属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天体化学 空中的大试管
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天体化学 空中的大试管
1 | 虽然这些元素仅仅是“星际浓汤”轻微的调料,但它们确实增添了汤的味道。 | But a tiny fraction—less than one-tenth of a percent—consists of molecules with other elements, such as oxygen, carbon and nitrogen, in them. Though these other elements are a mere soupon of the interstellar soup, they do give it real flavour. | |
2 | 以往的望远镜必须关注星云,那里是星际气体最集中之处。 | Those older telescopes had to focus on nebulae, where the interstellar gas is most concentrated. | |
3 | 1982年:E.T被好时引入牛奶巧克力做为星际友谊糖果。它的初次问世是在四年前。 | E. T. immortalized Reese’s Pieces by Hershey’s as the candy of interstellar friendship. They’d premiered just four years earlier. | |
4 | IBEX还产生了第一张从外部空间进入太阳系的中性氢原子和氧原子的地图。 | IBEX has also generated the first maps of neutral hydrogen and oxygen atoms entering the solar system from interstellar space. | |
5 | 持续的广播足够到达星际空间,那要消耗巨大的能量。 | A continuous broadcast powerful enough to reach across interstellar space takes a huge amount of energy. | |
6 | 冲击波能揭示出星际介质的结构,扮演着探照灯的角色。 | The shock acts as a searchlight by revealing the structure of the interstellar medium. | |
7 | 但是这层气体并不是密不透风,它里面有很多星际“隧道”,把一个个局部空洞区域连起来。 | But the wall isn’t impenetrable. It’s riddled with "interstellar tunnels" that lead from one pocket of less dense gas to another. | |
8 | 但它又不是完全的空无一物,正如这张最新的太阳周边1000光年范围内星际空间地图所示。 | But it’s not completely empty, as a new map of the interstellar space in the 1, 000 light-years around the sun shows. | |
9 | 高能中微子没有电荷,事实上,甚至没有质量,所以它们可以毫无阻碍地通过星级间的磁场。 | With no charge and practically no mass, high-energy neutrinos pass unperturbed through interstellar magnetic fields. | |
10 | 关于星际分子的客观性的证明 | The objectivity certification of interstellar molecules | |
11 | 光波和无线电波能被星际气体和尘埃吸收及散射。 | Light and radio waves are absorbed and scattered by interstellar gas and dust. | |
12 | 广角:伊卡洛斯项目:延伸到星际空间 | WIDE ANGLE: Project Icarus: Reaching for Interstellar Space | |
13 | 过去的十几年里,有关星际介质的较密气尘复合体我们探明了哪些新东西呢? | What new information have we gleaned about the comparatively dense gas-dust complexes of the interstellar medium over the past dozen years? | |
14 | 航海家1号宇宙飞船随时可能飞出太阳系进入星际空间,事实上,它可能已经做到了。 | The Voyager 1 spacecraft is poised to leave the solar system and reach interstellar space. In fact, it may already have. | |
15 | 科学家相信四年内它将进入星际空间 | Scientists think it will enter interstellar space in about four years. | |
16 | 客户捐助人亚当.克洛关注星际旅行所需的燃料并发现一个有着巨大开采潜力天然气田。 | Guest contributor Adam Crowl looks at the fuel required for an interstellar trip and finds a gas giant with huge mining potential. | |
17 | 另一个答案是外星人已经造访过地球,发现我们的星球太原始太枯燥,根本不值得在星际旅游的导游册中浪费笔墨。 | Another is that aliens visited Earth and found our planet so dull that we didn’t even merit a rating on their interstellar travel guide. | |
18 | 马特罗夫相信,可以在空间组装一种厚度仅为50纳米的铍材料太阳帆,它将使得这一时间缩短到约2000年。 | Matloff believes a 50-nanometer beryllium sail, built in space, could potentially make an interstellar voyage in as little as 2, 000 years. | |
19 | 美国航空及太空总署的星际边缘探测卫星(也叫IBEX)发现了这条窄带,它近乎一个完整的圆形。 | NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer satellite, or IBEX, discovered the narrow ribbon, which completes nearly a full circle across the sky. | |
20 | 那些近距离围绕主要星系轨道运行的卫星最终将它们的星际气云失给了更大的星系。 | Satellites that orbit close to major galaxies eventually forfeit their interstellar gas to the greater galaxy. | |
21 | 哦,也许,他们的星际机器人已经来过了。 | Or, maybe, interstellar robots have already stopped by. | |
22 | 强烈的恒星风压缩加热了星际尘埃,并在前方形成弧形的震荡波。 | Its strong stellar wind precedes it, compressing and heating the dusty interstellar material and shaping the curved shock front. | |
23 | 生命发展的某些早期过程可能早在太阳系形成以前的星际气体云中就已发生。 | Some of these early steps in the development of life may have taken place in interstellar gas clouds before the solar system formed. | |
24 | 虽然在15光年的范围内,但对于星际远征的初次尝试而言这依然是个挑战性很大的距离。 | Although within 15 light-years, this is still a very challenging distance for the first attempt at an interstellar voyage. | |
25 | 椭圆星系中有多达万亿颗古老的恒星,但几乎没有灰尘和其他星际物质。 | Elliptical galaxies contain many older stars, up to one trillion, but little dust and other interstellar matter. | |
26 | 为了实现星际航行,马特罗夫强调,更轻的飞船质量以及更强的太阳光推力是关键。 | In order to achieve interstellar travel, Matloff stresses that less mass and more of a solar push are key. | |
27 | 我们的太阳可能在1万年内会脱离本地星际云,亦称本地纤流。 | Our Sun may exit the Local Interstellar Cloud, also called the Local Fluff, during the next 10, 000 years. | |
28 | 我们现有的推进技术和我们需要的应用于星际飞行的推进技术仍然有很大的差距。 | There is still a significant gap in current propulsion technology and what may be needed for an interstellar mission. | |
29 | 吸积盘的X射线辐射对周围星际物质的离化研究 | Simulation of the effects of X-ray emission from accretion disks on the interstellar materials | |
30 | 星尘与星际介质混合在一起,最终形成了岩石状的类地行星,例如我们的地球。 | Mixing with the interstellar medium, the dust could ultimately form rocky terrestrial planets like Earth. |