属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
1 | 阿特买通了看门人,我们出钱让他放哨。 | Art recruited a janitor , we’re paying him to keep watch | |
2 | 不是通常由工友来打扫的吗? | Doesn’t the janitor usually do that? | |
3 | 管理员了解学校大楼的详细情况。 | The janitor knows all the ins and outs of the big school building. | |
4 | 管理员因压力过高而放掉一些蒸汽。 | The janitor blew off some steam because the pressure was too high. | |
5 | 凯斯勒当着管理员的面砰地关上了房门。 | Kessler slammed the door in the janitor ’s face | |
6 | 看门人用褴褛的衣服擦着窗户。 | The janitor wiped on the windows with his rags. | |
7 | 看门人尤指法国的看门人,住在公寓的房间里,站在门口充当守门人 | A person,especially in France,who lives in an apartment house,attends the entrance,and serves as a janitor . | |
8 | 那个管理员很认真。 | The janitor is very conscientious. | |
9 | 那个看门人每天晚上负责打扫大楼的地板和锁门。 | The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night. | |
10 | 那个照管房屋的人动作慢吞吞的,什么事也做不成。 | That janitor is a snail who never gets things done. | |
11 | 那个照管房屋的人动作慢吞吞的,什么事也做不成。 | That janitor is a snail who never gets things done. | |
12 | 如果今天你是一个花匠或看门人甚至失业,你仍有自我教育和教你所爱的人关心他们自身经济状况的能力。 | If today you are a gardener or a janitor or even unemployed, you have the ability to educate yourself and teach those you love to take care of themselves financially. | |
13 | 他是学校的门卫。 | He is a school janitor | |
14 | 倘若住在两套公寓里的人同时应门房的哨声而出,打开电梯小门时,他们就会面对面地站着。 | If the occupants of both flats answered to the whistle of the janitor at the same time, they would stand face to face when they opened the dumb-waiter doors. | |
15 | 韦德把大部分时间用在写作上,但有时也当门房或汽车推销员。 | Wade spent the bulk of his time writing but between times worked as a janitor and a car salesman. | |
16 | 我们隔壁的邻居是个看门的门房,决定要改行去当保险公司的代理商。 | Our next-door neighbor, a janitor , decided to change his profession and become an insurance agent | |
17 | 一个看门人站在银幕背面。 | A janitor is standing behind the screen | |
18 | 由于压力过高,火炉工放掉了一些蒸气。 | The janitor let off some steam because the pressure was too high. | |
19 | 这位管理员向同层其他人散布关于岂儿斯勒的流言蜚语,大伙都把他看作一个邋遢老头而躲开他。 | The janitor had spread the word about Kessler to the others on the floor, and they shunned him as a dirty old man | |
20 | ||1: 不久后,贝拉方特也找到了通往美国黑人剧院的门路。在那儿,他不仅演戏,还结实了“生命中第一个朋友” 西德尼·波蒂埃。和贝拉方特一样,这个来自西印度群岛的小伙儿生活拮据,为了生计四处奔波。 ||2:私下里,二人策划了快速致富的计划:加勒比贝壳的提取物可拿来当春药使,波蒂埃就想带着货去市场卖;此外,哥俩还共用一张戏票。由于只付得起一张票钱,两人就以幕间休息为准,你来半场,我来半场,互换位置。||3:波蒂埃首先打开局面,并在一出戏中挤掉了贝拉方特的戏份。而贝拉方特仍旧干着清洁,因为他还得打扫房客的垃圾,遗憾得错过了机会。||4:又是几年过去了,经过奋斗,贝拉方特终于获得成功。这一次,他没有拾起老本去演戏,而选择从未训练过的职业,做起了歌手:李斯特杨的音乐会上,幕间休息时常见他一展歌喉,那时,在他最初伴奏乐队里还有着像麦克斯·罗奇,查理·帕克这样的人物。 | ||1: In short order Mr Belafonte also found his way into the ANT, where he not only acted but made “my first friend in life”, another poor, hustling West Indian named Sidney Poitier. ||2: The two of them hatched get-rich-quick schemes—Mr Poitier wanted to market an extract of Caribbean conch as an aphrodisiac—and they shared theatre tickets: they could only afford a single ticket between them, so one would attend before the interval and one after, then each would fill the other in. ||3: Mr Poitier got his break first: he took Mr Belafonte’s place in a play that the latter, still employed as a janitor , missed because he had to collect his tenants’ rubbish. ||4: It took Mr Belafonte several more years of struggling, and he gained fame not as an actor, for which he had trained, but as a singer, for which he had not, filling time during the interval at Lester Young’s concerts, where his first backup band included Max Roach and Charlie Parker. | |
