属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/IEEE 671-1985
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-智能手机应用软件 反社会网络
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第13期:怎么能让朋友不要一直玩手机
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第157期:怎么能让我姐姐不再和混蛋约会
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第157期:怎么能让我姐姐不再和混蛋约会
1 | 我们如何告诉凯西,我们认为查克是头号十三点,而且配不上她呢?还是应该闭不作声,而希望她醒悟过来,甩掉这个没有礼貌的花花公子? | So how do we go about telling Kathy that we think Chuck is a first-class jerk and she deserves better.Or should we keep quiet and hope she sees the light and dumps this rude dude? | |
2 | 无陀螺惯性角加速传感器规范格式指南和试验过程:加加速度、加速度、速度和位移 | Format Guide and Test Procedure for Nongyroscopic Inertial Angular Sensors: Jerk , Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement | |
3 | 膝反射是一种典型反射。 | The knee jerk is a typical respondent | |
4 | 消除柔性系统残留振荡有限冲击控制研究 | Study on Limited Jerk Control for Eliminating Residual Vibrations of Flexible Systems | |
5 | 新加坡的李光耀依然喜欢在幕后操纵大局。 | Lee Kuan Yew still likes to jerk the strings backstage in Singapore. | |
6 | 一类非线性Jerk方程的解析逼近解 | Analytical Approximate Solutions to a Class of Non-linear Jerk Equations | |
7 | 在女子48公斤级比赛中,中国选手李云莉占据了绝对优势,她获胜的重量是挺举102.5公斤。抓举80公斤,她以总重量182.5公斤的成绩获得冠军。 | In the women’s 48 kilograms class, Li Yunli of China reigned supreme. Her winning weight of 102.5 kg in the clean and jerk and 80 kg in the snatch meant she claimed overall gold medal with a total of 182.5. | |
8 | 在挺举比赛中,运动员以肩宽的握距抓住杠铃并举至胸前齐肩的地方,然后身体下降,以有力的跳举将杠铃举过头顶。 | In the clean and jerk , the lifter takes a shoulder width grip on the Bar and pulls the weight to the front of the shoulders. The lifter then dips down, uses a powerful jumping motion to drive the Bar overhead. | |
9 | 抓举在技术上比挺举更有挑战性,重量级的抓举需要很多技巧。 | The snatch is technically more challenging than the clean and jerk . Snatch heavy weights takes a lot of skill. | |
10 | 最初的发展出现在纺织业中。1738年,约翰·凯伊发明了“飞梭”,这种装置可以使纺织工人不必用手将梭子抛来抛去,而只需拉动一根牵线就能达到同样的目的。 | The first development was in the textile industry when in 1738 John Kay invented the "fly shuttle," a device by which a weaver, instead of reaching across to throw the shuttle back and forth, could jerk a string and accomplish the same purpose | |
11 | 作出自动反应的犬儒主义者 | a knee-jerk cynic. | |
12 | ||1:在推特上有一个关于这些有争议的反社会网络的激烈辩论,其使用了一个新标签:JerkTech。||2:迄今为止,应用软件的共同点是他们的制造者认为事物的定价通常低于它们的市场结算水平,即在这一水平供等于求。||3:另一个共同点是,本着硅谷的“快速前进打破陈规”的精神,他们正进行一项快速测试,分别针对大众和监管者对于改变“什么是可接受的商业惯例”的边界的意愿。||4:Uber,一个招出租车的应用软件,它被称为混蛋毫无疑问,更差劲的是其在高需求的时间段,价格飙升,本周应纽约总检察长的要求,其同意停止高峰期的涨价行为。 | ||1:There has been a heated debate on Twitter about such arguably antisocial networks, using a new hashtag, JerkTech.||2:What the apps seen so far have in common is that their creators have identified things that are regularly being priced below their market-clearing level, ie, that at which demand equals supply.||3:And, inSilicon Valley’s spirit of “move fast and break things”, they are conducting a rapid test of the public’s, and regulators’, appetite for shifting the boundaries of what is acceptable business practice.||4:Uber, a taxi-hailing app which has no doubt been called a jerk and worse over the “surge pricing” it imposes at times of high demand, agreed this week withNew York’s attorney-general that it would curb its peak rates. | |
