属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-想象的殿堂 House of dreams
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-马术在中国愈发热门
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东非骆驼 又快又有味儿
1 | 新马季昨日于沙田展开,入场人数较预期少,投注额较去年下跌百分之一点八。南非骑师霍达取得四场头马,令人难忘。 | The new racing season was ushered in Sha Tin yesterday with a smaller than expected crowd, a 1.8 per cent drop in turnover and a memorable quartet of winners for South American jockey Robbie Fraud. | |
2 | 英藉骑师文罗周日在沙田马场策骑"默契",骑法备受争议。昨日马会判罚他停赛十六个赛马日。 | English jockey Alan Munro was banned for 16 meetings yesterday over his controversial riding of Silent Partner at Sha Tin on Sunday. | |
3 | 在本赛季中已六次夺标的赛马骑师. | A jockey who has ridden six winners(ie winning horses)this season | |
4 | 在南非骑师霍达策骑下奋力收窄差距 | closed the gap relentlessly under South African jockey Robbie Fradd | |
5 | 诈取某人某物 | jockey sb.out of sth. | |
6 | 张力辘:用弹簧或砝码拉紧的辘。它与纸卷接触,以抵消纸上的不均匀张力。亦称辘,骑辘。 | Dancer roller: A wrighter or spring-loaded roller in contact with the web to compensate for uneven tension, Also called Tension roller, Idler, Jockey orll. | |
7 | 这位名叫彼埃尔·布拉萨尔的音乐节目主持人,是一名年轻的分离主义者,以制造这类骗局闻名。 | The disc jockey , a young separatist named Pierre Brassard, has made his name with such hoaxes | |
8 | 政府又强烈暗示属意由香港赛马会承办赌波。 | There is also a strong indication the Government favours granting the soccer gambling licence to the Hong Kong Jockey Club. | |
9 | ||1:并不奇怪,科学家与其他人没有什么不同。||2:有些人角逐到了名誉,而另一些(往往更值得的)候选人则败下阵来。||3:是这样,1964年有六位理论家提出了类似的关于粒子物理学的想法,并在差不到一个月的时间内提交了他们的论文。||4:布鲁塞尔的弗朗索瓦·恩格勒特和罗伯特·布鲁发表了一篇论文,列出的原理大多与希格斯相同,不过他们的论文发表早了希格斯几个星期。||5:伦敦帝国学院的汤姆·基布尔、杰拉尔德·古拉尔厄克和卡尔·哈根比希格斯晚了几个星期发表了他们的论文。||6:(布鲁死于2011年,但其它四人仍然活着,且所有人都有望获得诺贝尔奖。 | ||1:Scientists, not surprisingly, are no different from other people.||2:Some jockey for kudos while other (often more deserving) candidates are left behind.||3:Thus, in 1964, six theorists came up with similar ideas about particle physics and submitted their papers within the space of a month.||4:In Brussels Fran.||5:ois Englert and Robert Brout published a paper outlining much the same mechanism as Mr Higgs, though they did it several weeks before him.||6:Tom Kibble, Gerald Guralnik and Carl Hagen at Imperial College in London published theirs a couple of weeks after him. | |
10 | 60多年过去了,赛马场、马球场和骑士俱乐部开始在中国各个城市经营。而且海外进口马匹越来越多。 | More than 60 years later, race tracks, polo fields and jockey clubs are opening for business in Chinese cities. And, there is a rising number of horses imported from overseas. | |
11 | 虽然仍有少量骆驼由男孩带领着训练,但大部分骆驼已由微型机器人打鞭驱策,这些机器人穿着彩色丝绸骑师服,远程接收随行的白色丰田皮卡的指令。 | Boys still train some camels, but others are whipped along by miniature robots dressed in jockey silks and given orders remotely from white Toyota pickup trucks. | |
12 | 1971年,Coopers放弃了旧公司名称。正式更名为“Jockey”。 | In 1971 Coopers abandoned its old corporate name and became Jockey . | |
13 | 2009年发生了一场流血政变,在一些将军的支持下,一位赛马骑师取得了政权。 | In 2009, there was a coup and some bloodshed and now a former disc jockey is in charge, backed by some generals. | |
14 | ClareBalding运动生涯的初期是一位名业余的骑师,在1990年成为冠军女骑手。 | Clare Balding started her sports career as an amateur jockey and was named Champion Lady Rider in 1990. | |
15 | DiscJockey在1941年第一次被引用,到了1955年产生了DJ。 | Disc jockey is first cited in 1941 and by 1955 has spawned DJ. | |
16 | 布鲁克林的嘻哈音乐节目主持人克À¬克•肯特就在此网站上设计了350双鞋。 | The hip-hop disc jockey known as Clark Kent, of Brooklyn, has designed 350 pairs of shoes on the site. | |
17 | 从20世纪初期开始,骑师的意义就是我们今天所理解的那样,不再改变。 | By the beginning of the 1900s the horse jockey meaning we understand today was firmly in place. | |
18 | 但不同党羽争权夺利时,有军队做后盾就很关键。 | However, when different factions jockey fiercely for power, the support of the military is crucial. | |
19 | 但是Jockey第一次出现在《牛津英语词典》中时,它带着仇恨。 | But the first English citation that appears in The Oxford English Dictionary for Jockey is used in hate. | |
20 | 电台的音乐节目主持人:(在广播)嗨,大家好。我是你们的布鲁西表哥。 | Radio disc jockey : [on radio] Hi, everybody, this is your Cousin Brucie. | |
21 | 电台音乐节目主持人的工作只不过是他迈向这个目标的一步而已。 | The disc jockey job was merely a step toward his goal. | |
22 | 好处在于我们总能找到玩伴。但问题在于当周围有那么多小孩要争夺注意力就成了一项挑战。 | The great thing was there was always someone to play with but the challenge was with so many people around you had to jockey for attention. | |
23 | 离香港马会北京总部不远处是一家七层楼的商场,金宝汇购物中心。 | Not far from the Hong Kong Jockey Club is Jinbao Place, a seven-story mall. | |
24 | 林郑月娥指出,由于私人建筑开发商会着眼于利润最大化,所以赛马会的方案在地块拍卖中比较具有优势。 | The Jockey Club’s plan is preferable to auctioning off the site to private developers who would focus on maximizing profit, Ms. Lam says. | |
25 | 骑师内裤最早出现在1934年,由一家叫Coopers的公司推出。 | Jockey shorts first appeared in 1934 from a company called Coopers. | |
26 | 骑行短裤的结构设计研究 | A research on the structure design of jockey shorts | |
27 | 社交媒介正在变身为沸腾的竞技场,在里面,你和你的竞争对手进行着即时竞技。 | But social media are becoming dynamic arenas where you jockey against your competitors in real time. | |
28 | 委任香港赛马会音乐及舞蹈信托基金受托人委员会成员 | HK Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund Board of Trustees appointments | |
29 | 香港赛马会即属于此类垄断企业,它拥有博彩特许经营权。 | One such monopoly is the Jockey Club, which owns the gambling franchise. | |
30 | 香港政府和香港赛马会合作的大型社区项目之一? | One of the largest community project between the Hong Kong Government and the Hong Kong Jockey Club |