21 | ||1:故事还要从一扇百叶窗说起。||2:1946年有一对夫妻住在曼哈顿一栋公寓楼里,公寓看门人,一个有着牙买加血统的纽约小伙子,刚从二战的海军服役中归来。||3:一天这对夫妇请他帮忙安装一扇百叶窗,当小伙子任务完成后,他们给了他两张戏院的门票作为酬谢。||4:考虑到付不起一次体面的约会必要的晚餐钱,看门人独自去看了《家是猎人》(Home is the hunter)。||5:这部戏讲了一名黑人军人战后回美国的故事,小伙子看得入了迷。 | ||1:It all began with a set of Venetian blinds.||2:In 1946 a couple in a Manhattan apartment building asked their janitor , a biracial Jamaican New Yorker newly returned from naval service in the second world war, to install a set in their flat.||3:The task completed, they gave him two theatre tickets as payment.||4:The janitor , having no money for the dinner that a proper date would have included, went on his own to see “Home is the Hunter”, a play about black servicemen returning to America after the war.||5:He was enraptured. | |
22 | ||1:这一切要从一套百叶窗帘说起。||2:故事发生在1946年的曼哈顿,有对夫妇想在家里安装一套百叶窗帘,于是便叫来一位公寓清洁工,作为报酬,事后给了他两张戏票。||3:想来,邀人看戏起码得请吃个饭,可无奈囊中羞涩,这清洁工就自个儿去美国黑人剧院看了场《家是猎人》。这出戏讲述了一位美国黑人士兵战后返乡的事,看着看着这哥们就陶醉了。 | ||1: IT ALL began with a set of Venetian blinds. ||2: In 1946 a couple in a Manhattan apartment building asked their janitor , a biracial Jamaican New Yorker newly returned from naval service in the second world war, to install a set in their flat. The task completed, they gave him two theatre tickets as payment. ||3: The janitor , having no money for the dinner that a proper date would have included, went on his own to see “Home is the Hunter”, a play about black servicemen returning to America after the war. He was enraptured. | |
23 | 剧中表演者正是那对夫妇,克莱斯·泰勒与麦斯威尔·格兰维尔;而那清洁工呢,自然就是哈利·贝拉方特;说来,那时二战刚刚终了,结束海军服役后,这个有着牙买加血统的美籍混血回到纽约,在一幢公寓里做起了清洁工。 | The tenants, Clarice Taylor and Maxwell Glanville, performed in the play, which was put on by the American Negro Theatre (ANT). The janitor was, of course, Harry Belafonte. | |
24 | 这部戏在美国黑人剧院(the American Negro Theatre ,ANT)上演,这对房客夫妻,Clarice Taylor 和 Maxwell Glanville,也参与了演出。这个看门人,当然就是故事的主人公亨瑞.贝拉方特(Harry Belafonte)。 | The tenants, Clarice Taylor and Maxwell Glanville, performed in the play, which was put on by the American Negro Theatre (ANT). The janitor was, of course, Harry Belafonte. | |
25 | Akimoto所在的组由十个来自不同背景的人组成,其中包括迪士尼的管理者,近期下岗的风景艺术家和一些大学生。 | Mr. Akimoto’s team of 10 is a hodgepodge: the Disney janitor , a recently laid-off landscape artist and several college students. | |
26 | 犯罪现场清理员需要身兼数职,他们既是清洁工,又是木匠,还是心理学家。 | The crime-scene cleaner is part janitor , part carpenter, and part psychologist. | |
27 | 盥洗室附近设有带储物架和污水池的清洁间。 | A janitor ’s closet with storage shelf and service sink must be located adjacent to the toilets. | |
28 | 几年前,我的业余工作是做一个门卫。 | Several years ago I did part-time work as a janitor . | |
29 | 她丈夫是名锅炉工。医生最初告诉她使用赫赛丁这种药物需要进行17次治疗,每次都要花3000美元以上。 | Her husband is a janitor , and her doctor initially told her that each of 17 treatments with Herceptin would cost her more than $3, 000. | |
30 | 看门人:在一幢房子里,特别是在一座公寓里,照管楼房的工友或管理员。 | A janitor or custodian in a building, especially in an apartment house. |