属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-慷慨经济学 邻居的善意
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 推特遭到史上最大攻击 英国全面禁用华为5G
1 | 此中心的可靠性小组负责开发以预防、故障的早期检测以及提高开发和测试周期的效率为核心的研究技术。 | The center′s Reliability group investigates research technologies with a focus on prevention, earlier detection of defects, and improving the effectiveness of the development and test cycle. | |
2 | 第十八条 在国家安全机关调查了解有关危害国家安全的情况、收集有关证据时,公民和有关组织应当如实提供,不得拒绝。 | Article 18 When a State security organ investigates and finds out any circumstances endangering State security and gathers related evidence, citizens and organizations concerned shall faithfully furnish it with relevant information and may not refuse to do so. | |
3 | 对可能违反联邦证券法的行为进行调查的证券及交易委员会(“SEC”)第二天就对安然展开调查,并书面要求安然提供材料。 | The Securities and exchange Commission (“SEC”), which investigates possible violations of the federal securities laws, opened an inquiry into Enron the very next day, requesting in writing information from Enron. | |
4 | 基于语义层行为结构的变换对形式化格局识别技术的再探究 | Based on the Structural Transformation in Behavior and Semantic Layer Deep Layer Investigates to the Formal Plan Recognize Technique | |
5 | 明知他人有间谍犯罪行为,在国家安全机关向其调查有关情况、收集有关证据时,拒绝提供的,由其所在单位 | Whoever, well aware of other persons’ criminal acts of espionage, refuses to provide information while a State security organ investigates the circumstances or collects evidence from him shall be punished with administrative sanctions by his unit | |
6 | 宁夏柠条资源利用现状及其饲料开发潜力调查-以盐池县为例 | Investigates about Peashrub Resource Utilization and Its Feed Exploits Processing at the Present Situation in Ningxia-Based on the Yanchi County | |
7 | 勤奋的侦探会调查所有的线索。 | A diligent detective investigates all clues. | |
8 | 然而,一旦她在关爱自己的成年人的认真教导下审视了自己的性格,她就能够更好地面对那些性格难题。 | However, when she investigates her own character with the careful coaching of caring adults, she’ll be better prepared to face those times when conflict spits in the face of character | |
9 | 他听取社会各阶层的各种大小意见,并进行调查 | He investigates complaints large and small that come to him from all levels of society. | |
10 | 他研究了摆线、圆外旋轮线和四点圆的旋轮线的几何性质。 | He investigates geometrical properties of cycloids, epicycloids, and hypocycloids | |
11 | 学者在艺术和科学领域作实验或调查的人 | A person who experiments or investigates in the arts and sciences;a savant. | |
12 | 巡视官专门调查公民对政府或其公务员的不满的一位政府官员,尤指斯堪的纳维亚国家的一官员 | A government official,especially in Scandinavian countries,who investigates citizens’complaints against the government or its functionaries. | |
13 | 延边朝鲜族自治州田径运动项目后备人才的培养 | The Yanbian Korean National Minority Autonomous Prefecture Track and Field Meet Item Reserve Talented Person Raises Investigates Development | |
14 | 在国家安全机关向其调查有关情况、收集有关证据时,拒绝提供的,依照《国家安全法》第二十六条的规定处理。 | he or she shall be punished according to the provisions of Article 26 stipulated in the State Security Law on condition that he or she refuses to provide the information while a State security organ investigates the relevant circumstances or gathers the relevant evidences from him or her. | |
15 | 这种洞悉对经济伦理学具有深远的影响,经济伦理学研究欺诈、渎职和经济实践中腐败的程度。 | This insight has far-reaching consequences for business ethics, which investigates fraud, malpractice, and the range of corrupt business practices. | |
16 | 这种方法主要研究公众的日常生活,对于不同的历史阶段提出更新颖、更恰当的观点,而不是把研究重点放在历史大事上。 | It investigates the daily lives of the general public, providing fresher and more appropriate insights into historical periods than researchers whose focus is confined to major events. | |
