属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第157期:怎么能让我姐姐不再和混蛋约会
1 | 25年后,他们中的9人就这样去世了:施瓦布在度过5年借债生涯后身无分文地死去了;英萨尔破产后死于国外。 | Twenty five years later nine of them ended as follows. Schwab died penniless after living for five years on borrowed money. Instill died broke living in a foreign land. | |
2 | 奥尔德里奇解释说,生活在美国一个发展最快的地区,不会产生恒久不变感,特别是当市郊一夜之间拔地而起的时候。 | Aldrich explains that living in one of the United States’ fastest-growing areas doesn’t instill a sense of permanence, especially when suburbs spring up overnight out of the fields | |
3 | 把思想逐渐灌输到某人心中. | instill ideas into sb`s mind | |
4 | 抽痰前是否需要滴注生理食盐水入气管内插管 | Is It Necessary to Instill Normal Saline Solution into an Endotracheal Tube before Suctioning? | |
5 | 滴入镇痛剂. | instill a balm | |
6 | 给小孩的心灵灌输热爱学习思想并非十分容易。 | It is not very easy to instill the minds of young children with the idea that they must love study. | |
7 | 鼓舞士气的讲话一种激励性的演讲,比如对队员或职员讲话来提高积极性,鼓舞士气 | A speech of exhortation,as to a team or staff,meant to instill enthusiasm or bolster morale. | |
8 | 鼓舞注入勇气或生命;使充满活力 | To instill courage or life into;animate. | |
9 | 贯彻"三个代表"重要思想,必须以改革的精神推进党的建设,不断为党的肌体注入新活力。 | To carry out the important thought of Three Represents, it is essential to push forward Party Building in a spirit of reform and instill new vitality in the Party. | |
10 | 将尊重法律的观念逐渐灌输给年青一代 | Instill respect for the law in the younger generation | |
11 | 每两到四个小时慢慢地灌输一次1%的葡萄糖酸钙水溶液,持续到接下来的两到三天。 | Instill aqueous calcium gluconate 1%solution every two to four hours for the next two to three days. | |
12 | 身为教育工作者和促进改变的推动力,如果我们不能把求变的观念灌输给学生,至少也得发挥一点启发的作用。 | But aren’t we, as educators, the springboards of change-at least to inspire if not instill the values that will bring about change? | |
13 | 他们渐次地向孩子们灌输礼仪。 | They instill courtesy in their children | |
14 | 他们将美德逐渐灌输到小孩子的头脑里去。 | They instill the minds of young children with morality | |
15 | 他想超越种族与阶级界限,给美国年轻人灌输一种共同的政治责任感。 | He wanted to instill in young Americans a sense of mutual political commitment that crossed ethnic and class boundaries | |
16 | 幼小的王子心目中逐渐形成了这种观念,即他非凡夫俗子,近乎如神,远比他人高贵得多。 | The idea was gradually instilled in the mind of the young prince(or The mind of the young prince was gradually instill with the idea)that he was of almost godlike importance and far above other men. | |
17 | 中国加入世界贸易组织,将为中国和亚洲以及世界各国各地区经济的发展注入新的活力,中国人民将从中受益,亚洲和世界各国人民也将从中受益。 | China’s WTO entry will instill new vitality into the economic growth of China, and of other countries and regions in Asia and beyond. The Chinese people will benefit from it, and so will the people of other countries in Asia and worldwide | |
18 | 中国加入世界贸易组织,将为中国和亚洲以及世界各国各地区经济的发展注入新的活力。 | China’s entry into the WTO will instill new vitality into the economic growth of China as well as other countries and regions in Asia and beyond. | |
19 | 向你的姐姐灌输良好的价值观。她和混蛋约会的原因可能是她在寻找生活中没找到的一些东西。 | Instill good values on your sister. The reason why she’s dating jerks is because she’s looking for something that she hasn’t found in her life. | |
20 | “圣殿武士在战场上的呐喊声。一大群的骑士们喊着这同一话语本身就足以在敌人心中建立恐惧。” | "The battle cry of the Templars. The screaming of that word by a mass of charging knights was enough to instill absolute fear in an enemy. " | |
21 | 阿里巴巴优先要考虑的事是继续一如既往地向年轻员工灌输一套强劲的价值观体系。 | The priority for the Alibaba Group is to continue working to instill a strong system of values in our young employee base. | |
22 | 除了在速度方面的提高,快速阅读也让我对阅读有了一种新的热情。 | More than just words per minute, speed reading helped instill a new passion for reading. | |
23 | 但是,希望我能够慢慢交会他们使他们幸福的价值观念。 | But hopefully I’ll instill them with values that will make them happier. | |
24 | 但是根据开发员所写代码的数量进行奖励,那么这种价值就很难引入。 | But if the organization rewards developers by the amount of code they write, this value may be hard to instill . | |
25 | 但是韩国峰会的目的之一是想通过显示各国团结一致来恢复市场信心。 | But one of the purposes of international summits is to instill confidence in markets by putting on a show of cohesion. | |
26 | 但是为了向民众灌输爱国主义和忠诚思想,共产党领导人仍旧推行那个年代的神话和标志。 | But Communist Party leaders still promote the myths and icons of that time to instill patriotism and loyalty in the population. | |
27 | 对内科医生的任务之一,是对病人传递出对非专利药物的信心。 | One task for physicians, however, is to instill confidence in patients regarding generics. | |
28 | 父母应该从小开始,逐渐灌输孩子诚实,廉正和慷慨的价值观念。 | From childhood parents should instill their children with the values of honesty, integrity and generosity. | |
29 | 更重要的是,我认为我们这些教育家应该继续慢慢对这些学生灌输健康的、智慧的好奇心和思考问题的能力的思想。 | More than anything, I think we educators need to continue to instill in the students a healthy intellectual curiosity and ability to reason. | |
30 | 好的教师能将求知欲逐渐灌输给青年人。 | A good teacher can instill the desire to learn in young people. |