属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-土耳其能与德国"联姻" 双重国籍该如何
1 | ||1:摩门教自认为是一个正常的宗教,正如罗姆尼所称的那样,然而如此言论显然使一些人十分不快,但是质疑的声音达到一定程度后注定要减弱。||2:新的摩门教历史一书的作者马修?鲍曼(一名摩门教徒)表示这场争议实际上算得上是自1902年以来的第五个或第六个“摩门时刻”。||3:1902第一个“摩门时刻”期间,美国参议院花了数年时间,一直争论是否该除去来自犹他州的摩门使徒里德?斯穆特的议员资格。||4:鲍曼指出,每一次类似的诽语都一再地重现。||5:这也许是个一个警示性的故事,但如今被人们所熟知的是斯穆特发起的斯姆特-霍利关税法,而不是他个人信仰的教派。 | ||1:The church’s professions of normalcy, like Mr Romney’s, apparently irritate some people, but the suspicions must soften at some point.||2:Matthew Bowman, the author of a new history of the religion (and a Mormon himself), reflects that this is actually the fifth or sixth “Mormon Moment” since 1902, when the Senate spent several years arguing over whether to unseat Reed Smoot, an apostle from Utah.||3:Each time, he says, the same barbs reappear.||4:There may be a cautionary tale there.||5:Today Smoot is remembered for his support for tariffs rather than his religion. | |
2 | 能让古巴裔美国人捧腹大笑的广告可能会让委内瑞拉移民暴跳如雷。 | An ad that delights Cuban-Americans may irritate migrants from Venezuela. | |
3 | ||如德国的政治家所言,有什么更好的办法能够安抚那些想要融入德国的居民呢?||Kober先生认为德国要做的不过是简简单单地允许双重国籍。就像希望能在9月份的大选中击败默克尔政府、基督教民主联盟和自由民主党的左党一样。它总有一天会实现的。翻译:朱大素 | ||What better way to irritate those citizens whom Germany’s politicians say they want to integrate?|| Mr Kober thinks Germany should simply allow dual citizenship. So do the centre-left parties hoping to replace Mrs Merkel’s government in September’s election, as well as the CDU’s coalition partner, the Free Democratic Party. It may yet happen. | |
4 | “Unfriend”会激怒那些反对将名词转变为动词这一令人讨厌的习惯的人。 | "Unfriend" will irritate those who oppose the nasty habit of turning nouns into verbs. | |
5 | 伯寇维兹教授认为这部电影太差了,他觉得“它是故意出错的,为了在观众面前折磨科学家。” | The film is so bad, Prof Perkowitz thinks "it’s almost deliberately wrong just to irritate the scientists in the audience. " | |
6 | 刺激咽喉、眼睛和鼻子的致癌物。厂家往往用它来延长存储期。 | Carcinogen that can irritate your throat, eyes and nose. Companies use it to keep products on the shelf longer. | |
7 | 单次相对短时间的接触不会造成任何不利影响。反复多次长期接触(24到48小时)可能引起刺激。 | A single relatively short exposure causes no known adverse effects. Several repeated prolonged exposures (24 to 48 hours) may irritate . | |
8 | 但是与俄罗斯关系密切的西欧国家——尤其是德国——却担心此君的当选会激起克里姆林宫的怒火。 | But west European countries with good ties to Russia, particularly Germany, worry that his appointment would irritate the Kremlin. | |
9 | 但他似乎从没有为这件事发过愁;事实上,他对于能发表那两个词看起来很开心。 | This does not seem to irritate him; in fact, he actually appears happy to have been able to utter those two words. | |
10 | 但我不敢拍,怕拿出照相机惹怒他们。 | But I was afraid to irritate them so I did not take out my camera. | |
11 | 电子墨水屏刷新相对较慢,翻页时,读者会感觉不适。 | E Ink displays are relatively slow to update, which can irritate readers as they turn their digital pages. | |
12 | 干空气会刺激你的鼻子,但保持空气湿润能够减少鼻充血。 | Dry air can irritate your sinuses, but keeping air moist can help reduce congestion. | |
13 | 购物:排队等候时聊天会延缓结账、惹恼他人。 | Shopping : Chatting while you re in line will slow down checkout and irritate other shoppers. | |
14 | 还有,不要坐在你的钱夹子上,那样会刺激你的坐骨神经。 | Also, don’t sit on your wallet, as that can irritate the sciatic nerve. | |
15 | 克斯特亚本想指出这点,但知道这只会更让她恼火。 | Kostya considered pointing this out but knew that it would only irritate her further. | |
16 | 来自刺激的洗涤用品产品,油漆,发蜡,香水--以及所有的这一切,香烟--的烟雾会刺激你的鼻腔。 | Fumes from harsh cleaning products, paints, hair spray, perfumes -- and most of all, cigarette smoking -- can irritate your sinuses. | |
17 | 罗勒精油会刺激敏感皮肤。 | Warning: Basil essential oil may irritate sensitive skin. | |
18 | 煤烟污染会使肺部感到不适,恶化哮喘病并增加心脏病发作和早产儿死亡的危险。 | Soot pollution can irritate the lungs, worsen conditions like asthma and increase the risks of heart attacks and premature death. | |
19 | 你这样很可能只会弄烦或惹怒他们,而不会留下什么好印象。 | You are more likely to bore or irritate them than to impress them. | |
20 | 乔布斯坚持认为,那些划痕会刺激用户将它视为一个设计缺陷。 | Those scratches, Mr. Jobs insisted, would irritate users and be seen as a design flaw. | |
21 | 甚至它极细的T型部分也不会显出你的赘肉,而且绝对没有令你过敏的金属或针脚。 | It won’t give you back fat even in skinny fitted tees and there’s absolutely no metal or stitching to irritate . | |
22 | 施轶表示,在当代中国,凡涉及政治的话题都相当敏感,我们不希望与政府产生任何不愉快的矛盾。 | "Political issues are quite sensitive in current China, " Mr. Yi said. "We do not want to make any trouble to irritate the government. " | |
23 | 使用前先进行24小时的皮肤过敏测试(娑罗果的成分相对比较刺激肌肤)。一天两次地涂抹在患处,或根据个人需要调整次数。 | Try a 24-hour patch test before using (horse chestnut can irritate ). Apply to affectedareas twice daily, or as often as required. | |
24 | 他不好惹,我总得给他点什么 | He was on my case. l had to give him something, so don’t irritate me. | |
25 | 他模棱两可的发言激怒了消费者。 | His ambiguous speech irritate the consumers. | |
26 | 天还很早,我坐下来盯着钟看了一会儿就离开了房间,因为它的滴答声让我觉得厌烦。 | Still it was early. I sat staring at the clock for some time and, when its ticking began to irritate me, I left the room. | |
27 | 心理学上的研究证实了我们日常的直觉,借口和否认只会激怒别人。 | Psychological research backs up the everyday intuition that excuses and denials just irritate others. | |
28 | 一声雷,可以无端地惹哭满天的云,一阵杜鹃啼,可以斗急了一城杜鹃花。 | An innocent thunder could offend all the clouds to tear; a long cuckoo cries could irritate all the cuckoo flowers in the city to bloom. | |
29 | 一些防晒品可能会刺激皮肤。 | Some sunscreen products can irritate skin. | |
30 | 有些包含的化学成分会潜在的使得皮肤变得滋润或干燥。 | Some will contain a lot of chemicals that can potentially irritate the skin or dry it out. |