属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦保险市场 为风险投资
1 | (对于每种情况,不包括那些根据商业合理条款不能进行保险的风险),每次发生事故的扣减不大于投标函附录中注明的款额(如果没有注明此类款额,(d)段将不适用),以及 | excluding (in each case)risks which are not insurable at commercially reasonable terms, with deductibles per occurrence of not more than the amount stated in the Appendix to Tender (if an amount is not so stated, this sub-paragraph shall not apply), and | |
2 | (二)货物的保险价值,是保险责任开始时货物在起运地的发票价格或者非贸易商品在起运地的实际价值以及运费和保险费的总和; | (2)The insurable value of the cargo shall be the aggregate of the invoice value of the cargo or the actual value of the non-trade commodity at the place of shipment, plus freight and insurance premium when the insurance liability commences; | |
3 | (三)运费的保险价值,是保险责任开始时承运人应收运费总额和保险费的总和; | (3)The insurable value of the freight shall be the aggregate of the total amount of freight payable to the carrier and the insurance premium when the insurance liability commences; | |
4 | (四)其他保险标的的保险价值,是保险责任开始时保险标的的实际价值和保险费的总和。 | (4)The insurable value of other subject matter insured shall be the aggregate of the actual value of the subject matter insured and the insurance premium when the insurance liability commences. | |
5 | (一)船舶的保险价值,是保险责任开始时船舶的价值,包括船壳、机器、设备的价值,以及船上燃料、物料、索具、给养、淡水的价值和保险费的总和; | (1)The insurable value of the ship shall be the value of the ship at the time when the insurance liability commences, being the total value of the ship’s hull, machinery, equipment, fuel, stores, gear, provisions and fresh water on board as well as the insurance premium; | |
6 | 保险利益是指投保人对保险标的具有的法律上承认的利益。 | An insurable interest refers to the interest which the applicant has in the subject matter of the insurance and is recognized by laws. | |
7 | 保险人与被保险人未约定保险价值的,保险价值依照下列规定计算: | Where no insurable value has been agreed upon between the insurer and the insured, the insurable value shall be calculated as follows: | |
8 | 除前款规定外,被保险人同意投保人为其订立合同的,视为投保人对被保险人具有保险利益。 | Notwithstanding the foregoing, with the consent of the insured to enter into a contract for the insured, the applicant shall be regarded as having an insurable interest on the insured. | |
9 | 第二百一十九条 保险标的的保险价值由保险人与被保险人约定。 | Article 219 The insurable value of the subject matter insured shall be agreed upon between the insurer and the insured. | |
10 | 第三条 财产保险的投保方(在保险单或保险凭证中称被保险人),应当是被保险财产的所有人或者经营管理人或者是对保险标的有保险利益的人。投保方向保险 方申清订立保险合同,负责交纳保险费的义务。 | Article 3. An applicant for cover of property insurance (called the Insured in the policy or the certificate of insurance)shall be owner or the operating manager of the insured property or a person who has an insurable interest in the subject matter insured. In applying to the Insurer for the conclusion of a contract of insurance, the applicant shall be obligated to pay the insurance premium. | |
11 | 第十一条 投保人对保险标的应当具有保险利益。 | Article 11 An applicant shall have an insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance. | |
12 | 第五十二条 投保人对下列人员具有保险利益: | Article 52 The applicant has insurable interests over the following persons: | |
13 | 可保风险,可承担风险 | insurable risks; risk insurable | |
14 | 论保险利益例外原则 | The Exception Principle of Insurable Interests | |
15 | 论财产保险单的转让与保险利益原则 | Transfer of Insurance Policy and the Principle of Insurable Interest | |
16 | 论我国海上货物保险之保险利益问题与解决建议 | Problems Concerning the Insurable Interest of Marine Cargo Insurance & Suggestions for Solution | |
17 | 卖方必须按照合同规定,自付费用取得货物保险,并向买方提供保险单或其他保险证据,以使买方或任何其他对货物具有保险利益的人有权直接向保险人索赔。 | The seller must obtain at his own expense cargo insurance as agreed in the contract, such as the buyer, or any other person having an insurable interest in the goods, shall be entitled to claim directly from the insurer and provide the buyer with the insurance policy or other evidence of insurance cover. | |
18 | 那个饭店存在火灾隐患,因而不能投火灾险。 | The hotel is a firetrap and is not insurable . | |
19 | 投保人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,保险合同无效。 | An insurance contract is null and void if the applicant has no insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance. | |
20 | 在发生损失时,被保险人必须对保险标的物具有可保利益,才能获得本保险单项下的赔偿。 | In order to recover under this insurance the assured must have an insurable interest in the subject-matter insured at the time of the loss | |
21 | 重复保险是指投保人对同一保险标的、同一保险利益、同一保险事故分别向二个以上保险人订立保险合同的保险。 | A double insurance refers to insurance under which an applicant enters into insurance contracts with two or more insurers on the same subject matter of the insurance, the same insurable interests and the same insured event. | |
22 | ||1:或许最大的挑战来自为新型企业风险寻找不一样的解决方案。||2:这些风险包括企业声誉和来自网络的风险。||3:保险业未能跟上不断变化的商业需求,一些首席执行官说因为保险业的滞后,没有人提出合适的方案,90%的企业风险目前都不能投保。 | ||1:Perhaps the biggest challenge lies in finding solutions for new types of corporate risks.||2:These include reputation- and cyber-risk.||3:The insurance industry has failed to keep up with changing business needs and some chief executives say that as much as 90% of their corporate risks are currently not insurable , because nobody has come up with the right products. | |
23 | 保价货物事故补偿条件的确定与思考 | Think and fix terms on compensation for price insurable cargo accidents | |
24 | 保理与出口信用保险的比较和发展 | The Comparison Between Insurable Claims Settlement and Export Credit Insurance and their Development | |
25 | 保险利益与财产保险合同的生效 | Insurable Interest and Becoming Effective of Property Insurance Contract | |
26 | 财产保险的保险标的与保险利益 | The Insurable Object and the Insurable Interest in Property Insurance | |
27 | 发展保价运输现实之路的探讨 | Probe into a practical route for development of price insurable shipment | |
28 | 国际货物买卖合同对保险利益的影响 | Effects of Contract for International Sale of Goods on Insurable Interests | |
29 | 海上保险可保利益原则探析 | On the Doctrine of Insurable Interest in Marine Insurance | |
30 | 海上保险中保险利益原则的应用 | Application of Doctrine of Insurable Interest in Marine Insurance |