属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-流感病毒瓦解免疫系统的第一道防线
1 | 不管侵略者什么时候来,都必被消灭。 | No matter when the invader comes,they will be wiped out clean. | |
2 | 大多数成员国都谴责侵略者。 | Most of the member states called the invader down | |
3 | 当疫苗注射给豚鼠时,这种动物的自然防御系统把这种蛋白作为外来入侵者识别出来。豚鼠产生抗体同精子对抗。这就阻止了受孕。 | When the vaccine is given to a guinea pig, the animal’s natural defense system recognizes their protein as a foreign invader . The guinea pigs develops antibody to fight against the sperm. This prevents pregnancy. | |
4 | 机体作出的响应有:让白血球去攻击入侵者;产生抗体或抗毒素;常常还会提高体温。抗体会造成短期的或终身的免疫。 | The body responds with an attack on the invader by leukocytes, production of antibodies or antitoxins, and often a rise in temperature. The antibodies may result in short-term or lifelong immunity. | |
5 | 即使在国家被击败之后,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。 | Even after the country is defeated,partisan fight the invader in the hill. | |
6 | 侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那个妇人的心脏。 | The invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman’s heart. | |
7 | 侵略者拂晓就要来了。 | The invader will arrive at dawn | |
8 | 侵略者妄图攻打我们国家。 | The invader wanted to attack our country | |
9 | 日本侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那个妇人的心脏。 | The Japanese invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman’s heart | |
10 | 入侵者在乡间扫荡,一路上烧毁房屋,抢劫财物。 | The invader roved through the country burning and pillaging houses in their pathway | |
11 | 托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》的伟大主题使拿破仑在彼尔?别竺豪夫的心目中一落千丈,从拯救欧洲自由主义救世主一降而为入侵俄罗斯的嗜血侵略者。 | Tolstoy’s grand theme in War and Peace was the sinking of Napoleon in Pierre Bezukhov’s mind from liberal deliverer of Europe to blood thirsty invader of Russia | |
12 | 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。 | A country must have the will to repel any invader . | |
13 | 欲战者,无附于水而迎客﹔ | If you are anxious to fight, you should not go to meet the invader near a river which he has to cross. | |
14 | 在沦陷时期,我们得听凭(侵略者的)摆布. | During the occupation,we had to live in total submission(to the invader ). | |
15 | 在侵略者的残酷统治之下,民族文化遭到蹂躏。 | National culture was crushed under the invader ’s jackboot. | |
16 | 中国人即是被武力征服,最后总是能够驯服和融化侵入者。 | Even when subjected to military conquest the Chinese always managed in the end to subdue and absorb the invader | |
17 | ||1:当流感病毒来袭时,人体的天然防线会生成白细胞,这种细胞产生各种抗体用于和入侵微生物相结合并消灭它,通过这种方式来防止或至少减轻感染。||2:这种特殊细胞还能记住入侵者,这样人体的天然防线可以在再次感染时对付它。||3:这是人体如何对抗流感病毒的传统认识。 | ||1:When the flu virus attacks, the body’s natural defenses produce white blood cells. The cells make antibodies design to linkup to the invading microorganism, neutralize it, and in that way, prevent or at least lessen infection.||2:The special cells also keep a memory of the invader so that the natural defenses can fight it again if the individual is re-infected.||3:That is the traditional understanding of how the body fights the flu virus. | |
18 | ||1:问题在于,巨噬细胞的表面并没有SYT蛋白,他们表面有的是另外一种被称为Fc受体的蛋白。||2:现在只需要找到一个办法,让肉毒素结合到Fc受体上去,而查普曼博士认为,他办到了这一点。||3:他的绝招是将每个分子与抗体连接起来。||4:抗体是一种能结合入侵有机体的分子,如果抗体不能马上杀死入侵者,则它将作为入侵者的一个标记,使得它们有可能被巨噬细胞所吞噬。||5:这个过程只有当结合在入侵者上的抗体同时也能和Fc受体分子结合时才会发生,而这个步骤一完成,则入侵者就被吞噬了。 | ||1: The problem is that macrophages have no synaptotagmin on their surfaces. They do, though, have other proteins, called Fc receptors. ||2: What is needed is a way to get toxin molecules to attach themselves to Fc receptors. And this is what Dr Chapman thinks he has managed. ||3: His trick is to link each molecule to an antibody. ||4: An antibody is a protein that binds to a hostile invading organism. If this does not kill the invader outright, then it acts as a flag for the bug in question to be eaten by a macrophage. ||5: That happens when the antibody that is attached to the invader also attaches itself to an Fc-receptor molecule. This done, the invader is ingested. | |
19 | 而这个步骤一完成,则入侵者就被吞噬了。 | This done, the invader is ingested. | |
20 | 如果抗体不能马上杀死入侵者,则它将作为入侵者的一个标记,使得它们有可能被巨噬细胞所吞噬, | If this does not kill the invader outright, then it acts as a flag for the bug in question to be eaten by a macrophage. | |
21 | 这个过程只有当结合在入侵者上的抗体同时也能和Fc受体分子结合时才会发生, | That happens when the antibody that is attached to the invader also attaches itself to an Fc-receptor molecule. | |
22 | “我们正使用橡皮筋儿和泡沫去展示B细胞警告作为外来入侵者的P细胞,”BATKIN夫人说。 | "We’re using rubber bands and bubbles to show the B cell alerting the T cell that there’s a foreign invader , " Ms. Batkin said. | |
23 | 2006年8月14日,Blogger的最新版以beta形式开始运作,代号名Invader(alongsidethegoldrelease)。 | On 14 August 2006, Blogger launched its latest version in beta, codenamed Invader , alongside the gold release. | |
24 | Asner说,作为水果引入夏威夷的草莓番石榴(Psidiumcattleianum)造成的危害最大。 | The worst invader , Asner says, is strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum), which was imported for its fruit. | |
25 | 不是帝国主义的入侵者的枪炮坦克,而是国内人民的信仰,勇气和反抗。 | It is not the guns and tanks of some imperial invader , but rather the faith, courage and nonconformity of the country’s own people. | |
26 | 不速之客在人群中察觉到一丝仇恨的暗流。 | The invader sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd. | |
27 | 此外,为了阻止外来入侵者,高温会帮助免疫系统生成更多“士兵”来防御。 | In addition to slowing down the invader , the heat helps the immune system recruit more troops for a counter-attack. | |
28 | 当白血球忙于与入侵者作战时,体内的免疫系统便处于“受到攻击”状态。 | While these blood cells are busy killing an invader , the body’s immune system is said to " be under attack. " | |
29 | 而那些对谷蛋白--小麦中含有的一种蛋白质--过敏的人,免疫系统会把谷蛋白当作是对身体的恶意入侵者。 | In those with gluten allergies, the immune system mistakenly identifies gluten, a protein found in wheat, as a hostile invader . | |
30 | 林鼎文现在正在编写一个科幻游戏,叫做InvaderWars(入侵战争),并且计划着加入学校的机器人小组。 | Lim Ding Wen is now working on a sci-fi game for the iPhone called Invader Wars and plans to join his school’s robotics club. |