属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊朗与其核计划 对话暂停
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-当代哲学 "直觉泵"入门
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-科学出版 信息的价格
1 | 处于无懈可击的地位. | in an invulnerable position | |
2 | 法院认为,国会在立法时的意图是,租约赋予的权利不能因其后颁布的条例而作废。 | The court held that Congress had intended vested rights under the lease to be invulnerable to defeasance by subsequently issued regulations | |
3 | 可是那句"坚不可摧的诚实"却让理查兹夫妇涨得满脸通红 | But the "invulnerable probity" made the Richardses blush prettily | |
4 | 论弱势群体的消极社会心理 | On Negative Social Mental States of the Invulnerable Groups in China | |
5 | 青年人也什么都不在乎。譬如,他们会跟你说:抽烟会上瘾,酒精会使人判断不清。话犹未(同时),他们就会坦诚对你说他们即使抽烟也不会上瘾,即喝酒头脑也会清醒。 | Adolescents also think of themselves as invulnerable .They will tell you,for example,that smoking is addictive and that alcohol will cloud a drinker’s judgment.In the same breath,they will confide that they won’t become addicted if they smoke,and that if they drink they’ll still be able to think clearly. | |
6 | 我满怀赞美地咕哝着,这可是发自我那永生不朽且又不会受伤害的内心深处。 | I mutter admiringly, from that part of me which must be immortal and invulnerable | |
7 | 我们认定:要想保持稳定,就要求战略力量不易被进攻所摧毁,从而打消双方中任何一方想首先进攻的动机。 | We determined that stability required strategic forces invulnerable to attack, thus removing the incentive on either side to strike first | |
8 | 我们惟靠两条基本政策,争取群众,使自己立于不败。 | We depend solely on two basic policies to win over the masses and put ourselves in an invulnerable position | |
9 | 无可反驳的论点. | an invulnerable argument | |
10 | 只要你们同意我的办法,我就把赚到的钱分一些给你们的理查兹先生,今晚,他那坚不可摧的诚实已经得到了如此公正和诚挚的认可。 | Grant me that approval, and I will give part of my gains to your Mr. Richards, whose invulnerable probity you have so justly and so cordially recognised tonight | |
11 | 只有照此做去,才能使我军在西藏立于不败之地。 | Only by following them can our army establish itself in an invulnerable position in Tibet | |
12 | ||1:另外,谈判相关人员能感觉到另一件事情可能很快得到解决,即弗杜的浓缩装置。||2:很多人都认为这批被埋在大山地下深处的装置很容易遭受传统炸弹的轰击,而现在,已经转入一个相当安全的发展研究所。||3:与伊朗大力合作的增前了的审查制度一并,这些都还值得紧紧抓牢,至少目前是这样。 | ||1:Another issue that people close to the negotiations feel could soon be resolved is that of the enrichment facility at Fordow.||2:Buried deep beneath a mountain and believed by many to be invulnerable to attack by conventional bombs, it could now be converted into a fairly innocuous R&D centre.||3:Combined with the enhanced-inspection regime that Iran has largely co-operated with, these are potential gains worth holding on to, at least for now. | |
13 | ||1:人工智能系统当然是由一位有智慧的设计师,为了完成某项特殊的任务,按照由上至下的原则设计出来的。||2:既然如此,那么就没有理由不能按照从下至上的原则建造一个同样的系统。||3:以神经细胞为例,这些细胞当然是没有意识的,他们几乎没有任何有趣的感觉,它们非常脆弱,再也经不起进一步的回归。||4:然而,就像它们从中进化而来的、没有思维能力的单细胞器官一样,这些神经细胞中的每一个都具备获取所需的能量和原料的能力,这种能力确保它们能在互相竞争的大脑环境中生存下去。||5:那些茁壮成长的神经细胞之所以这样做,是因为他们“串联在一起时的工作效率更高,对[更高]层次那些更有影响力的趋势做出了贡献,而这些更高的层次可以辨识大量的人类意识。 | ||1:Of course the AI system is designed from the top down, by an intelligent designer, to perform a specific task.||2:But there is no reason why something similar couldn’t be built up from the bottom.||3:Start with nerve cells.||4:They are certainly not conscious, at least in any interesting sense, and so invulnerable to further regress.||5:Yet like the mindless single-cell organisms from which they have evolved, each is able to secure the energy and raw materials it needs to survive in the competitive environment of the brain. | |
14 | 而且往往出版商在倒下的前一刻还看起来坚不可摧。 | And incumbents often look invulnerable until they suddenly fall. | |
15 | 然而,助记密码也并非是牢不可破的。 | Even mnemonic passwords, however, are not invulnerable . | |
16 | “这项研究显示,气候变暖意味着我们不能自满,不能认为南极西部冰原不会遭到破坏而洋洋自得,”史代格说。 | "This study showing warming means we can’t be complacent about thinking the West Antarctica ice sheet is invulnerable , " Steig said. | |
17 | 不如就承认一下,我们没有那么坚强,也不想那样刀枪不入,我们只是想被温暖抱一下。 | How about admitting that we are not that strong? Neither do we want to be invulnerable . We just want a warm hug. | |
18 | 而且,火箭不像由无线电操控的飞机,它几乎不受人为干扰或半路拦截的影响。 | And unlike radio-controlled aircraft, rockets were all but invulnerable to jamming or interception. | |
19 | 海洋看似坚不可摧因为它广博而且未经充分开发。 | The ocean seems invulnerable because it is vast and under-explored. | |
20 | 很多人开始相信他们坚不可摧,即使体质在不断下降。 | Many start to believe that they are invulnerable even as their mortal powers begin to fade. | |
21 | 还有,其实你做的不过是把他们烧成被诅咒的不死骨架,而这玩意不怕火。 | And dead, because all you’ve done is burn them down to a Cursed Charred Skeleton which is +5 invulnerable to your fire. | |
22 | 可以说,他是混战中的一个无懈可击的侏儒。 | He might have been called the invulnerable dwarf of the fray. | |
23 | 旅馆的建筑师表示,方舟贝壳状的拱形和锚定结构可以平均分配重量,因此地震也难以撼动旅馆分毫。 | Architects say the Ark’s shell-like construction of arches and cables evenly distribute weight so it is also invulnerable to earthquakes. | |
24 | 他们的心是如此的堵塞,如此的刀枪不入,至使他们拒绝被怀疑或探索所动摇。 | Their minds are so padded, so invulnerable , that they refuse to be shaken by doubt or inquiry. | |
25 | 我们也许会觉得在聚光灯下无懈可击,但我们不想让自己被发现是某个人的观众。 | We might feel invulnerable in the spotlight, but we don’t want to be caught sitting in someone else’s audience. | |
26 | 在清单7中,Invulnerable的公共构造函数调用一个私有构造函数,而后者调用checkValues方法来创建其参数。 | In Listing 7, the public constructor for Invulnerable calls a private constructor that calls the checkValues method to create its parameter. | |
27 | 这些暴徒只要加入街头暴徒的行列,就会觉得自己无懈可击。 | As long as rioters are part of a street mob they feel strong and invulnerable . | |
28 | 这样虽然不至于坚不可摧,而且有可能在严重冲击下碎裂,但玻璃应对日常碰擦和污迹更好。 | Although not invulnerable (and certainly prone to shattering on major impact), glass is more resistant to casual scratches and blemishes. |