1 | 电一般是由燃气、蒸汽或某种膨胀气体驱动透平机而产生的。整个过程包括传热,流体流动,常常还有一个产生热量的化学反应,所以这也是化学工程师的重要工作对象。 | Electricity is normally generated by turbines driven by combustion gas, steam or an expanding gas. all involve heat transfer, fluid flow and usually a chemical reaction to produce the heat, and so are also important subjects for chemical engineers. | |
2 | 电影摄影机与漫长的摄影、剪接、编辑、配音过程密不可分,这一过程可长达数月。 | The film camera is associated with a lengthy effort of photographing, cutting, editing, and dubbing, which may involve months of work. | |
3 | 钓鱼给公众留下的印象没有什么难以描述的,无非是所有的活动都必须包括啤酒,蚯蚓和谁都能戴的帽子(查尔斯·利尔森) | Fishing has lacked a certain je ne sais quoi in terms of its public image,as all activities must that involve beer,worms and one-size-fits-all gimme caps(Charles Leerhsen) | |
4 | 对俄罗斯出口还需做大量的文书工作。 | Export to russia involve a large amount of paperwork. | |
5 | 反应中,氢分子可能简单的加在二价或三价键的位置上,变成单价键(即令不饱和的化合物变成饱和);也可能加在芳香族化合物上,成为环烃。 | It may involve adding hydrogen at the sites of double or triple bonds (see bonding)to make them single bonds (i.e., to saturate an unsaturated compound; see saturation), or to aromatic compounds to make them cyclic hydrocarbons. | |
6 | 分类学研究一定要积累广博的植物知识。 | The study of taxonomy must necessarily involve the amassing of an encyclopaedic knowledge of plants | |
7 | 贵公司所提方案不充分,未被采纳,但主要原因是投资规模过于庞大,尽管该方案对这点有所说明。 | Your proposal reject as inadequate but true reason lie in sizable investment involve which though explained. | |
8 | 国外旅游需要很多费用。 | Foreign tours involve a lot of expense. | |
9 | 海洋石油勘探和其他海上活动需要爆破作业时,应当采取有效措施,保护渔业资源。 | When offshore oil exploration and other offshore activities involve explosive operations, effective measures shall be taken to protect fishery resources. | |
10 | 很多重要的化学工程的实用场合包含着质量传递,例如精馏,无疑是一个具有十分重要的经济意义的过程。 | Many important chemical engineering applications involve mass transfer, distillation for example, surely one of the most economically important processes. | |
11 | 化学反应包含着各物质之间按一定规则的原子交换。质量守恒是其中最基本的规则之一。 | Chemical reactions involve the exchange of atoms between reacting species under certain rules.The conservation of mass is among the most intrinsic ones. | |
12 | 化学反应是各原子的重分配--即原结合原子的分解和这些原子以新排列形式的重新结合,而原子核的组成不变。所有反应物的原子总质量和数目等于所有产物的原子总质量和数目,而能量通常几乎被消耗掉或释放,反应的速度各异。 | Chemical reactions involve the rupture or rearrangement of the bonds holding atoms together, never atomic nuclei. The total mass and number of atoms of all reactants equals those of all products, and energy is almost always consumed or liberated. The speed of reactions varies. | |
13 | 或有损失与估计负债相类似,但它包含更多的不确定性。 | Loss contingencies are similar to estimated liabilities, but may involve much more uncertainty. | |
14 | 机械的操作包含将化学能、热能、电能或核能转换成机械能,反之亦然。 | The operation of a machine may involve the transformation of chemical, thermal, electrical, or nuclear energy into mechanical energy, or vice versa. | |
15 | 几乎所有化工系统都在某个阶段包含着热量传递,尤其是在换热器中。这些例子表明,传递原理描述了发生在我们身边的许多现象。 | Almost all chemical systems involve heat transfer at some stage, especially in heat exchangers. as these examples illustrate, transfer principles describe much of what goes on around us. | |
16 | 将一种表述自动翻译成另一种表述,所翻译的内容可以是代码、语言或其它表述系统。 | The automatic translation from one representation to another. The translation may involve codes, languages, or other systems of representation | |
17 | 跨行政区的环境污染和环境破坏的防治工作,由有关地方人民政府协商解决,或者由上级人民政府协调解决,做出决定。 | Work for the prevention and control of the environmental pollution and damage that involve various administrative areas shall be conducted by the relevant local people’s governments through negotiation, or by decision of the people’s government at a higher level through mediation. | |
18 | 狼疮任一种主要发作于皮肤和关节,但也常感染身体其它部位的疾病,尤指全身性红斑狼疮 | Any of several diseases,especially systemic lupus erythematosus,that principally affect the skin and joints but often also involve other systems of the body. | |
19 | 淋巴细胞的激活以及肝脏的再生都与溶酶体在核周的集聚有关。 | activation of lymphocytes and liver regeneration both involve perinuclear clustering of lysosmes | |
20 | 买主要求特殊包装,他们同意负担可能出现的额外费用。 | Buyer request special packaging hereafter he agree bearing extra cost involve . | |
21 | 每项改革涉及的人和事都很广泛,很深刻,触及许多人的利益,会遇到很多的障碍,需要审慎从事。 | Since every reform measure will involve a wide range of people, have profound repercussions in many areas and affect the interests of countless individuals, we are bound to run into obstacles, so it is important for us to proceed with caution. | |
22 | 男人喜欢社交,常与大批同仁、高尔夫球友等等人交往,然而,友谊不仅包括参与活动,也包括在纯私人的范围内分享对方的一切。 | Men are sociable and frequently have numerous business acquaintances, golf buddies, and so on. However, friendship does not merely involve a sharing of activities; it is a sharing of serf on a very personal level | |
23 | 你不该跟他有任何瓜葛。 | You shouldn’t involve yourself with him. | |
24 | 你不要与那些人为伍。 | Do not involve yourself with those people. | |
25 | 你解决你的问题,不要把我拉进去! | Don’ t involve me in solving your problems ! | |
26 | 你提出的顺序不能包括其他三羧酸循环中间产物的消耗。写出一个总反应方程式并指出每种反应物的来源。 | Your proposed sequence must not involve the net consumption of other citric acid cycle intermediates. Write an equation for the overall reaction and identify the source of each reactant. | |
27 | 平均成本法最适合于企业经营中所涉及的储存在同一地点的难以区别的大量商品。 | The average cost method is best suited to operations that involve a large volume of undifferentiated goods stored in common areas. | |
28 | 热力学定律包括着一个称为熵的有关不可递热力学过程的概念。 | The laws of thermodynamics involve a concept called entropy for irreversible thermodynamic processes | |
29 | 人们把雕塑说成是一切艺术中最困难的,可能就是这个道理。当然,它比起只涉及平面形态,即二维形态的艺术品要困难些。 | That is perhaps why sculpture has been described as the most difficult of all arts ; certainly it is more difficult than arts which involve appreciation of flat forms, shape in only two dimensions | |
30 | 如果不需要,可以尝试短期的禁食和雾化疗法,采取雾化疗法时需要在热水中加入几滴茶树油。 | If you don’t, a short fast will help, along with steam inhalations, which involve adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil to hot water |