属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国南方的家务 帮佣不再是仆人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生物学 气味与识别
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生物学 气味与识别
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-在家自然分娩
1 | 栀子;白蝉;水横枝 | Gardenia jasminoides [cape jasmine ] | |
2 | 栀子总环烯醚萜苷提取工艺路线研究 | Studies on Extraction Technology of Total Iridoid Glycoside of Cape Jasmine Fruit | |
3 | 中药材栀子的X射线衍射傅立叶指纹图谱鉴定研究 | Identification on Chinese Materia Medica Cape Jasmine by X-ray Diffraction Fourier Fingerprint Pattern Method | |
4 | ||1:根据美国清洁协会这个行业组织的资料,2008年仅有12%的美国家庭雇佣一个长期的保洁工人。||2:一些有预算意识的家庭若需要保洁服务,会通过诸如Yelp and Angie’s List这样的网站雇佣临时的保洁工人。||3:星期五女孩这样的服务网站的客户85%是白人,他们付费给中介为他们找临时保洁员。||4:每小时只需付17至30美元就能叫来一个人帮他们做一顿美味的正餐或者帮助拜访一位姻亲或者为某位亲戚买个礼物,抑或帮他们预订一个家庭假期。||5:该中介的创始人艾伦在伯明翰的科技港有一间大气的新办公室雇有六个吃苦耐劳不怕脏不怕累的员工。 | ||1:According to the American Cleaning Institute, an industry group, just 12% of Americans had a regular cleaner in 2008.||2:Some budget-conscious families use websites such as Yelp and Angie’s List to hire temporary help only when they need it.||3:Those with a little more money may opt for a concierge service such as Girl Friday of Alabama.||4:Girl Friday’s clients, 85% of whom are white, pay the agency to pamper them.For 17-30 an hour, it will send someone to cook a delicious dinner for visiting in-laws, buy a present for Uncle Hank or book the family holiday.||5:Its founder, Jasmine Allen, has six employees who do most of the dirty work and a smart new office in a tech hub in Birmingham. | |
5 | 包括肉桂,茉莉,柠檬,以及二甲基硫化物。 | These included cinnamon, jasmine , lemon—and dimethyl sulphide. | |
6 | 他们发现,从人类的角度上看,柠檬,茉莉,或肉桂都是很悦人的气味,而海龟在呼吸含有以上气味的空气时,平均只在水面停留了五秒钟, | They found, as they report in Experimental Biology, that the animals spent an average of five seconds breathing air scented with lemon,jasmine or cinnamon, all pleasant odours from a human point of view. | |
7 | 突尼斯悼念茉莉花革命牺牲者 | Tunisians Mourn Loses in Jasmine Revolution | |
8 | 在2012年,贾斯迈·兰温德(Jasmine Lavender)在浴缸里生下了她第二个孩子。 | In 2012, Jasmine Lavender delivered her second child in a bathtub. | |
9 | “mlh”一词已经在媒体全面被禁,市场上也不允许出售mlh。 | The word "jasmine " has been all but banned in the media, as has the flower itself in markets. | |
10 | 《阿拉丁神灯》的茉莉公主教会我们:跟陌生人(还有小偷)讲话没关系啦! | Jasmine Teaches Us It’s Okay to Talk to Strangers (and Thieves) | |
11 | HACCP系统在绿色食品茉莉花茶生产过程中的应用 | Application of HACCP in the production of non-pollution jasmine tea | |
12 | 杯中的茉莉花茶散发出阵阵清香。 | The jasmine tea in the cup sent forth a delicate fragrance. | |
13 | 本发明提供了花茶窨制方法,尤其是一种茉莉花茶的窨制方法。 | The invention provides a scented tea scenting method, in particular to a scenting method for jasmine tea. | |
14 | 不同烘干温度对茉莉花茶品质的影响 | The Effects of Different Drying Temperature on the Quality of Jasmine Tea | |
15 | 吃这种甜腻的食物最好是就着一杯中国茶,特别是茉莉花茶或是菊花茶,这样可。 | down one of these sticky cakes is with a cup of Chinese tea, especially Jasmine or chrysanthemum tea, which AIDS the digestion. | |
16 | 但荷与梅都不宜在小阳台上栽种,唯有这茉莉,看似轻盈娇弱,细枝嫩叶,生命力却强。 | Small balconies are not suitable for planting lotus or plum but for growing jasmine which seems frail and tender but with strong life-force. | |
17 | 氮磷钾平衡施肥对茉莉花生长和产量的影响 | Effect of Balance Fertilization on Growth and Yield of Jasmine | |
18 | 低温胁迫下茉莉两栽培品种叶细胞自由基的产生及保护酶的变化 | Produce of free radicals in the leaf cells of two jasmine cultivars and variation of protective enzymes under low temperature stress | |
19 | 对了,我觉得很喜欢茉莉花茶,因为它能沁人心肺。 | ok, I feel I like jasmine tea for its aroma. | |
20 | 对于喜欢甜食的朋友:茉莉脆饼怎么样呢? | For the sweet tooth : How about some jasmine biscotti? | |
21 | 蜂蜜茉莉绿茶饮料的研制 | The development of honey jasmine green tea drink | |
22 | 福建绿色茉莉花茶生产基地建设及其产业化对策 | Construction of production base for Fujian green food of jasmine tea and its industrialization countermeasures | |
23 | 该小组已知柠檬与柑橘的香味原本从属于柑桔香系,茉莉香应属于花香系而百里香应从属草本香系。 | The team already knew that lemon and orange should naturally fall into the citrus family, jasmine should be floral and thyme herbaceous. | |
24 | 柑桔灰象严重为害茉莉花 | Bad damage on jasmine of orange grey weevil | |
25 | 广西茉莉花害虫及其天敌名录 | Roster of pests to jasmine and their natural enemies in Guangxi | |
26 | 横县茉莉花优质高产技术探讨 | Techniques research for good quality and high-yield of Jasmine in Hengxian county | |
27 | 花园里,茉莉花开得真香。 | The jasmine flowers are so fragrant in the garden. | |
28 | 即使如此,格鲁吉亚未来并不会经历一个茉莉花式的上升。 | Even so, Georgia is not about to experience a jasmine -style uprising. | |
29 | 集会很少市民参加,但警察已成群结队出动,“茉莉花”这个词也在微博中被禁用。 | Very few civilians turned up, but police were out in droves and censors banned the word "jasmine " from China’s micro blogs. | |
30 | 她穿着一袭紧身的蓝衫,带着一个茉莉花环,从纤小的后背到女孩的双腿,她的全身都被汗湿透了。 | She was wearing a jasmine garland on her tight blue dress, wet with perspiration from the small of her back to her legs. |