属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苏格兰公投的收官之战 消耗战
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国能源转型 适时求变(中)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 各国应对疫情危机 汇丰暂停派息 美失业人数创
1 | 一贯之工作可能因屡次的中断而破坏。 | continuous performance may be marred by continual interruptions . | |
2 | 因中断而躁急 | to be impatient at interruptions | |
3 | 组织应制定应急计划,使得在紧急情况下(如供应中断、劳动力短缺、关键设备故障和场地周转等)能够满足顾客的要求。 | The organization shall prepare contingency plans to satisfy customer requirements in the event of an emergency such as utility interruptions , labor shortages, key equipment failure and field returns. | |
4 | ||1:除却令人恼怒的打断,苏格兰民族党领导人亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德和身为联合主义者的前财政大臣阿里斯泰尔·达林都分别直截了当地提出自己主张的要点。||2:无论人民是在大氛围下左右摇摆或者是明确支持抑或反对苏格兰独立,达林先生都尽其所能随时宣扬着英联邦的货币政策。||3:而双方在辩论中就许多国内政策问题诸如卫生保健和住房福利打得如火如荼。||4:这使得两种截然不同的英国未来之间的较量逐渐向今日公共政策的改革靠拢。 | ||1:Filter out the noisy interruptions , though, and both Alex Salmond, Scotland’s nationalist premier, and Alistair Darling, the unionist former chancellor of the exchequer, make dry points.||2:Neither lingered on the overall case for or against the union, though Mr Darling banged on about currency whenever he could.||3:For much of the debate they tussled over domestic policy areas like health care and housing benefits.||4:A contest between two starkly different futures for Britain came to resemble one over today’s public services. | |
5 | ||1:第一阶段的战役已结束,谁来为之埋单?||2:能源消耗量最大的用户受上网电价的保护,留下平民百姓,领养老金的老人已经失业人员负担费用。||3:来自大客户代理商VIK的Annette Loske辩解道,与竞争对手相比,核电站的关闭抬高了工业的电费。||4:大客户本需要树立信心,而针对大客户免税的政治攻击却渐渐削弱了这份信心。||5:断电则是另一份更大的烦恼,供电哪怕只中断几分之一秒都会扰乱工厂作业。||6:VIK称,在过去三年里断电频率已上升至30%。||7:突然停电的几率猛增。 | ||1:One fight is over who will pay.||2:The most energy-intensive consumers are shielded from the feed-in tariff, leaving ordinary folk, including pensioners and the unemployed, to foot the bill.||3:The nuclear shutdown pushed up industry’s electricity bills relative to its competitors, argues Annette Loske of VIK, which represents big consumers.||4:The political assault on their exemption undermines the confidence they need to invest.||5:An even bigger worry is supply interruptions , which can disrupt factories even if they last for fractions of a second.||6:VIK says they have risen 30% in the past three years.||7:The odds of outright power cuts have jumped. | |
6 | ||1:尽管由于新冠肺炎疫情停产,三星预计第一季度的营业利润将达到64万亿韩元(52亿美元),比去年同期增长3%。||2:这家韩国科技巨头预计将从数据中心对其芯片的需求增加和5g网络的推出中获益。||3:不过,如果消费者不太愿意在智能手机和电视上消费,那么该公司可能会受到冲击。 | ||1:Despite interruptions to production because of covid-19, Samsung forecast that its operating profit for the first quarter will be 6.4trn won ($5.2bn), up by 3% from the same three months last year.||2:The South Korean tech giant expects to gain from increased demand for its chips in data centres and the roll-out of 5g networks.||3:However, it could take a hit if consumers feel less inclined to splash out on smartphones and televisions. | |
7 | 因此在播放R级电影时,我们要尽量确保观众不被外来因素所影响。”帝王娱乐CEO艾米·米尔斯接受《好莱坞报道》采访时说道。 | and we want to make sure there are minimal interruptions during R-rated movies," stated Regal CEO Amy Miles. | |
8 | 盈利性的中断 | Profitable interruptions | |
