属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-波特兰枪击案嫌犯在逮捕过程中被击毙
属类:经济金融-Arts & Culture 文化艺术-关于你不了解的美国独立日
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-随着新冠病毒蔓延,服务业人员担心工资没有着落
属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-你所不知道的美国独立日
1 | “人们都被困住了,回不了家,所以他们就想,‘为什么不去酒吧呢?’。当公共交通瘫痪的时候,酒吧是最佳去处。”位于曼哈顿西侧的Ned Kelly酒吧的男招待乔伊·墨菲说。 | "”People were stuck and couldn’t get home so they thought, ’why not gather at the local watering hole?’“ said Joey Murphy, Bartender at Ned Kelly’s, on Manhattan’s West Side. “It’s the best place to go when there’s no transportation.”" | |
2 | 邻居的小孩子们做游戏的时候总是跑过来跑过去。毫无疑问小琼尼看到他们玩就会马上加进去跑啊闹的。 | The children in our neighborhood ran around as most children do during play, and joey would jump right in and run and play, too | |
3 | 乔艾,你这话竟象是我小气,舍不得给你似的。 | Joey , you talk as if I begrudged it to you | |
4 | 乔艾打桥牌的门道也精起来了。 | joey becomes adept at bridge | |
5 | 琼尼是第六名,他成功了。 | joey had made the team | |
6 | 外公去世了,撇下妈妈跟乔艾相依为命。 | The grandfather dies, and the mother is alone with joey | |
7 | 我的儿子琼尼降生时,他的双脚向上弯弯着, | My son joey was born with club feet | |
8 | 我可以把三明治送到你的战斗岗位上去,佐伊。 | I can bring sandwiches to your battle station, joey | |
9 | 小家伙真太逗人喜爱了,乔艾啊,要是你能见到他长大该有多好呢。 | He’s so cute, oh, joey , I wish you could see him growing up | |
10 | “爱国者祈祷”的领导人乔伊·吉布森督促成员和支持者在这些活动中武装起来,并说:“每个人都应该始终随着携带枪支,尤其是在我们这种处境中的人们。” | Joey Gibson, the leader of Patriot Prayer, has urged members and supporters to be armed at these events, saying, "Everyone should be carrying around guns at all times, especially people in our situation." | |
11 | 纳森餐厅无可争辩的大胃王是加州的乔伊·切斯纳特。这位36岁的男子包括去年在内已经12次夺冠。他还保持了纳森餐厅在比赛中吃掉最多热狗的记录,吃下了74个热狗。 | The undeniable star eater at Nathan’s is Joey Chestnut of California. The 36-year-old has won the men’s championship 12 times, including last year. He also holds the Nathan’s record for most hot dogs eaten in competition --- 74. | |
12 | 乔伊·英厄姆在密苏里州堪萨斯城的一家餐厅工作。他没有医保。他说,这家餐厅深受商务旅客的欢迎。 | Joey Ingham works at a restaurant in Kansas City, Missouri. He does not have health insurance. The restaurant is popular with business travelers, he says. | |
13 | ||1:这些“阿斯托利亚人”不仅包括梦想变得更有活力的“相当传统的犹太男店主”,还包括一些同性恋者和黑人同盟。||2:一系列结构松散但叙述迷人的冒险故事中描述了本尼和他的朋友“马克西·加诺夫”/“小偷”、“西班牙的乔”和“花哨商品哈里”:他们违背法律,重获贫民窟青年的“违规”惊险刺激。||3:“掮客本尼”和他鲁莽的帮派抢劫了一家经营不正当的珠宝店,幻想成为罗宾汉,还为一半牙买加血统、一半爱尔兰血统的布里克斯顿拳击手“小孩乔伊”加油打气。||4:他们相信“道德框架”让他们的骗局能够进行下去。||5:“小杰克”路易斯是“伦敦南部凶恶人群”、武器级恶棍和进行犯罪游戏的邪恶证据中间的重要人物,他可能会迅速坠入黑暗。 | ||1:These "Astorians" comprise not only "fairly conventional male Jewish shopkeepers" with dreams of a racier existence, but some gay and black confederates.||2:A series of escapades, charmingly told if loosely connected, depict Benny and his mates—among them "Maxie the Ganoff" or "thief", "Spanish Joe" and "Fancy Goods Harry"—as they sidestep the law to recapture the "rule-breaking" thrills of their slumland youth.||3:"Benny the Fixer" and his chutzpadik gang nurture Robin Hood fantasies as they raid a crooked jewellers or cheer on the career of "Kid Joey ", a half-Jamaican, half-Irish Brixton boxer.||4:They believe a "moral framework" blesses their scams.||5:Not so "Little Jack" Lewis—a big cheese among "South London’s more felonious residents", weapons-grade thug and sinister proof that playing at crime may lead swiftly down into darkness. | |
