1 | 使用SQLObject,您需要迭代通过整个结果集,并修改每个对象的last_call成员,这是非常低效的。 | With SQLObject, you need to iterate over the entire result set and modify the last_call member of each object, which is much less efficient. | |
2 | 首先我会细说基本的想法,然后我重述那些改动的地方。 | First I’ll go through the basic idea, then I’ll iterate through a few variations. | |
3 | 它的目的是“实验和反复”,Paharia女士说,她以前是《知识共享署名许可协议》执行主任。 | It is to "experiment and iterate , " says Ms. Paharia, the former executive director of Creative Commons. | |
4 | 谈到美国当前的教育方式,加戈说,“我们不允许孩子在同一个地方多次失败。” | "We don’t allow kids to fail and iterate , " Kumar Garg said of our country’s current approach towards education. | |
5 | 通过将相应的repeat嵌套,XForms使在类似这样的嵌套集上迭代得以轻松实现。 | XForms makes it easy to iterate over nested sets like this through the nesting of the corresponding repeats. | |
6 | 问题的核心在于,您需要迭代表的32行,但是XSLT1.0没有提供实际的实现方法。 | The core of the problem is that you need to iterate through 32 rows of the table, but XSLT 1. 0 offers you no practical way to do that. | |
7 | 我对mountains集合进行迭代,以创建单选按钮。 | I iterate through the mountains collection to create the radio buttons. | |
8 | 我反复查看所有的部件并确保名称空间是XMLSchema名称空间,这样我就能确保可以把部件类型映射到Java代码。 | I iterate through the parts and make sure that the namespace is the XML Schema namespace, so I’m sure I can map the part type to Java code. | |
9 | 我们还可以重复数据对象的属性 | We can also iterate over the properties of a data object | |
10 | 我们可以使用iterate标记批量地生成文件,以及批量地更新模型。 | We can use the iterate tag to mass generate files, as well as to mass update the model. | |
11 | 我们之间的这几番交流表明,有时候必须反复多次才能彻底了解问题的实质。 | This exchange shows that sometimes you have to iterate to get to the bottom of an issue. | |
12 | 下两个for循环迭代该字符串并计算其包含多少个元音字母(“a”、“e”、“i”、“o”或“u”)。 | The next two for loops iterate through the string and count how many vowels (’a’, ’e’, ’i’, ’o’, or ’u’) it contains. | |
13 | 显示简单变量,迭代整个数组或关联数组,以及显示类的成员。 | Display a simple variable, iterate over an array or associative array, and display the members of a class. | |
14 | 现在可以很轻松地遍历这个集合并在一个列表中输出每个单元格的内容。 | It’s now quite easy to iterate over the collection and print the contents of each cell in a list. | |
15 | 现在让我们回顾提到的问题点,例如用于后期绑定的webMethodsGlue方式。 | Let? s re-iterate the cited points by reviewing, for example, the webMethods Glue approach for late binding. | |
16 | 需要遍历该列表,将每个单词拆分为经过排序的字母数组,然后再次合并数组。 | You want to iterate through the list, breaking each word into a sorted array of letters, then joining the array again. | |
17 | 需要对列表进行迭代,每遇到一个大写字母,就要将一个本地变量加1。 | You’d need to iterate over the list, incrementing a local variable by 1 each time you encounter an uppercase character. | |
18 | 循环遍历提要中的条目来构建第一级活动节点。 | Iterate through the entries of the feed to construct first-level activity nodes. | |
19 | 演示如何使用foreach,in循环访问STL集合。 | Demonstrates how to iterate over STL collections using for each, in. | |
20 | 演示如何循环访问树中的文件夹,打开每个文件以及查询文件的内容。 | Shows how to iterate through folders in a tree, open each file, and query the file’s contents. | |
21 | 样式表使用for-each语句来迭代元素组。 | The stylesheet uses for-each statements to iterate over groups of elements. | |
22 | 要获取工作簿中的所有信息,只需遍历所有工作表,每个工作表的每一行,每一行中的每个单元格。 | To gather all of the information from the workbook, iterate through all of the sheets, each row in each sheet, and each cell in each row. | |
23 | 要提取单个的搜索结果,只需在NamingEnumeration对象上进行迭代即可。 | To fetch individual search results, you just need to iterate through the NamingEnumeration object. | |
24 | 要组合来自整个网格的结果,您只需遍历各个分区所提供的结果。 | To bring together the answers from across the grid, you simply have to iterate through the results provided to you from the partitions. | |
25 | 因此,如果后缀为jpg,jpeg,那么将遍历那些使用逗号分隔为两部分的内容。 | So if the suffixes are jpg, jpeg, then you’ll iterate over those two split on the comma. | |
26 | 因为返回的SOAPElement在底层具有对象层次结构,所以必须递归地处理树以获得实际的数据对象。 | Since the returned SOAPElement has a hierarchy of objects underneath, you have to iterate through the tree to get the actual data object. | |
27 | 用同样的方法,我们可以从头到尾遍历这个结果集,取得每个对象的位置信息的XML值(一个字符串)。 | In this way, we can iterate over the result set, and get the XML value (as a string) for each object’s location information. | |
28 | 游标是一种数据库结构,它将允许您循环访问SQL查询的结果。 | A cursor is a database structure that allows you to iterate through the results of an SQL query. | |
29 | 有时候,只是为了更好地推出一个产品或倡议,跟踪,测量结果,然后反复演算。 | Sometimes it’s better just to launch a product or initiative, track it, measure the results and then iterate . | |
30 | 与PHP版本非常相似,然后我对命令的标准输出行列表中的项进行了迭代遍历。 | Much like the PHP version, I then iterate over the items in the list that are lines of the standard out of the command. |