9 | “职业中断要付出巨大的代价,”贝特朗在最近的一次采访中告诉我。 | "The penalty for career interruptions is huge, " Bertrand told me in a recent interview. | |
10 | HTML5还支持规范离线支持,使本地存储成为可能,帮助解决连接中断问题。 | HTML5 also allows specification of offline support, which makes local storage possible, helping with connectivity interruptions . | |
11 | 把花在紧急任务中被打断的分钟数加起来,并处以五得到平均每个工作日的被打断时间。 | Add up the total minutes spent on A-level interruptions , and divide by five to get your daily average. | |
12 | 避免多个中断的常用技术是将一个事件用于页面上的所有更新。 | A typical technique to avoid multiple interruptions is to use one event for all updating on a page. | |
13 | 避免正常工作受,如裁片短缺,再加工,机器故障等干扰的影响 | i. e. avoid effect on regular work by interruptions , such as cut pieces shortage, rework, machine breakdown, etc. | |
14 | 查找可帮助诊断操作失败或中断的原因的资源,并查找有关如何解决问题的指导。 | Find resources to help diagnose the causes of operation failures or interruptions and find guidance about how to resolve problems. | |
15 | 除了预定的维护停机时间,这个应用程序始终保持不间断工作(或者,最多是无影响中断)。 | The application is always available with no interruptions (or at most, imperceptive ones) except for scheduled downtimes for maintenance. | |
16 | 当巴西人每次开启冷气机时,他们可能必须逐渐习惯电力供应「暂时中断」。 | Brazilians may have to get used to "temporary interruptions " every time they turn up their air-conditioners. | |
17 | 当然,有外部因素在起作用,比如无法掌控的工作,又比如孩子、烦心事、干扰和让人分心的东西。 | Sure, there are external forces at work: an uncontrollable job, the stress of kids and chores and interruptions and digital distractions. | |
18 | 德•瓦赫尔先生说,美国人目前对插播广告的容忍度很大。 | Americans, says Mr de Wahl, are more tolerant of interruptions . | |
19 | 地震通过交易环节也影响了非日本汽车制造商,通用公司在美国和欧洲面临中断。 | The quake has affected non-Japanese carmakers, too, since many buy parts from Japan. GM has suffered interruptions in America and Europe. | |
20 | 电压瞬降及短时中断抗扰性测试原理 | Immunity testing principle for voltage dips & interruptions | |
21 | 电压瞬时跌落、短时中断和电压渐变的干扰试验 | Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions and Voltage Variations Immunity Test | |
22 | 动态研究公司难以承受难堪的服务中断 | Research In Motion can ill afford embarrassing service interruptions | |
23 | 对于没有患多动症的一方,打断就意味着不尊重。 | To the non-ADHD partner, the interruptions are disrespectful. | |
24 | 服务中断的PRE优先排队系统弱极限定理 | Weak Convergence Theorems of A Queuing System for PRE Priority Discipline with Service Interruptions | |
25 | 该差距看似合理的解释有很多,从女性职业生涯的中断到过时的性别歧视,不一而足。 | There are plenty of plausible explanations for this disparity, from interruptions to women’s careers to old-fashioned discrimination. | |
26 | 关掉电话,锁上门,以避免别人不必要的打扰。 | Turn off your phone and lock the door, to avoid unnecessary interruptions from others. | |
27 | 过期时间指在考虑到员工在日常工作中所遇到的所有中断后完成任务所需的实际时间。 | Elapsed time is the time it actually takes to do the work after factoring in all of the interruptions the employee has in a normal workday. | |
28 | 过去的一个世纪中,价格的猛涨主要源自供给的干涉,尤其是在第一次世界大战期间。 | The price spikes over the past century were linked to interruptions in supply, notably during the first world war. | |
29 | 基础架构团队成员了解到要拒绝这种干扰,于是遵从上述流程来处理这类请求。 | Infrastructure team members learned to refuse the interruptions , deferring to the process above for such requests. | |
30 | 激光器不能先停下来,然后从停下来的地方重新开始,所以任何中断都是致命的。 | The laser is not capable of stopping and then picking up where it left off, so any interruptions are fatal. |