属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理学 当权者都会腐化 败坏?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 行尸走肉
1 | (二)讯问。违反治安管理的人,应当如实回答公安机关的讯问。讯问应当作出笔录;被讯问人经核对认为无误后,应当在笔录上签名或者盖章,讯问人也应当在笔录上签名。 | (2)Interrogation. Whoever violates the administration of public security should honestly answer to the interrogation by public security organs. A written record of the interrogation should be made. After checking the record and finding no mistake, the person interrogated shall sign or seal the written statement, and the in record and finding no mistake, the person interrogated shall sign or seal the written statement, and the interrogator shall also sign the same document. | |
2 | “你没有回答,夫人!” | exclaimed the terrible interrogator | |
3 | 范小姐就缺少这样一个切切私语的盘问者。 | Miss Fan lacked such an interrogator with whom she could whisper intimately | |
4 | ||1:当然,在占到测试人员14人数的代表权重位卑的测试对象中,也不是每一个人都有这样的贬抑他人的行为举止,自身的人格特征也起到了一定的作用。||2:但是,在先前做过的实验中,随机找来一些人来扮演狱警和审判官, Dr Fast 发现,如果环境允许,很多普通人都会去试试做个"恶人"。 | ||1:Of course, not everybody in the high-power/low-status quadrant of the experiment behaved badly.Underlying personality may still have a role.||2:But as with previous experiments in which random members of the public have been asked to play prison guard or interrogator , Dr Fast’s result suggests that many quite ordinary people will succumb to bad behaviour if the circumstances are right. | |
5 | ||1:或者他会扮演成电影制作人,坐在摄影师的椅子上,全神贯注地拍摄一个虚构的场景。||2:然后有一天,他扮成一个受害者。||3:他坐在审讯者木桌的另外一边的椅子上。||4:他在被盘问时满身大汗,那套闪亮的炭色西装颜色也变深了。||5:铁丝滑过他的脖子时,他的右手开始颤抖。 | ||1:Or he’d play the film-maker, sitting high up in the cameraman’s chair, wholly consumed with panning across a scene of make-believe.||2:And then, one day, he cast himself as a victim.||3:He sat in the chair on the far side of the interrogator ’s wooden desk.||4:His shiny charcoal suit turned dark as he sweated at being questioned.||5:After the wire was slipped around his neck, his right hand began to shake. | |
6 | 布洛在书中解释了这一令人匪夷所思的转变。克格勃利用了德米特里·杜德科神父恐惧二进宫的心理以及害怕同家人再度分开的心情。弗拉基米尔·索罗金深谙审讯之道,他在手中这位受害者的灵魂之中察觉到了一个致命的软肋,并且将其放大:爱国主义。但是,真就没有一个真正并且守法的俄国人会站在国家敌人这一边了吗? | Mr Bullough explains the mystifying conversion. The KGB played on his fears of renewed imprisonment and separation from his family. A skilful interrogator , Vladimir Sorokin found and enlarged the “chink” in his victim’s soul: patriotism. Surely no true, law-abiding Russian could side with the enemies of his country? | |
7 | 布洛在书中解释了这一令人匪夷所思的转变。克格勃利用了德米特里杜德科神父恐惧二进宫的心理以及害怕同家人再度分开的心情。弗拉基米尔索罗金深谙审讯之道,他在手中这位受害者的灵魂之中察觉到了一个致命的软肋,并且将其放大:爱国主义。但是,真就没有一个真正并且守法的俄国人会站在国家敌人这一边了吗? | Mr Bullough explains the mystifying conversion. The KGB played on his fears of renewed imprisonment and separation from his family. A skilful interrogator , Vladimir Sorokin found and enlarged the “chink” in his victim’s soul: patriotism. Surely no true, law-abiding Russian could side with the enemies of his country? | |
8 | “人的灵魂的伟大审问者”--我看鲁迅与路翎 | "The Great Interrogator of Human Soul" --Lu Xun and Lu Ling in My Eye | |
9 | “总有一天我会离开这里;你们永远不会,”她曾向一个审讯者怒吼道。 | "I will get out of here; you won’t, " she once snapped at an interrogator . | |
10 | 对于有道理仅仅来说,证明或展示给一名审问者自己是有道理的是另一件事情,而并不是必要的。 | Proving, or demonstrating to an interrogator , that one is justified is another matter, and not necessary for simply being justified. | |
11 | 基于物流仓储管理的RFID读写器设计 | Design of RFID interrogator based on warehouse management of logistics | |
12 | 论新形势下侦查讯问人员应具备的基本素质 | On the Indispensable Quality of Investigative Interrogator under New Situation | |
13 | 我曾是一位古巴关塔那摩湾拘留所的审讯官。 | I was an interrogator at the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. | |
14 | 一个孩子一度伏在桌上,审问者拍着他叫:“抬起头来”。 | At one point, as one boy rests his head on the table, the interrogator flicks at him, shouting: "Lift your head, you. " | |
15 | 一天卡尔在关押他的法庭的院子里看见了哪个审问员。 | One day, Karl Heinz saw his interrogator again in the courtyard of the building where he was being held. |