1 | ·pH值与Pco2成负相关。[HCO3-]与Pco2的比值决定PH值。 | ·The pH is inversely related to the pCO2. ·The ratio of HCO3-to the pCO2 defines what the PH be. | |
2 | 表中安培值适用于460伏电压。也可采用其它电压,但安培值将与电压值成反比关系。所有参数均正常环境下测得。 | Amperes shown for 460 connection. If other connections are available, the amperes will vary inversely with rated voltage. All values nominal. | |
3 | 超电压在某种程度上随电流密度成反比地变化。 | The overvoltage varies inversely with the current density to some extent | |
4 | 成反比. | inversely proportional to | |
5 | 从各光源发出的光的强度与该光源的距离的平方成反比。 | The intensity of light from any source varies inversely as the square of the distance from the source. | |
6 | 当电压保持不变时,电流和电阻成反比。 | The voltage being kept constant, the current varies inversely with the resistance. | |
7 | 当我们使温度保持恒定时,气体的体积与压力成反比。 | When we keep the temperature constant, the volume of a gas changes inversely with the pressure. | |
8 | 电流的大小与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比。 | An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance. | |
9 | 电流定律就是:电流与电压成正比,与电流成反比。 | The law of electric current is that an electric current varies directly as the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance. | |
10 | 电压不变时,电流与电阻成反比。 | The current varies inversely as the resistance, with the voltage being constant. | |
11 | 分数值与分母值成反比例。 | The value of a fraction is inversely proportional to that of the denominator | |
12 | 共轭的与性质相同的一群中的某一元素相反或相对的,尤指只有虚部不同的一个或一对复数 | Inversely or oppositely related with respect to one of a group of otherwise identical properties,especially designating either or both of a pair of complex numbers differing only in the sign of the imaginary term. | |
13 | 很近似地说,混凝土的隔热值与其密度和强度均成反比。 | Very roughly, the insulting value of a concrete is inversely proportional both to its density and to its strength | |
14 | 互相成反比例. | be inversely proportional to each other | |
15 | 即使在广告上进行了大量的投入﹐但从长远来看﹐其投入和产品出成反比﹐ | Even if they put a lot into advertising, in the long-run, what they put in is inversely proportional to what they get out. | |
16 | 假定质量的变化与速度成反比 | Suppose the mass varied inversely as the velocity. | |
17 | 就拿颜料来说,粒径大于入射光波长时,它的不透明度反比于颗粒尺寸;而当粒子直径小于光波长时,情况就倒过来了。 | Take paint for example. The opacity of paint is inversely proportional to the pigment particle size when it’s greater than the wavelength of incident light. But when the particle size is smaller the wavelength of light, the reverse is true. | |
18 | 冷却时间正比于壁厚的平方,但反比于模温温差。 | Cooling time is proportional to the square of wall thickness, but inversely proportional to mould temperature difference. | |
19 | 流体的流速与流线的间距成反比。 | The velocity of the fluid is inversely proportional to the spacing of the streamlines | |
20 | 流体的运移性与粘度成反比,石油吸收部分气相组分后粘度降低。 | The mobility is inversely proportional to the viscosity, and the viscosity is reduced when the oil takes up gaseous components | |
21 | 每次观测可以倒过来加权作为距离或作为频率的平方根。 | Each observation could have been weighted inversely as the distance or as the square root of the frequence | |
22 | 其大小随电压的升高和电缆长度的增大而增大,随绝缘厚度的增大而减小。 | Its magnitude increases with voltage and varies inversely with the thickness of the insulation and directly with the length of the cable1. | |
23 | 气体定律:描述气体的压力、体积与温度关系的定律。波以耳定律说明,温度固定,气体的压力P与体积V呈反比,表示成PV=k,此处的k是常数。 | Gas laws: Laws that relate the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas. Boyle’s law-named for Robert Boyle-states that, at constant temperature, the pressure P of a gas varies inversely with its volume V, or PV = k, where k is a constant. | |
24 | 溶液中硝酸钾的析出与pH值成反比 | Nitrate loss from solution was inversely related to pH | |
25 | 如果温度保持不变,则气体压力和其体积成反比。 | The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, if its temperature is kept constant. | |
26 | 声强与声源的距离平方成反比。 | The intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance measured from the source of the sound | |
27 | 通过实验所发现的电学基本关系,即通过各种材料的稳恒电流I的大小与材料两端的电位差V(即电压)成正比。电阻量度为欧姆(Ω)。欧姆于1827年确立了这一结论,与电阻R或I=V/R成反比。 | Relationship between the potential difference (voltage), electric current, and resistance in an electric circuit. In 1827 Georg Simon Ohm discovered that at constant temperature, the current I in a circuit is directly proportional to the potential difference V, and inversely proportional to the resistance R, or I = V/R. Resistance is generally measured in ohms (W). | |
28 | 万有引力定律表明,宇宙中每种物质的粒子都对其他物质的粒子产生引力。这种引力与物质粒子质量的乘积成正比,与它们之间的距离的平方成反比。 | The law of universal gravitation states that every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. | |
29 | 万有引力任何两个巨大物体间的自然吸引力,与他们的质量成正比,并与其两者间距离的平方成反比 | The natural force of attraction between any two massive bodies,which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. | |
30 | 温度不变,则气体压力和其体积成反比例。 | At constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume. |