属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经济学史 Centuries of trial and
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-知识产权 悬而未决的专利
1 | 他们改进原来的老机器﹐发明更多的新机器﹐让它们更好地为人类服务。 | They improve the original old machine, invent more new machines, let the machine give people a much better service. | |
2 | 他煞费苦心要发明一套他自己的术语。 | He took pains to invent a complete terminology of his own | |
3 | 他思维活跃,总是寻找发明一种方法,以减少盲人对有正常视力的人的依赖。 | His mind was active,and he was always seeking to invent a way for blind people to become less dependent on people with sight. | |
4 | 他又命令"垂"创制了鼙、鼓、钟、磬、笙、管、篪等乐器 | He then ordered "Chui"to invent instruments: pi (a small drum), drum, bell, qing (chime stone), sheng (reed-pipe wind instrument), guan (wind instrument), and chi (flute-like instrument). | |
5 | 他总能搬出新玩意去娱悦小孩子。 | He can always invent a new game to divert the children. | |
6 | 他总能想出新的游戏来供孩子们娱乐。 | He can always invent a new game to divert the children. | |
7 | 他总是能发明新游戏来取悦孩子。 | He can always invent a new game to divert the children. | |
8 | 威尔逊开始是个学气象的学生,对云的成因感兴趣,这使他发明了云室,而云室却是研究核物理的一种基本工具。 | C.T.R Wilson started as a student of meteorology, and his interest in cloud formation led him to invent the cloud chamber, which became a basic tool of nuclear physics. | |
9 | 未来,统清公司将致力于多种类、全方位的油脂开发,继续为社会提供一流的产品,力争成为油脂界第一生力军。 | In the future, President Nisshin is endeavored to invent various kinds of oil and offer the public its premium products, aiming to become a dazzling new star in the oil industry. | |
10 | 未来公司计划增建厂房,扩大产能,增加生产线;积极开发适合本地特色的新品,开发大容量家庭装饮料市场 | The company is planning to build new factories, add new production lines, increase production capacities, and invent new products that address the needs of family and local consumers. | |
11 | 未来社会将会发明出一种超薄的太阳能电池板﹐其厚度小于一毫米。 | In the future, society will invent a type of ultra-thin solar-powered battery board whose thickness is less than one millimeter. | |
12 | 我们必须把三角法这个观念加以引伸。 | We must invent an extension of the idea of triangulation | |
13 | 我们必须编一个迟到的藉口。 | We must invent an excuse for being late. | |
14 | 我们能编造出什么解释(借口)呢? | What explanation (excuse)can we invent ? | |
15 | 我们能想出(编造出)什么解释呢 | What explanation can we invent ? | |
16 | 现代传记作家不胡编这样的故事。 | Modern biographers do not invent such stories | |
17 | 想出、发明出或设计出某事物 | Produce sth by thought;invent or devise sth | |
18 | 想象;捏造:在头脑中想象或刻画;捏造,发明 | Design:To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent | |
19 | 要当个好乐师,不仅必须记住自己应演奏的部分,而且要能够即兴创作出新的变奏曲调。 | To be good, a musician had not only to remember his part but also to be able to invent new variations on the spur of the moment. | |
20 | 因此需要发明既不打盹又不酣睡的仪器。 | It was necessary, therefore, to invent instruments that neither slumbered nor slept. | |
21 | 整整一年的功夫,那人无论走到哪儿,肚子里总憋着在哈德莱堡受的委屈,只要一有空闲,就挖空心思地琢磨怎么能报复一下,让自己心里舒坦。 | All through his wanderings during a whole year he kept his injury in mind, and gave all his leisure moments to trying to invent a compensating satisfaction for it | |
22 | 正如皮雅杰所说:“孩子们对自己创造的东西有真正的理解,每次当我们试图快速地教会他们什么新东西时,我们就是在阻止他们自已去重新创造。” | As Piaget put it, "Children have real understanding only of that which they invent themselves, and each time that we try to teach them something too quickly, we keep them from reinventing it themselves." | |
23 | 政府试图宣布这些英语词不合法,并通过法令说jumbo jet(大型喷气式飞机)一词不好,于是造出gros porteur(同义)。 | The government tries to outlaw words from English and passes decrees saying jumbo jet is not desirables So they invent a word, gros porteur | |
24 | ||1:在马克思看来,资本主义系统,虽然能解放生产力,却有着不可调和的矛盾,即对高额利润的追逐将让劳苦大众的生活更为悲惨,并导致生产过剩,出现经济危机。||2:但是根据马歇尔的论证,资本主义的发展并非依靠加大对穷人的剥削,而是靠着提高生产力。||3:工厂主永不停止地进行微小的改进,因此在提高工资的同时能降低产品价格,从而使物质的进步惠及整个社会。||4:熊彼得进一步充实了生产力发展的观点,经济的发展并非简单地变得越来越大,随着企业家发明新产品新工作程序,它经常经历混乱。||5:马克思没有认识到周期性的经济危机事实上发展了资本主义。 | ||1: In Marx’s view the capitalist system, for all its ability to unleash productive power, was haunted by a contradiction: the drive to increase profits would immiserate the poor and lead to crises of overproduction. ||2: But Marshall demonstrated that capitalism advances not by immiserating the poor, but by boosting productivity. ||3: Factory owners make relentless small improvements that allow them to produce both higher wages and lower prices, thereby spreading the gains of material progress throughout society. ||4: Schumpeter further expanded the idea of productivity increases. The economy doesn’t simply get bigger and bigger. It goes through a constant process of discombobulation as entrepreneurs invent new products and processes. ||5: Marx got it upside down: capitalism’s recurrent crises actually make it stronger. | |
25 | Wimdu的Bleckwenn也认为模仿好点子的做法合理。宝马公司也不是汽车的发明者,他说道。 | Mr Bleckwenn at Wimdu also defends copying good ideas:BMW didn’t invent the car, he observes. | |
26 | 美国采用世界通行的标准,法律认可的发明人不再是首位发明人,而是首位成功注册人。 | Instead of being the first to invent , the successful applicant would be the first to file, the standard used worldwide. | |
27 | 美国专利目前遵循"第一发明"原则,将改为授予第一个申请注册的人。 | Instead of the "first to invent " principle, which America currently uses, patents will be awarded to inventors who are the "first to file". | |
28 | 皮拉马尔先生想要创造出有巨大影响的新药。 | Mr Piramal wants to invent new blockbuster drugs. | |
29 | (举例来说,)你如果生活在一个能让你自由想像,自由发明和自由地与其他人沟通的环境中,你会更加优秀。 | You’re much better off with a systemin which people can be free to imagine, invent , and connect with one another. | |
30 | “处理历史题材或者民间传说时,我总是尽可能地开放思维,并创造出新理论”,星宣先生解释。 | "I engage with historical themes or folklore with a totally open mind and try to invent new theories, " explains Mr Hoshino. |