属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/UL 913-2003
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-沙特跟老美 别扭扭
1 | 虽然你不再需要有线连接,而你却从此与全球使用蓝牙技术的科技先锋者紧密相连。 | And although you are no longer connected by wires, you are intrinsically connected to a growing group of leading-edge technology pioneers who are embracing the global bluetooth movement. | |
2 | 他本质并不坏 | He is not intrinsically bad | |
3 | 提高本质安全开关电源功率及安全火花电路的研究 | A Research on Intrinsically Safe Switching Power Supply and Spark Circuits of Safety | |
4 | 我当时想,对待印度人的这种行为只是在一个本质基本良好的肌体上生长的一个肿瘤。 | I thought that this treatment of Indians was an excrescence upon a system that was intrinsically and mainly good | |
5 | 享乐主义认为快乐是唯一的本质上的好事,而痛苦则是唯一的本质上的坏事。 | hedonism is the theory that pleasure is the only thing intrinsically good, pain the only thing intrinsically bad | |
6 | 在I、II、III级1区危险场所使用的内在安全装置和附属装置的安全标准 | Standard for Safety for Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for Use in Class I, II, III, Division 1, Hazardous (Classified)Locations | |
7 | 造父变星一类具有极规律的光波震动期的内部可变的星 | Any of a class of intrinsically variable stars with exceptionally regular periods of light pulsation. | |
8 | 这些事情本身没有任何不可能的因素,它印记着文学真实性的一切特征。 | There is nothing intrinsically improbable about this incident, which is stamped indeed, with all the marks of literary truth | |
9 | 支持媒体冗余和内部安全选择 | Media redundancy and intrinsically safe options | |
10 | 直流电阻性本质安全电路低能电弧放电分析 | Analysis of Low-Energy Arc Discharge of D. C. Resistive Intrinsically Safe Circuits | |
11 | 自身;本来;本质上 | per se (per sese): by (or in)itself; intrinsically | |
12 | ||1:同时,美国及其欧洲盟友寻求与伊朗进行核商谈的愿望也暴露了潜在的分歧。||2:在美国看来,伊朗问题首先属于核扩散问题。其次,威胁到了以色列。||3:而沙特担心的是,从地缘政治角度来看,伊朗会是中东地区发生的又一政权颠覆(推翻的是像阿卜杜拉这样的独裁者),就像之前动荡不安的伊拉克和叙利亚。从意识形态来看,什叶派的权力威胁到了沙特信奉正统基督教的逊尼派。||4:虽然美伊之间的核对话进展缓慢,彼此的互不信任也由来已久,沙特官员还是公开表示了他们的焦虑,担心美国会为了与强权间的历史性和解这一诱惑而“卖了他们”,尽管沙特人生而仇恨这一强权。 | ||1:At the same time America’s pursuit, with its European allies, of a nuclear deal with Iran has exposed underlying differences.||2:America sees the problem primarily as one of nuclear proliferation and secondarily as a threat to Israel.||3:The Saudis instead fear Iran as a subversive regional rival, geopolitically in unstable countries such as Iraq and Syria, and ideologically as a Shia power challenging the Saudis’ fundamentalist Sunni creed.||4:Despite the slowness of progress in nuclear talks and the legacy of deep mistrust between America and Iran, Saudi officials openly fret that America could “sell them out” for the lure of an historic rapprochement with a power they see as intrinsically hostile. | |
13 | “战略行业”这一定义本身就颇具弹性,从而导致了它的滥用。 | The intrinsically elastic definition of "strategic industry" invites its misuse. | |
14 | 奥登戈说:“贫困是个很大的因素,也和女性切割手术带来的经济利益有很大的内在联系。” | "Poverty is quite a big factor and directly intrinsically linked to the economic interest [in female circumcision], " Odongo said. | |
15 | 本发明还提供了含有固有地或非固有地与这种乳状液结合的抗原的疫苗组合物。 | The present invention also provides vaccine compositions containing an antigen combined with such emulsions intrinsically or extrinsically. | |
16 | 本质安全电感电容复合电路电弧放电特性的研究 | Arc discharge characteristics of intrinsically safe compound circuits | |
17 | 本质安全型电子先导控制电路 | Intrinsically Safe Pilot Control Circuits | |
18 | 此外,SDM本质上可以扩展,因此可在每层添加新的抽象定义。 | In addition, SDM is intrinsically extensible and makes it possible for you to add new abstract definitions at each layer. | |
19 | 从本质上讲,力拓一案——相关人员分别获刑7至14年——是一场政治审判。 | The Rio trial, which ended with sentences of between seven and 14 years, was intrinsically a political trial. | |
20 | 从本质上讲,只要人们拥有一种内在的动力去完成某些工作任务,那么他们根本不需要什么奖励就能够把工作做好。 | Essentially, when people are intrinsically motivated to perform tasks, they do not need to be given a reward for doing so. | |
21 | 从头到尾对一个集合进行枚举在本质上不是一个线程安全的过程。 | IEnumerator that can be used to access elements. Enumerating through a collection is intrinsically not a thread-safe procedure. | |
22 | 但是,动态缓冲区指派本质上并不比其它方法更安全。 | But dynamic buffer allocation is not intrinsically less dangerous than other approaches. | |
23 | 但在现实中,倾向于上下浮动,是市场的本质。 | But in reality the market is intrinsically prone to leap and lurch. | |
24 | 当我们为了事物本身的利益去做某事的时候,是因为我们喜爱他或者它满足了一些我们深层次的需要,我们是内在的被驱动了。 | When we do something for its own sake, because we enjoy it or because it fills some deep-seated desire, we are intrinsically motivated. | |
25 | 低压电感电路本质安全性的研究 | Study on intrinsically safe of low voltage inductance circuit | |
26 | 第一中情境下的孩子们,因为他们已经喜爱作画了,所以他们已经被内在的动力驱动着去绘画了。 | The children were chosen in the first instance because they already liked drawing and they were already intrinsically motivated to draw. | |
27 | 电感性本质安全电路动态伏安特性参数的确定 | Determination of Dynamic V-A Characteristic Parameters of Inductive Intrinsically Safe Circuits | |
28 | 发现它们与狄拉克大数存在某种深层的内在关联。 | The formulas of these masses and Dirac barge number deeply intrinsically related were found by us. | |
29 | 哥斯达黎加的国内生产总值(国内总产值)同英特尔公司紧密地联系在一起。 | The country’s gross domestic product (GDP) has been intrinsically tied to Intel. | |
30 | 隔爆兼本安型无线控制系统的设计 | Design of Flame-proof and Intrinsically Safe Wireless Control System |