属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-优生学 保护野生动物要坚守立"场"
1 | 纯种野火鸡已经和农户的家养火鸡混种,品种质量有所下降。 | They were rare, and the pure-strain wild turkeys had begun to interbreed with farmers domestic stock | |
2 | 狮子和老虎能否(杂种)交配? | Can lions and tigers interbreed ? | |
3 | 杂交为产生杂种而交配;杂交 | To mate so as to produce a hybrid;interbreed . | |
4 | 这两种类型的狗可以杂交繁殖 | These two types of dog can interbreed /be interbred (with each other) | |
5 | ||1:完全用达尔文的观点解释语言进化是有问题的,即:语言不同基因。||2:物种一旦分离便不能再进行遗传信息的交流,因为它们无法交配。||3:但不同的语言相遇时,他们的语法和语义可以相互交流,这可以加快语言的多样化的进程。||4:因此,西里科利斯转向利用计算系统分析,一个试图找出语言如何相互交流的研究领域。 | ||1:The problem with explaining linguistic evolution in pure Darwinian terms is that words are not genes.||2:Species, once separate, do not exchange genetic information because they do not interbreed .||3:Languages, though, can exchange grammatical and semantic elements when they meet, which can speed up diversification.||4:DrSicoli thus turned to computational phylogenetic analysis, an area of linguistic research that tries to work out whether and how such interaction may have taken place. | |
6 | 潘瑟拉的想法是把容易受惊的瘤牛换成坚守阵地的品种,或者把二者杂交。 | Panthera’s idea is to replace panicky Zebu with cattle that stand their ground, or to interbreed the two. | |
7 | 狗、狼、土狼和豺狼都具有相同数量的染色体,并且能够相互间交配从而产生可以存活的后代。 | Dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals all have the same number of chromosomes and can still interbreed and produce viable offspring. | |
8 | 你可能有两个纯正的物种,两者无法通婚,不过他们的基因组非常相近。 | You could have two genuine species, whose members cannot interbreed , but whose genomes are very similar. | |
9 | 有时溜走的鱼与野生异种交配,使本地鱼的存量遭到损失; | Sometimes the escaped fish interbreed with wild fish to the detriment of the local stock. |