属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-跌落并下滑 Slip and slide
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-泰姬陵酒店和Orient-Express酒店 迷途羔羊
1 | 德布雷走上来热情地和对方握手。 | Debray stepped forward, and cordially pressed the hand of his interlocutor | |
2 | 即使谈到了这些事,也往往是为对同他会谈的人评头论足一番。 | Whenever he did allude to such matters, it was usually for the purpose of commenting critically upon an interlocutor | |
3 | 使莫雷尔的注意力随着他自己的眼光转向门口。 | Then, having riveted the eyes of his interlocutor on his own, he glanced towards the door | |
4 | 他掉过头来往右边看去,想比较一下对方穿的靴子怎样。 | He turned his head over his shoulders to the right, to look at the boots of his interlocutor with a view to comparison | |
5 | ||1:谢夫索娃对西方的“失败的想象力”稍感惋惜。||2:安逸于过去的两极世界,在应该强加条件的时候挥霍现金,在应该大方的时候吝啬,在应该严厉的时候幼稚。||3:对鲍里斯·叶利钦所犯错误的容忍为作弊选举和裙带资本主义——普京的前苏联国家安全委员会政权——打开了道路。||4:她的谈话者的现实主义是这种现实方法的陪衬。||5:他认为,欧美领导人“正在黑暗中跌倒”。||6:鉴于他们所有的过错,再指望他们是不现实的。||7:叶利钦的统治不见得就预示着普京的统治。 | ||1: Ms Shevtsova politely bemoans a “failure of imagination” in the West. ||2: Too comfortable with the old bipolar world, it splurged cash when it should have imposed conditions, was stingy when it should have been generous and naive when it should have been tough. ||3: Tolerance for Boris Yeltsin’s faults opened the way for the rigged elections and crony capitalism of Vladimir Putin’s ex-KGB regime. ||4: Her interlocutor ’s realism is an excellent foil for this idealistic approach. ||5: European and American leaders, he argues, were “stumbling about in the dark”. ||6: For all their faults, it would have been unrealistic to expect much more of them. ||7: Mr Yeltsin’s rule did not inevitably presage Mr Putin’s. | |
6 | 但协议很快终止了,律师发现Sherwood的合作者不是真正的乌代浦尔的王公贵族,他的哥哥才是。 | The deal collapsed when lawyers discovered that Mr Sherwood’s interlocutor was not the real Maharana of Udaipur, but his brother. | |
7 | (陈述或表演结束后,口试员提问2-3个一般性的简答题,然后向参赛者说): | After the presentation, the interlocutor asks 2 or 3 simple general questions and then says to the contestant | |
8 | 保尔森明确表示,他无意放弃美中经济关系主要对话者的角色。 | The Treasury secretary made clear he had no intention of surrendering the role of principle interlocutor between the US and China. | |
9 | 波伊提乌的思维和见解用散文的形式来表述,而他的对话者哲学的智慧则出现在诗节当中。 | Boethius’ thoughts and reflections are written in prose, whilst the wisdom of his interlocutor , Philosophy, appears in verse. | |
10 | 测试者就每一幅图问观察者这可能是什么,记录其反应并试图由此做出结论。 | In each case, the interlocutor inquires of the viewer, "What might this be? " , notes the response and attempts to draw conclusions. | |
11 | 第二,保尔森在美国国内颇具政治影响力,同时,他也是最愿意倾听北京意见的、老练的美方对话者。 | Second, because Mr Paulson carries political clout at home and is Beijing’s most receptive and sophisticated US interlocutor . | |
12 | 对于以色列民主选举出来的总理作为他的合法谈判对手,阿巴斯表示他无权表示自己的喜恶。 | Mr Abbas said he had no right to like or dislike Israel’s democratically elected prime minister as his legitimate interlocutor . | |
13 | 尽管Livini女士可能是个更好说话的对话者,以色列的最终选择也不像它看起来那样具有决定性。 | Although Ms Livni would probably make the more amenable interlocutor , Israel’s eventual choice is not as decisive as it may seem. | |
14 | 每一个个案中,询问者都会问观看者,“这可能是什么呢?” | In each case, the interlocutor inquires of the viewer, "What might this be? " | |
15 | 美国国务院作为可靠传话者的可信度已丧失,而且无疑这会持续很长时间。 | the credibility of the state department as a reliable interlocutor has evaporated, and no doubt for a long time. | |
16 | 他说,“这些穆斯林需要不同的谈话者。” | "They need a different interlocutor , " he says. | |
17 | 它还必须向外国政府保证自己是优秀的对话者。 | It must also reassure foreign governments that it can be a worthy interlocutor . | |
18 | 相较于普京来讲,他对于西方是个更温和的对话者。 | He was a more palatable interlocutor for the West than Mr Putin had been. | |
19 | 有鉴于此,古巴甚至可能为自己发掘出一个新的全球战略角色:委内瑞拉与世界其它地区之间的联络人。 | Because of this, Cuba might even have found itself a new global strategic role: Venezuela’s interlocutor to the rest of the world. | |
20 | 在能源领域里,伊朗可是俄罗斯的一个极其重要的合作对象。 | Iran is a crucially important interlocutor for Russia in the field of energy. | |
21 | 这里“youknow”再一次表明她和她的谈话者有共鸣。 | Again, the "you know" suggests that she and her interlocutor share the same perspective. |