17 | 专门调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员公正地调查了关于滥用权力的投诉。 | The ombudsman investigates complaints about misuse of authority without fear or favour. | |
18 | ||1:那些有工作的人退休后并没有更快乐,可能是因为他们的生活已经和社会期望一致。||2:实际上,过早的退休会产生令人讨厌的副作用。||3: 另一篇论文,由苏黎世大学的Andreas Kuhn与人合著,研究了奥地利的就业保障法的变更带来的效应,这一法律允许某些地区的蓝领工人可以更早退休。 ||4:与其他的人相比,过早退休的人存活到67岁的几率降低了13%。||5:更高的死亡率中大约有1/3的因素是由于吸烟和酗酒导致,集中在那些因为失业而被迫退休的人。||6:如果你在工作中,即使薪水较低,也要坚持下去不要过早退休。 | ||1: Those with jobs are no happier after they retire, however, perhaps because their lives already line up with social expectations. ||2: Indeed, retiring early from work can have nasty side-effects. ||3: Another paper, co-authored by Andreas Kuhn of the University of Zurich, investigates the effect of a change in Austrian employment-insurance rules that allowed blue-collar workers earlier retirement in some regions than others. ||4: Men retiring a year early lower their odds of surviving to age 67 by 13%. ||5: Almost a third of this higher mortality rate, which seemed to be concentrated among those who were forced into retirement by job loss, was caused by smoking and alcohol consumption. ||6: If you’re in a job, even an underpaid one, hang on in there. | |
19 | 但一项新研究探讨了姆芬迪农民慷慨程度差异背后的原因。 | But a new study investigates why there is such variation in generosity among Mufindi’s farmers. | |
20 | 里德的调查表明,丘吉尔如何在年仅25岁的时候,就从年轻的军官军校学生变成英国收入最高的战地记者,在他的余生里都紧握新闻这个筹码。 | Mr Read investigates how Churchill went from a young army officer cadet to being Britain’s highest-earning war correspondent by the age of 25, getting the journalism bug for the rest of his life. | |
21 | 欧盟第二高等法院裁定苹果公司胜诉,宣布其无需支付130亿欧元(148亿美元)的爱尔兰税款。这一裁决推翻了欧盟委员会在2016年做出的一项决定,并在该委员会负责竞争事务的玛格丽特·韦斯塔格(Margrethe Vestager)调查各国税收协议时,向她提出了挑战。 | The European Union’s second-highest court dealt Apple a victory, declaring it will not have to pay a 13bn euros ($14.8bn) Irish tax bill. The ruling overturns a decision made in 2016 by the European Commission and presents its head of competition, Margrethe Vestager, with a challenge as she investigates national tax deals. | |
22 | 政府调查反同性恋者 | The government investigates those who object to homophobia | |
23 | “群体推理的逻辑”研究群体如何进行推理,同时研究群体推理与群体中的个体推理的关系; | Logic of social reasoning investigates the way a group makes reasoning and the relation between group reasoning and individual reasoning. | |
24 | 《华盛顿邮报》调查对美国安全负有责任的情报世界 | Washington Post Investigates the Intelligence World Responsible for America’s Safety | |
25 | 10月15日,负责专查警察不轨行为的警察准则办公室(OPS)提交了首份季度报告。 | On October 15th the Office of Professional Standards (OPS), which investigates police misconduct, issued its first quarterly report. | |
26 | BAU团队调查发生于怀俄明州小城的涌现出的一群匪夷所思的青少年自杀事件。 | The BAU team investigates a rash of startling teen suicides in a small Wyoming town. | |
27 | BAU团队调查一起貌似符合摇滚明星巡回演出时刻表作案留下的尾巴让BAU们揪出来的神秘案件。 | The BAU team investigates the mystery behind a trail of murders that all seem to align with the tour schedule of a rock star. | |
28 | Prometric公司现在要进行很多的作弊检测,每周它检查全世界5000个考试中心中的20个。 | Prometric now detects so much cheating that, every week, it investigates about 20 of its 5, 000 test centres around the world. | |
29 | RolandChambers在他的新书中调查了Ransome那些年的生活,发现他曾混迹于记者和间谍两道。 | Roland Chambers, in his new book, investigates Ransome’s life in these years as he trod the shadowy border between journalism and espionage. | |
30 | 本报告探讨高分子电解质絮凝活性污泥与球土泥浆对其压榨脱水效率之影响。 | This work investigates how polyelectrolyte flocculation affects the dewatering efficiency of activated sludge and ball day slurry. |