属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 302084-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 300462-3-1-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF Z85-462-3-1-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/EIA 364-107-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI T 1.105.03a-1995
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 61280-2-5-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF C93-807-2-5-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 61280-2-5-1998
1 | 超短孤子脉冲在色散缓变光纤中的时间抖动 | Analysis on Timing Jitter of Ultrashort Solitons Propagating Through dispersion-decreasing Fiber | |
2 | 传输和多路复用(TM).传输网络中的跳动和偏离 | Transmission and Multiplexing (TM)-The control of jitter and wander in transport Networks (Endorsement of the English version EN 302084 V 1.1.1 (2000-02)as German standard) | |
3 | 传输和多路复用(TM).同步网络的一般要求.第3-1部分:同步网络内的图像跳动和飘移 | Transmission and Multiplexing (TM)-Generic requirements for synchronization networks-Part 3-1: The control of jitter and wander within synchronization networks (Anerkennung der Englischen Fassung EN 300462-3-1 V 1.1.1 (1998-05)als Deutsche Norm) | |
4 | 传输和多路转换(TM).同步网的一般要求.第3-1部分:同步网内抖动和飘动的控制 | Transmission and Multiplexing (TM)-Generic requirements for synchronization networks-Part 3-1 : the control of jitter and wander within synchronization networks. | |
5 | 当差分脉码调制 | A type of distortion that results when DPCM is applied to television.It manifests itself as a visually noticeable jitter in those parts of the image that have high-contrast edges. | |
6 | 电连接器的目测图和跳动试验程序 | Eye Pattern and Jitter Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, Cable Assemblies or Interconnection Systems | |
7 | 电信.同步光纤网(SONET).网络接口处的不稳定性.DS1补充 | Telecommunications-Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)-Jitter at Network Interfaces-DS1 Supplement | |
8 | 调整过程中产生的总定时信号跳动中的一部分,其产生原因是不可能完全按要求那样进行调整,而必须等待,直到预分配的调整数字时隙出现为止。 | That component of the total timing jitter produced in the justification process which occurs because justification cannot be carried out on demand but has to wait until one of the preassigned justifiable digit time slots appears | |
9 | 高速串行互连系统数据相关性抖动峰峰值分析 | Analysis of peak-to-peak Value of Data Dependent Jitter in High Speed Serial Interconnect System | |
10 | 高速数据采集系统时钟抖动研究 | Clock Jitter Study of High Speed Data Acquisition Systems | |
11 | 惯性稳定平台建模及振动传递率分析 | Modeling and Jitter Transfer Research on Inertial Stabilization Platform | |
12 | 光参量啁啾脉冲放大中时间同步抖动对增益稳定性的影响 | Effects of synchronization-time Jitter in Optical Parametric chirped-pulse Amplification on Gain Stability | |
13 | 光纤通信分系统.基本检验方法.第2-5部分:数字系统检验方法.减幅振荡变压器传输功能的测量 | Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures-Part 2-5: Test procedures for digital systems; jitter transfer function measurement (IEC 61280-2-5:1998); | |
14 | 光纤通信用低相位抖动时钟数据恢复电路 | A high-speed and low-jitter CDR Circuit for fiber-optic Communications | |
15 | 光纤通信子系统基本试验程序.第2-5部分:数字系统的试验程序.不稳定性传输功能测量 | Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures. Part 2-5 : test procedures for digital systems. Jitter transfer function measurement. | |
16 | 光纤通信子系统基本试验程序.数字系统试验程序.跳动传输功能测量 | Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures-Test procedures for digital systems-Jitter transfer function measurement | |
17 | 基于等效采样时钟jitter的精确测量 | New Method for Accurate Measurement of Clock Jitter Based on equivalent-time Sampling | |
18 | 基于信噪比测量时钟抖动的方法 | Clock Jitter Measurement Technique Based on signal-to-noise Ratio | |
19 | 激光触发多级多通道开关触发延迟及其抖动特性 | Delay and Jitter Characteristic of the Laser Triggered Multi-stage Multi-channel Switch | |
20 | 可调谐双波长低抖动增益开关光脉冲的产生 | Generation of Tunable dual-wavelength Low Jitter gain-switched Optical Pulses | |
21 | 脉冲前沿抖动(点火时间抖动、脉冲起始时间抖动) | Pulse front edge jitter (firing-time jitter, pulse starting-time jitter) | |
22 | 色散管理孤子系统中时间抖动性能的分析 | Analysis on Timing Jitter Performance of Dispersion Management Soliton System | |
23 | 射频接收机中低抖动双模分频器 | Low Jitter , Dual-Modulus Prescalers for RF Receivers | |
24 | 时钟抖动对ADC变换性能影响的仿真与研究 | Simulation and Research of the Effect Caused by Clock Jitter on ADC Conversion | |
25 | 适用于1000Base-T以太网的低抖动低功耗频率综合器 | A Low-Jitter and Low-Power Frequency Synthesizer Applied to l000Base-T Ethernet | |
26 | 随机调制技术与频率抖动技术抑制传导EMI的比较 | Comparative Investigation of Randomized Modulation and Frequency Jitter in Restraining Conduct EMI | |
27 | 随机抖动电磁脉冲串的频域特性 | Frequency-Domain Characterization for Electromagnetic Pulses with Random Timing Jitter | |
28 | 锁相环时域抖动的分析与仿真 | Analysis and Simulation of Jitter in PLL | |
29 | 太阳X-EUV成像望远镜的移动补偿系统 | Jitter Compensation System in Solar X-EUV Imaging Telescope | |
30 | 卫星姿态抖动对LASIS成像质量的影响 | Influence of Satellite Attitude Jitter on LASIS Imaging Quality |