Writer Service installs on all operating systems but is only needed on server systems. | |
24 | VisualStudio在开发计算机上安装.NETCompactFramework软件开发包(SDK)2.0和3.5版。 | Visual Studio installs the. NET Compact Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) versions 2. 0 And 3. 5 On your development computer. | |
25 | Windows安装程序是一个安装包,可将CrystalReports运行时组件和合并模块安装到目标计算机上。 | The Windows Installer is a setup package that installs Crystal Reports runtime files and merge modules on target machines. | |
26 | Windows会自动找到并安装iPhone设备驱动程序——系统托盘弹出时会显示信息。 | Windows finds and then installs the iPhone device driver - the message appears as a pop-up from the System Tray. | |
27 | Word安装时会附带很多模版,更多的可以在线上找到,远远超过writer所提供的有几个。 | Word installs with dozens of templates, with even more templates online, vastly outdoing the handful with which Writer ships. | |
28 | 安装程序将安装一个新的Windows2000副本。 | Setup installs a new copy of Windows 2000. | |
29 | 安装供程序员使用的软件开发工具包。 | Installs software development kits for programmers. | |
30 | 安装好电磁铁的防尘雨罩。 | Installs the dustproof rain shade to electro-magnet |