属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 石油价格暴跌 英国央行下调利率 航空业遭遇重
1 | ( 四)向法官、检察官、仲裁员以及其他有关工作人员请客送礼或者行贿,或者指使、诱导当事人行贿; | (4)to entertain and give gifts to a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or other relevant working personnel or bribe them, or instigate or induce a party to bribe them; | |
2 | (二)胁迫、诱骗他人或者教唆不满十八岁的人违反治安管理的; | (2)when those responsible coerce or induce others or instigate persons under the age of eighteen to violate the administration of public security; | |
3 | (一)指使或者强令他人违反消防安全规定,冒险作业,尚未造成严重后果的; | (I)Those who instigate or force others to conduct operation at risk in violation the rules on fire control safety, but have not cause serious results; | |
4 | 第四条《国家安全法》所称的 " 间谍组织代理人 " ,是指受间谍组织或者其成员的指使、委托、资助,进行或者授意、指使他人进行危害中华人民共和国国家安全活动的人。 | Article 4 An agent of an espionage organization" mentioned in the State Security Law refers to a person who is instigated, entrusted or financially supported by an espionage organization or its member to conduct, or incite and instigate other persons to conduct, activities endangering the State security of the PRC . | |
5 | 对台军售助长了"台独"势力的气焰 | instigate pro-independence forces in Taiwan | |
6 | 殴打、体罚或者指使他人殴打、体罚其他被监管人的 | Beat, carry out corporal punishment on or instigate other people to beat, carry out corporal punishment on other people under detention | |
7 | 煽动军人逃离部队或者明知是逃离部队的军人而雇用,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制 | Those who instigate military personnel to escape from the unit to which they belong or knowingly employ those escaped military personnel are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention or control if the situation is serious. | |
8 | 煽动叛乱. | instigate a rebellion | |
9 | 税务人员与纳税人、扣缴义务人勾结,唆使或者协助纳税人、扣缴义务人犯本法第四十条、第四十一条、第四十二条、第四十四条罪的,按照刑法关于共同犯罪的规定处罚 | Where tax officials collude with taxpayers or withholding agents, or instigate or assist the same to commit the offenses specified in Article 40, 41, 42 and 44 of this Law, a punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions regarding joint offenses stipulated in the Criminal Law. | |
10 | 唆使某人做某事(行动起来). | instigate sb to do sth (to action) | |
11 | 他的目的是,在主教方面煽起一场小小的造反。 | His object was to instigate a little rebellion on the part of the bishop. | |
12 | 汤姆鼓动吉姆和乔伊吵架。 | Tom instigate a quarrel between Jim and Joe. | |
13 | 挑起核攻击最终是不值得的。 | It would not prove worthwhile to instigate a nuclear attack. | |
14 | 通常,尽管并不总是,我们规劝人们做好事,又怂勇人们做坏事(萨缪尔·约翰逊)。 | Commonly,though not always,we exhort to good actions,we instigate to ill(Samuel Johnson. | |
15 | 我需要为它取一个响亮而又高雅的名字,这样,我便以曾领导波士顿倾茶事件的酿酒人及爱国者的名字来命名我的啤酒----塞缪尔·亚当斯。 | I needed a name that was recognizable and elegant, so I called my beer Samuel Adams, after the brewer and patriot who helped to instigate the Boston Tea Party | |
16 | 一个人发表政见是可以的,但是如果再煽动叛乱,那就是另一回事了。 | It was all very fine to utter one’s opinion about politics,but if it was meant to instigate a rebellion,that was quite another pair of boots. | |
17 | 引诱、教唆、欺骗他人吸食、注射毒品的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并处罚金 | Those who lure, instigate , or trick others into taking or injecting drugs are to be sentenced to three years or fewer in prison or put under criminal detention or surveillance | |
18 | ||1:冠状病毒疫情对商业的影响惊人。随着沙特阿拉伯与俄罗斯有关石油产量水平的协议破裂,沙特阿拉伯决定挑起与俄罗斯的石油价格战,股市也受到了打击。||2:油价暴跌,创下1991年以来单日最大跌幅。||3:国有石油公司沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司正将日产量增加100万桶,达到创纪录的1300万桶,使本已供应过剩的市场饱和。||4:交易仍然不稳定;股票市场长达十年的牛市被认为已经结束。 | ||1:Staggering from the effects of coronavirus on business, stockmarkets were also sent reeling by Saudi Arabia’s decision to instigate an oil-price war with Russia, as the pair’s agreement over production levels broke down.||2:Oil prices plunged in the sharpest oneday decline since 1991.||3:Saudi Aramco, the state-controlled oil company, is increasing capacity by 1m barrels of oil a day to a record 13m, saturating an already over-supplied market.||4:Trading remained volatile; the decade-long bull run in stockmarkets was deemed to be over. | |
19 | Flickr也是搞好公共关系的受益者,即使他们自己本身并没有刻意为之。 | Flickr was also the beneficiary of a great amount of mainstream PR, even if they did not instigate it themselves. | |
20 | 澳大利亚一再警告日本,如果不停止捕鲸,我们将向国际法院提起诉讼,而日本却不加理会。这种告诫有什么用? | Whatof Australia’s repeated but unheeded warnings to Japan that if itdoesn’t stop whaling we would instigate international court action? | |
21 | 但是它产生了政治化的社会力量,并且能够发动起政治变革。 | But it politicizedand generated social power that can instigate political change. | |
22 | 她很早就成为了全国孤独症协会的会员,并很快投入到针对孤独症发起的研究和筹措基金的活动中。 | She had already become an early member of the National Autistic Society and soon began to instigate and fund research into the condition. | |
23 | 居民将能够就当地任何重要议题进行地方公投。 | Residents, for their part, will be able to instigate local referendums on any local issue. | |
24 | 卡罗尔表示,至于她明年加入该公司后会否发起第二波重组行动,现在说来还为时尚早。 | Ms Carroll said it was too soon to say whether she would instigate a second wave of restructuring at the company when she joined next year. | |
25 | 罗斯同意,新闻报道,既无必要,也不足以完全煽动起一项否则就不会发生的犯罪。 | Ross agreed that news reports are neither necessary nor sufficient to completely instigate a crime that otherwise would not have occurred. | |
26 | 任何人认为暴乱活动涉及民族因素,都是在“企图在不同民族之间挑起紧张”。 | Anyone suggesting there was an ethnic basis to riots was "trying to instigate tension between different ethnic groups" . | |
27 | 他们应当一起要求、鼓动希腊债务重组。 | Together they should demand, and instigate , a restructuring of Greek debt. | |
28 | 他们之前已经形成了睡眠者的细胞,只要等到信号,就会即刻进行大规模的招募。 | They’ve formed sleeper cells, just waiting for the signal to instigate a mass-recruitment at a moment’s notice. | |
29 | 这是不是暴露了美国的险恶用心,以华制华从而挑起中国的政治动荡? | S. , to use a Chinese to play off against Chinese and to instigate political turbulence in China? |