属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-海平面上升和城市不断发展预计会导致更多的洪水灾害
属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-海平面上升和城市不断发展预计会导致更多的洪水灾害
1 | 百色水利枢纽淹没区灭鼠及监理工作 | Destroying Rats and Supervision in Inundation Area of Baise Hydroproject | |
2 | 长江中游湿地功能减弱对中游水患形成的影响 | The Weakenness of the Wet Land Adaptativity and Inundation in the Middle Yangtze Reaches | |
3 | 但不包括正常水位变化、海水倒灌及水库、运河、堤坝在正常水位线以下的排水和渗漏的保险财产的损失 | but not including loss or damage caused by change in normal water level or inundation from sea water or water escape or leakage from the normal confines of any natural water course, lake or reservoir, canal or dam | |
4 | 地图代数在洪水淹没模拟与分析中的应用 | Application of Map Algebra to Inundation Simulation and Analysis | |
5 | 二维浅水波模型在洪水淹没过程中的模拟研究 | Numerical Simulation of Flood Inundation Processes by 2D Shallow Water Equations | |
6 | 二维淹水模式应用于排水最佳抽水量择定之研究 | A Study on Two-Dimension Inundation Mode Applied for the Choosing of Best Catchments Pump Water Scale | |
7 | 风暴、暴雨、洪水,但不包括正常水位变化、海水倒灌及水库、运河、堤坝在正常水位线以下的排水和渗漏 | Storm, tempest and flood; but not including loss or damage caused by change in normal water level or inundation from sea water or water escape or leakage from the normal confines of any natural water course, lake or reservoir, canal or dam | |
8 | 洪水水引起的泛滥;洪水 | Inundation by water;flood. | |
9 | 黄河水患与北宋对外军事 | Inundation of the Yellow River and the Foreign Military Affairs of Bei-Song Dynasty | |
10 | 基于ArcObjects的洪灾淹没模拟与避难决策系统设计与实现 | Design and Implementation of Flood Inundation Simulation System and Emergency Response Decision Based on ArcObjects | |
11 | 耒阳市耒中水电站库区淹没处理几点经验 | Several Experiences in Reservoir Inundation Treatment of Leizhong Hydropower Station in Leiyang City | |
12 | 两种实用的洪灾损失频率分析方法 | Two Practical Methods on the Analyses of Inundation Loss Frequency | |
13 | 尼罗河一年一度的泛滥. | the annual inundation of the Nile | |
14 | 桥巩水电站库区对合山火电厂水泵房淹没影响处理方案探讨 | Countermeasures for Inundation Impact on Heshan Thermal Power Plant by Reservoir Area of Qiaogong Hydropower Station | |
15 | 任意多边形网格2D FVM模型及其在城市洪水淹没中的应用 | 2D FVM Model Based on an Arbitrary Polygonal Mesh System for the Simulation of Flood Inundation and Its Application in Municipal Regions | |
16 | 三峡库区移民区和淹没区植物群落物种多样性的空间分布格局 | Spatial Pattern of Plant Species Diversity in the Inundation and Resettlement Region of the Three Gorges Reservoir | |
17 | 天津近岸台风暴潮漫滩数值模式研究 | A Numerical Study on Storm Surge and Inundation Induced by Hurricanes in the Nearshore of Tianjin | |
18 | 雨水下水道与漫地流间水流互动之动态淹水仿真 | Dynamic Inundation Simulation of Storm Water Interaction between Sewer System and Overland Flows | |
19 | Erika Spanger-Siegfried是气候和能源项目的高级分析师。她监督了两份确定美国各地正在经历该组织所谓慢性洪灾的地区的报告。它将慢性洪灾定义为干扰人们或企业进行正常日常活动的洪水。 | Erika Spanger-Siegfried is a senior analyst with the organization’s Climate and Energy Program. She oversaw two reports that identified areas across the U.S. experiencing what the group calls chronic inundation . It defines this as flooding that prevents people or businesses from carrying out normal daily activities. | |
20 | 她说:“接下来几十年里我们会看到遭受慢性洪灾的地区扩大到其它目前不受影响的沿海地区。而到了本世纪中期和之后,我们就会开始看到主要大都市地区受到慢性洪灾的影响。” | "What we see just in the next couple of decades is the expansion of areas that are chronically inundated to other currently unaffected parts of the coast. And really, mid-century and beyond is when we start to see major metropolitan areas affected by this chronic inundation as well." | |
21 | 1998年嫩江洪水对大庆输油管道的淹浸调查分析 | Investigation and Analysis on Inundation of Nenjiang Flood 1998 to Daqing Oil Transmission Pipeline | |
22 | loadshp创建了两个表:cities和tsunami,并将空间数据分别加载到citylim和inundation列中。 | loadshp creates two tables called cities and tsunami and loads the spatial data into the citylim and inundation columns, respectively. | |
23 | 百色水利枢纽广西库区水库淹没及移民安置规划设计 | Planning and Design of Reservoir Inundation and Resettlement for Baise Project in Reservoir Area in Guangxi | |
24 | 本例使用的数据包括一些城市的地理数据和Oregon州的海啸影响范围。 | The data for this example is geographical data about the cities and the tsunami inundation line in the state of Oregon. | |
25 | 大水矿区堵水方法及其应用结果 | Build Up Water Method In Inundation Mine Area And Effect of Application | |
26 | 大中型水库淹没与投资分析 | Inundation and investment analysis for large and medium reservoirs | |
27 | 当地的水利官员已经降低了水库的蓄水位以防周围的居民区被洪水淹没。 | Water officials lowered the reservoir’s level to prevent inundation of nearby settlements. | |
28 | 风暴潮洪水淹没计算模型研究 | Simulation Models of Flood Inundation Due to Storm Tide | |
29 | 该类地区山高水低,水库淹没面积少,移民规模小。 | In these regions, due to high mountains and low rivers, the reservoir inundation area is less so that resettlement is less in scale. | |
30 | 黑山峡水库淹没及移民 | Reservoir Inundation and Resettlement of Heishanxia Project |