属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-臭虫爆发--灾难中蕴商机
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:医学术语
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:医学术语
1 | 本配方可以滋润干燥发痒的皮肤 | this formula helps soothe dry, itchy skin | |
2 | 成片状或发痒的头皮会产生白色的小片死皮,从头皮上脱落下来,通常最先在肩膀上看到它们 | Flaky/itchy scalp produces tiny white pieces of dead skin that flake off the scalp and are usually first noticed on the shoulders. | |
3 | 冻疮因暴露在寒冷潮气中而引起生于手、脚或耳朵上的一种炎症,伴有痒和疼痛 | An inflammation followed by itchy irritation on the hands,feet,or ears,resulting from exposure to moist cold. | |
4 | 发梢开叉、头皮屑、头皮干燥发痒等常见问题损伤了原本健康的头发。在通常情况下,这些问题可通过适当的护理得以解决 | Split ends, dandruff, and dry, itchy scalp are common problems that can detract from otherwise healthy hair. In most cases such problems can be overcome by giving the appropriate treatment. | |
5 | 感染初期生物体将出现有痒感的肿块,痒的程度要超过一般的蚊虫叮咬,随后将发展成1-3厘米的无痛感皮肤溃疡,溃疡的中央将形成炭疽热感染所特有的黑色腐肉。 | Skin infection begins as a raised itchy bump that is dark in color and resembles an insect bite but within 1-2 days develops into a vesicle and then a painless ulcer, usually 1-3 centimeters in diameter, with a characteristic black area in the center.. | |
6 | 可一到了周末手就痒痒。 | However my hands just get itchy on weekends. | |
7 | 来宾们中跃跃欲试者不乏其人,就让美宝莲惊现迷你刷头睫毛膏领着来宾们继续他们的惊现之旅吧! | Many visitors were itchy for a try. Let Maybelline Lash Discovery lead them to continue their surprise discovery! | |
8 | 皮肤炎(亦称湿疹):一种皮肤炎症,症状特点有︰暗红色、稍隆肿、起水泡、有渗出、恒伴瘙痒。 | Dermatitis (or eczema):Inflammation of the skin, usually itchy , with redness, swelling, and blistering. | |
9 | 皮炎:有红斑,发胀或水疱微状的皮病。在印刷方面是由一些化学品如显影剂,铬化合物,溶剂等引起。 | Dermatitis: Skin disease with symptoms of itchy rash, swelling or watery pustules caused by some of the chemicals such as developers, chromium compounds ,splvents ,etc, used in printing . | |
10 | 荨麻疹:过敏反应引起的皮肤病,特征是突然出现轻微隆起的、顶部平滑的、非常痒的小肿块。 | Hives (Or urticaria):Allergic skin reaction in which slightly raised, flat-topped, very itchy swellings appear suddenly. | |
11 | 神经性皮肤炎是由于患者习惯去挠、去抓皮肤,最后把这块皮肤抓成炎症。 | Neurodermatitis is apparently caused by repeated scratching of an itchy skin area. | |
12 | 使皮肤发痒的;刺激皮肤的 | Making the skin feel itchy or irritated | |
13 | 水痘:传染性病毒病,其特征为皮肤出现水泡。 | Chicken pox (or varicella): Contagious viral disease producing itchy blisters. | |
14 | 他眼睛发痒,而且一直在打喷嚏。 | His eyes feel itchy and he has been sneezing. | |
15 | 外阴炎:外阴(女性外生殖器)的炎症和感染。表皮红肿、潮湿,伴有组织缺损、皲裂或溃疡。呈红色、易出血、有触痛的皮疹。 | Vulvitis: Inflammation of the vulva (female external genitalia), with red, swollen, itchy skin that may turn white, crack, or blister. | |
16 | 我的手伸不到我背上痒的部位。 | I can’t reach the itchy place on my back. | |
17 | 我的头皮满是头皮屑,又很痒,有办法治吗? | My scalp is full of dandruff and itchy .Is there a cure? | |
18 | 我们的小儿子在玩拼板游戏时,我丈夫总是急于想接过来完成它。 | When our young son is struggling with a jigsaw puzzle my husband always has itchy fingers and wants to take over and finish it. | |
19 | 我一定是让跳蚤咬了,胳膊很痒. | I must have been bitten by a flea,my arms are itchy . | |
20 | 细胞产生的成纤维细胞产生胶原纤维并形成团来组成瘢痕组织。瘢痕可供血,但没有皮脂腺或弹性组织,因此会有轻微的疼痛感和瘙痒。 | Cells called fibroblasts produce collagen fibres, which form bundles that make up the bulk of scar tissue. Scars have a blood supply but no oil glands or elastic tissue, so they can be slightly painful or itchy . | |
21 | 有个故事说,有些无心的随意下赌注的人们擦着发痒的鼻子拿不定主意,而结果却发现自己买了一把没有人要的便壶;这故事显然是杜撰的。 | Stories about unwitting punters rubbing an itchy nose only to discover that the V had bought an unwanted chamber pot ate apocryphal | |
22 | 有时头皮呈红色,发痒或发紧,头发暗无生气 | Sometimes the scalp is red or itchy and feels tense. The hair has a dull appearance. | |
23 | 还没有证实臭虫可以传染疾病,但是它们叮咬过的地方会发痒,而且某些人会有过敏反应。 | Bedbugs have not been shown to spread disease. But they can leave itchy bite marks and cause allergic reactions in some people. | |
24 | 上月,我身体不太舒服(under the weather)。我认为我感冒(caught a cold)了。我流鼻涕(runny nose)、眼睛痒、喉咙痛并咳嗽。我感觉很累很疲倦(run down)。由于没有足够的休息身体状态不太好。 | Last month, I was not feeling well. I was under the weather. I thought I had caught a cold. I had a runny nose, itchy eyes, a sore throat and a cough. I felt tired and run down. I was in poor condition because I had not been getting enough rest. | |
25 | 上月,我身体不太舒服(under the weather)。我认为我感冒(caught a cold)了。我流鼻涕(runny nose)、眼睛痒、喉咙痛并咳嗽。我感觉很累很疲倦(run down)。由于没有足够的休息身体状态不太好。 | Last month, I was not feeling well. I was under the weather. I thought I had caught a cold. I had a runny nose, itchy eyes, a sore throat and a cough. I felt tired and run down. I was in poor condition because I had not been getting enough rest. | |
26 | 除了留下个不舒服、瘙痒的痕迹,众所周知的是蚊子能传播疾病。 | Aside from leaving an uncomfortable, itchy welt, we all know that mosquitoes can spread diseases. | |
27 | 但是,有些专家提出异议,他们并不认为哈特谢普苏特女王是在治疗皮肤瘙痒的过程中中毒身亡的。 | However, other experts are not convinced that Hatshepsut poisoned herself to death while trying to soothe her itchy skin. | |
28 | 当你的肚子膨胀的时候,你可能会经历皮肤发痒和下腹部疼痛,或者一侧或两侧快速的刺痛。 | As your belly expands, you may experience itchy skin and achiness in your lower abdomen or quick, stabbing pains on one or both sides. | |
29 | 当皮肤上有令人发痒物质时,这一区域内的神经细胞表现的更为活跃。 | Nerve cells in this area have been shown to be more active when itchy substances are applied to the skin. | |
30 | 发痒的头皮(如因有头皮屑)。 | an itchy scalp, eg caused by dandruff |