13 | 不要和这种人做朋友,这是一种愚蠢的举动。 | Don’t be their friend, ’cause that’s kind of like a jerk move to do. | |
14 | 你可以给一个好男孩打电话,让他来你家,然后把你姐姐的混蛋男朋友拉去一边说话,让那个好男孩和你姐姐聊天。希望他们能投缘。 | You could call up a good guy you know and then just have him come over to the house and maybe talk with the jerk boyfriend on the side and just get the good guy and your sister to start talking. Hopefully, they’ll hit it off. | |
15 | 也许你和你的姐姐对混蛋和好人的定义不一样。 | Maybe you and your sister don’t agree on what a jerk is and what a good guy is. | |
16 | “对不起,”我说,因为是个傻瓜而感觉像个傻瓜,并且因为感觉像个傻瓜而像个傻瓜。 | "I’m so sorry, " I say, feeling like a jerk for being a jerk, and also like a jerk for feeling like a jerk. | |
17 | “我会投票支持他的运动。”他说,拇指猛地指向政府宫。 | "I’ll be voting for his movement, " he says, with a jerk of his thumb at the palace. | |
18 | “这不是经济压力导致的条件反射,”坎贝尔先生说。“每个年代都需要重新发现它自己的资源。” | "It’s not a knee-jerk reaction to economic pressure, " Mr. Campbell said. "Every generation needs to rediscover its own resources. " | |
19 | 1年前,他对一位反感他的参观者出言不逊:“滚开,混蛋!”制造了头条新闻。 | A year ago, he made headlines by snapping "Get lost, you jerk , " at a bolshy visitor. | |
20 | Edelman说:“最基本的要点是平衡性—你不要去做个混蛋,但是你也不用太好。你必须要非常自信、很热忱。” | "The underlying element is balance --you can’t be a jerk , and you can’t be too nice, " says Edelman, "You haveto be assertive and cordial. " | |
21 | Reagan家族如何绕过外交豁免权将这个坏蛋钉上耻辱柱不仅令人印象深刻,而且是值得称赞的家族努力。 | How the Reagans get around that diplomatic immunity and nail the jerk is impressive, and a commendable family effort. | |
22 | 本能反应生效,向肌肉发送信号猛然把人拉起来,导致忽然惊醒。 | Instincts kick in and send signals to your muscles to jerk you upright which leads to a rude awakening. | |
23 | 避免对事物的“膝跳反射”式的反应--这经常是一个你还没有仔细考虑好这个情况的迹象。 | Try to avoid knee-jerk reactions to things - this is often a sign that you haven’t really thought the situation through. | |
24 | 不同负荷下男子挺举的生物力学特征 | Biomechanical Characters of Jerk and Clean for Male in Different Weights | |
25 | 布莱基·鲍勒曾经坐在一辆货车车厢里,双腿伸在门外,却碰上火车突然启动。 | Blackie Bauer had been sitting in a boxcar with his legs sticking through the door when the train started with a jerk . | |
26 | 猜猜会怎么样?老板一定不会想“哦,这是个不一般的人儿,我得提拔他。”,他们会想:“真是一个蠢货。” | And guess what? Bosses will not think, "Oh, this is a superior person whom I need to promote. " Nope, they’ll think, "What a jerk . " | |
27 | 此外,贝尔还说,有些人会有自恋倾向,但生活告诉他们需要停止傻瓜一样的行为。 | And, Bell added, some people might have narcissistic tendencies, but life has taught them that they simply need to stop acting like a jerk . | |
28 | 但我不认同就因为这一点而无视最符合我们利益的事情,或下意识地赞同以色列的所有行动。 | But I don’t believe in allowing that to blind us to what is in our best interests, or giving knee-jerk approval to anything Israel does. | |
29 | 当你专注并致力追求你的目标,你内在的混蛋将不再有机会对你造成危害。 | When you are focused and committed to the pursuit of your goal, you give your inner jerk no chance to hurl insults at you. | |
30 | 当你仔细考虑清楚的时候,你可能就不会对妈妈大喊大叫,这是下意识的反应。 | By the time you’ve thought it through, you’re probably past yelling at your mom, which is a knee-jerk response. |