1 | 险损赔偿额保险人从承保人获得的赔偿数量 | The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured. | |
2 | 新的用语有相当的改进,但还是很难充分说明产物意外险公司在查核时所受到的限制 | The new language represents improvement, but falls far short of describing the limitations of a casualty-insurer audit. | |
3 | 新泽西州最大汽车保险公司Allstate保险公司说:由于政府规定太多无法营利,现从该州撤出;州长和他的幕僚说该州正被要胁提高保险费。 | The Allstate Insurance Company,New Jersey’s biggest automobile insurer ,says it is pulling out of the state because over-regulation makes profitable business impossible;the Governor and his aides say the state is being blackmailed for higher rates. | |
4 | 一方面是因为诉讼更频繁,一方面是由于陪审团与法官倾向扩大保险单上的保险理赔范围 | Part of the jump in cost arises from skyrocketing verdicts, part from the tendency of judges and juries to expand the coverage of insurance policies beyond that contemplated by the insurer when the policies were written. | |
5 | 以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同,自成立之日起满二年后,如果被保险人自杀的,保险人可以按照合同给付保险金。 | When a contract stipulates death as a prerequisite for the payment of the insurance benefits, the insurer may effect the payment of the insurance benefits in accordance with the contract if the insured commits suicide two (2)years or more after the formation of the contract. | |
6 | 尤其在个人险的部份,因为即使是其所投保的保险公司倒闭(事实上这种状况还不少),汽车险或或房屋险的购买者仍可获得理赔 | It means nothing in the personal insurance field: The buyer of an auto or homeowners policy is going to get his claim paid even if his insurer fails (as many have). | |
7 | 由于被保险人的过错致使保险人不能行使代位请求赔偿的权利的,保险人可以相应扣减保险赔偿金。 | The insurer may deduct a corresponding sum from the amount of indemnity if it is not able to exercise the right of indemnity by subrogation due to the fault of the insured. | |
8 | 在同业中再没有其它任何一家保险公司有我们如此高的自制力。 | No other major insurer acts with equal restraint. | |
9 | 在这种情况下,普通损失很可能就包括在索赔之列而得到承保方的理赔。 | In such cases, ordinary loss will quite possibly be included in a claim and met by the insurer . | |
10 | 这些都不认为是海洋运输货物险。这类特殊险别必须特别投保并须得到承保方明确接受。 | These are not considered marine risks. Risks of this kind must be specifically applied for and explicitly accepted by the insurer . |