14 | 10年来,乔伊·切斯纳特(Joey Chestnut)赢得了9次男子组比赛。2016年,他在10分钟内吃下70个热狗创下了该比赛的记录。 | In 10 years, Joey Chestnut has won the men’s contest nine times. In 2016, he set a record at the competition by eating 70 hot dogs in 10 minutes. | |
15 | “偷走,真是的,”梅里说:“可怜的乔伊,天真无邪,被邻居家那个聪明的小能人偷走了。” | "Theft, exactly, " Merrie said. "Poor innocent blameless Joey , stolen away by that little intellectual powerhouse next door. " | |
16 | 11岁的乔伊和父母姐姐一起住在美国肯塔基州。 | Joey , 11, lives in Kentucky, USA, with his parents and older sister. | |
17 | 2、我的朋友Joey倒是一点都不在乎那些不同颜色的区域标识和车位编号。 | But my friend Joey was nearly not care about those different color’s area and parking number. | |
18 | 4、有一次无论那些色彩区域标示得如何仔细,Joey都无法找到自己的车。 | One time, Joey couldn’t find his car although those color area marking was detailed. | |
19 | Joey还是一位杰出的作家、演说家以及关于WebSpherePortal及其相关技术方面的讲师。 | Joey is an accomplished author, speaker, and instructor in various topics concerning WebSphere Portal and related technologies. | |
20 | Joey认为“家庭聚会”能帮他拓展人际关系,同时还可以彻底放松。 | Joey believes "home parties" will help him extend his interpersonal relations, while he can relax thoroughly. | |
21 | 澳大利亚人把袋鼠宝宝叫做幼兽,宝宝要在这种天生的育儿袋里一直呆到可以独立生存才出来。 | The joey -- what Australians call a baby kangaroo -- stays in this built-in baby carrier until it can survive independently. | |
22 | 八月底,JoeyDeFrancesco实现了一个满腹不满的员工的梦想:他以一种令人难以置信的奇特的方式辞去了工作。 | In late August, Joey DeFrancesco fulfilled the fantasy of many a disgruntled worker: He quit in an incredibly outlandish fashion. | |
23 | 不打猎的时候,乔伊上学,还喜欢和他的宠物鬃狮蜥莉莉一起看电视。 | When he is not out hunting, Joey attends school and enjoys watching television with his pet bearded dragon lizard, Lily. | |
24 | 船长说,见到生意兴旺很开心,但对岛上到处建设和开发却不待见。 | Captain Joey says he welcomes the boom in business, but not the construction and development everywhere. | |
25 | 当时还有谣言称他与《乔伊》中的女主角安德里亚安•德尔斯相好。 | There were also rumours he was seeing his co-star in Joey , Andrea Anders. | |
26 | 当他敞开心扉,跟我分享他所有的诀窍时,我不禁在头脑里想象,要是他的小乔伊还活着,长大之后会成为一个什么样的机械师。 | When his heart was open, and he was sharing all his secrets, I could only imagine the mechanic little Joey might have become. | |
27 | 得知老太太病倒了,帕蒂和沃尔特赶去北方,留下乔伊在家,由对他满怀鄙视的姐姐来照管。 | At the news of her collapse, Patty and Walter hurried up north, leaving Joey to be supervised by his disdainful older sister. | |
28 | 而且,要是小乔伊吐了,一本书应该比平板电脑要容易清理。 | Also, if little Joey is going to spit up, a book may be easier to clean than a tablet computer. | |
29 | 发烧碟迷及Joeyfans不容错过。 | Audiophile fans and Joey fans should not miss it! | |
30 | 另外一个喜欢乔伊喜欢到不得了的人是莫纳亨家里的小姑娘康妮。 | The other person who loved Joey inordinately was the Monaghan girl, Connie. |