1 | 不久列宁在台上出现了,那种热烈的欢呼是我从未见过的。列宁先静静地站了几分钟,让欢呼声继续着,然后用手在胸前横挥一下,喝彩声马上终止,于是连一根针落地的声音你都可以听得到。 | After a while Lenin came out on the stage.The ovation was unlike anything I have ever seen.Lenin let it continue for a few minutes,standing absolutely still,then with a single motion of his arms across his body stopped the uproar instantaneously and you could have heard a pin drop. | |
2 | 大车的一个后轮压碎了他的脑壳,他转眼间死于非命。 | One of the back wheels shattered his skull and killed him instantaneously | |
3 | 代数方法的缺点是,用一个图解在几乎瞬间就能表达的内容,它却需要用许多行文字才能说明白。 | The disadvantage of the algebraic approach is that many lines of print are needed to express what is conveyed almost instantaneously by a single diagram | |
4 | 混合物的燃烧不是立即发生的。 | The combustion of the mixture does not take place instantaneously . | |
5 | 货物一旦发出,我会立即投保。 | Once the cargo has been shipped,insurance can be covered instantaneously . | |
6 | 机械动力能传送到数百英里之外,人们利用电话几乎立即进行交谈,大型机构的要人可以乘坐飞机来往,每个村庄有电影院放映影片,音乐、演讲和布道均可广播。 | Mechanical power can be transmitted for hundreds of miles, men can communicate almost instantaneously by telephone, the chiefs of great organizations can be transported by airplanes, the cinemas can produce plays in every village, music, speeches, and sermons can be broadcast. | |
7 | 技术的加速发展,还与金融创新的迅速增加相辅相成,现在,通过全球网络几乎可以瞬间传递商业服务和金融交易。 | The accelerated pace of technological advance has also interacted with the rapid rise in financial innovation, with the result that business services and financial transactions now are transmitted almost instantaneously across global networks | |
8 | 她沉思了片刻,知道自己领会错了,顿时醒悟过来。 | A moment’s reflection showed her the mistake she had been under. She caught it instantaneously | |
9 | 前排安全带系统与安全带张紧装置配合使用,在正面碰撞或者追尾碰撞的情况下,安全带扣被向下拉;肩安全带合胯安全带立即拉紧。 | The front seat belt system incorporates belt tensionless. In the event of a head-on or tail-end collision the belt buckles are pulled downwards; the diagonal and lap belts are instantaneously tautened. | |
10 | 实际上,他们似乎一下子被送往美国。 | Essentially,they had been instantaneously transported to America. | |
11 | 他的脸色由于某种强有力的内心冲动而变得阴暗,不过他人刻用一种意志力控制住,使这种脸色稍纵即逝,换上了一副可以说是平静的表情。 | His face darkened with some powerful emotion, which, nevertheless, he so instantaneously controlled by an effort of his will, that, save at a single moment, its expression might have passed for calmness. | |
12 | 同时诞生的还有佛陀的妻子娅索哈拉·德维,他的坐骑坎塔卡,他的伺奉者常达卡,他的主要弟子阿南达,以及佛陀在其下开悟的菩提树。 | Instantaneously was born his wife, Yasodhara Devi, his horse Kantaka, his charioteer Chandaka, Ananda, his chief disciple, and the Bo Tree, under which he received Enlightenment | |
13 | 我估计是氢氰酸,因为她好象是立刻断气的。 | I should fancy it was prussic acid, as she seems to have died instantaneously | |
14 | 我们一撤出越南,它马上就土崩瓦解了。 | It collapsed instantaneously once we left Vietnam | |
15 | 一个可靠的实验技术需要在完好无损的组织中所有的酶促反应被瞬间停止以保证代谢中间物不会遭受进一步的改变。 | A reliable experimental technique requires all enzyme-catalyzed reactions to be instantaneously stopped in the intact tissue so that intermediates do not undergo further change. | |
16 | 因为您总是正确的,您的确是一个伟大的药物学家,您用来医治我儿子的那种仙丹几乎是立刻就把他救活了过来” | For you must indeed be a great chemist, and the elixir you administered to my son, which recalled him to life almost instantaneously "-- | |
17 | 优秀的语言指导者应灵活机动,能随时满足学生的各种要求。 | A good language guide is completely flexible, and can respond instantaneously at any moment to any need of the students that arises | |
18 | 运用动态稳定控制系统的感应器来探测微乎其微的波动并同步反应; | This intelligent system uses the Dynamic Stability Control sensors to detect the slightest signs of instability and, if necessary, it reacts instantaneously . | |
19 | 在纤维与筒管接触的一瞬间,纤维受到一股润滑剂和干燥用火舌的喷洒。 | As the fibers hit the drum, instantaneously the fibers pass through a spray of lubricant and a drying flame. | |
20 | 在撞击过程中,动量的变化是突然的,但非瞬时的。 | In a crash, momentum changes abruptly but not instantaneously | |
21 | 这位患者几乎一下子便失去知觉。 | The patient would become almost instantaneously unconscious | |
22 | 只要火药能够很快地燃烧,使它的力量能得到充分的发挥就行了。 | Our powder has to take fire instantaneously so that its mechanical effect may be complete | |
23 | 作用在不可压缩液压流体上的压强会即刻有效地在液体内部传递,但是如果液压油中夹带有空气,如气泡,将会显著影响液压油的压缩特性. | Pressure applied to an incompressible oil will be transmitted efficiently and instantaneously , but any air entrained in the oil, for example by foaming, will affect its compressibility; | |
24 | 一根划在宇宙飞船上的火柴瞬间讲述了人类智慧的千年历史。 | and a match cut to a spacecraft instantaneously tells the millennia-long story of human ingenuity. | |
25 | 4G无线技术应当能让文件几乎在瞬间下载,并能收看高清晰度视频。 | 4G wireless technology should allow documents to be downloaded almost instantaneously and videos to be watched in high-definition quality. | |
26 | 不过,阅读需要立刻和同时地完成多种认知任务。 | Reading, though, requires a multitude of cognitive tasks to be performed instantaneously and simultaneously. | |
27 | 但相反的,金融合同却几乎挥笔而成,更没有什么限制。 | By contrast, financial contracts can be written almost instantaneously and without limit. | |
28 | 当我们被不公正地对待时,我们的理智并不足以使我们能够冲破那些压倒我们的错综复杂的情绪。 | Our rational mind is not sufficient to instantaneously break through the intricate web of feelings which overcome us when we are wronged. | |
29 | 独立的监视人会突然用手机计算数字,这种方式被称作“群众填表”。 | Independent monitors collected the numbers instantaneously using mobile phones in an exercise called "crowd tabulation" . | |
30 | 对于这些模型的最简单版本来说,将不存在失业问题,因为工资将即刻下降从而消灭失业现象。 | There could be no unemployment in the simplest versions of these models, because wages would fall instantaneously to eliminate it. |