属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-当代哲学 "直觉泵"入门
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-当代哲学 "直觉泵"入门
1 | 直觉与工具理性批判:梁漱溟对儒家经典的文化诠释 | Intuition and Critique of Instrumental Reason: Liang Shuming’s Cultural Interpretations of Confucian Classics | |
2 | 直觉与玄思-中国哲学的方法论问题 | Intuition and Speculation-A Methodological Problem in Chinese Philosophies | |
3 | 直觉主义通过直觉知道道德原则有效性和普遍性的理论 | The theory that ethical principles are known to be valid and universal through intuition . | |
4 | 中国人民很有才能,同时也不轻信别人;他们很想有所建树,但是也知道一个人的直观知识不管多渊博,也无法解答历史的一切难题。 | The Chinese people are talented but also skeptical, aspiring but also conscious that no one man’s intuition , however tremendous, can provide the answer to the dilemmas of history | |
5 | 庄子哲学中的直觉观念 | A Study of the Concept of Intuition in Chuang Tzu’s Philosophy | |
6 | 自由的文学与直觉的艺术―论川端康成与“意识流”的不解之缘 | The Literature of Freedom and the Art of Intuition -On the Interrelation between Kawabata Yasunari and Stream of Consciousness | |
7 | 《思考的工具:直觉泵及其他》 | Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking.By Daniel Dennett. | |
8 | ||1:丹尼尔·丹尼特承认:“思考是困难的。思考某些问题之难,几乎到了只要一想到要思考这些问题就会头疼的地步。”||2:对此,丹尼特深有体会。作为塔夫斯大学的一名哲学教授,在过去半个世纪里,他一直在试图解开我们身边那些最难以解决的问题:语言含义的本质,人类心灵是由什么组成的以及自由意志是否可能等。||3:日前,他把自己50年来的思考浓缩为77篇既有可读性又短小精悍的文章,汇集成册后取名为《思考的工具:直觉泵及其他》 | ||1: “THINKING is hard,” concedes Daniel Dennett. “Thinking about some problems is so hard that it can make your head ache just thinking about thinking about them.” ||2: Mr Dennett should know. A professor of philosophy at Tufts University, he has spent half a century pondering some of the knottiest problems around: the nature of meaning, the substance of minds and whether free will is possible. ||3: His latest book, “Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking”, is a precis of those 50 years, distilled into 77 readable and mostly bite-sized chapters. | |
9 | 2005年,苹果首席执行官斯蒂芬乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上对学生们提出建议,不要被教条束缚,要勇于跟随自己的内心和直觉。 | IN A commencement speech to students at Stanford University in 2005, Steve Jobs, the chief executive of Apple, advised his audience to avoid being trapped by dogma and to have the courage to follow their hearts and their intuition . | |
10 | 由此绘制出的S型图表更符合最初阶段相对平庸的表现。 | This produces an S-shaped plot more in line with the intuition that performance starts off relatively flat. | |
11 | 在那之后,乔布斯跟随了自己的内心和直觉创办了皮克斯电影工作室,它专门从事电脑动画电影,并制作了一连串的好作品,如“玩具总动员”和“海底总动员” | After that, Mr Jobs followed his heart and his intuition by building up Pixar, a film studio that specialises in computer-animated films. It has produced a string of hits, from “Toy Story” to “Finding Nemo”. | |
12 | “未知”的心给直觉留下空间。 | A don’t know mind leaves room for intuition . | |
13 | “我遵从自己的直觉,而不是我的左脑,”库克说。 | "I listened to my intuition , not the left side of my brain, " Cook said. | |
14 | “最宝贵的天赋是你的直觉” | "Great Gift of Intuition " | |
15 | ChristMichael的火花残存(在这些化身中)等待被重新认出,但是原本(神的)直接的指导不得不变成给外部的建议和随意的直觉。 | The spark of Christ Michael remained ready to be recognized, but direct guidance was given over to outside suggestion and random intuition . | |
16 | 不幸的人往往不按直觉做出选择,而幸运的人往往尊重自己的预感。 | Unlucky people often fail to follow their intuition when making a choice, whereas lucky people tend to respect hunches. | |
17 | 不要让别人的看法淹没了自己心底的声音,最重要的是,要有勇气跟随自己的内心与直觉。 | Don’t let others’ judgment submerge your inner voice. Most importantly, you have to be brave to follow your heart and intuition . | |
18 | 不要相信你的直觉,胆量和预感。固执己见是不专业的,傻的。 | Don’t trust your intuition , gut or hunches. Navel gazing is unprofessional and silly. | |
19 | 称之为预感也好,本能也好,感觉也好--无论你管它叫什么,那都是你的直觉在”讲话“。 | Call it a premonition, an instinct, a feeling -- whatever you label it, it’s your intuition talking. | |
20 | 从原始数据中精心提取出规则历来被看作是人类敏锐洞察力的职责,而不是机器智能的工作。 | Condensing rules from raw data has long been considered the province of human intuition , not machine intelligence. | |
21 | 从直觉的三种形态看教师形上的智慧何以可能 | Ponder How Teacher Have the Metaphysical Wisdom from the Angle of Three Pattern of Intuition | |
22 | 但你最杰出的天赋是你的直觉,而你又把它加以睿智地使用。 | But your greatest gift was your intuition , and it was a gift you used wisely. | |
23 | 但是,在远古世界,关于梦的直觉的知识是——梦的更深层的意义是让我们觉察到我们自己内心深处。 | But the basic intuition of the ancient world is that dreams can awaken us to a deeper sense of ourselves. | |
24 | 但是直觉无法告诉你在你进入那扇门之后会发生什么样的事情。 | But intuition cannot prepare you for what’s on the other side of that door. | |
25 | 当你发现你对自己行为动机的推测是错的的那个瞬间,你必然需要另一个更加客观的解释。 | The moment you realize that your intuition about your own behavior might be wrong it is clear that you need another, more objective input. | |
26 | 独处,瑜伽等等任何能让你与你的本能相连的事物将会舒缓你的灵魂。 | Solitude, yoga, and anything that puts you in touch with your intuition will soothe your soul. | |
27 | 对外汉语初级阶段语音感教学研究 | Research on Teaching about Phonetics Intuition in Elementary Course of Chinese as the Second Language | |
28 | 对于你做的大多数决定而言,你将不能够获得一切的事实,所以永远相信你的直觉。 | For most of the decisions you make, you won’t be able to get all the facts, so always trust your intuition . | |
29 | 多年来的管理学作家意识到一些实践经验的经理严重依靠直觉。 | Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily on intuition . | |
30 | 而那些被称为直觉和本能的东西,也许通常都是在我们已有的知识上形成的。 | And that what we call intuition , some of those gut feelings we get, may often be based on good information. |